ПрезКонспект урока Свободное время

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат docx
Изображения Есть
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Конспект урока

  1. Оргмомент

Т: Good morning children. I am glad to see you.

P: Good morning. We are glad to see you too.

T: Sit down, please.

  1. Игровой момент

T: Look at the blackboard. You can see some pictures. (Слайд 2 +)They will help you to guess the topic of our today's lesson. So, who knows the answer?

P: Free time activities. (хором).

T: Раскрывает на доске карточки с названием темы урока. (Слайд 3+)

  1. Целеполагание

T: So, boys and girls how do you think, what will we do at the lesson? (Слайд 4+)

P1: We will speak about free time.

P2: Repeat words.

P3: Revise grammar rules.

T: You are right, children.

  1. Повторение и закрепление лексики

Т: Now, children, look at the screen, please and repeat the words after me.

P: Повторяют слова хором, читая их на слайде. (Слайд 5+).

T: Well done. Now boys and girls please open your books at page 34. Let's do ex. 1

ПрезКонспект урока Свободное время

P: Читают слова из упражнения. Находят соответствия между картинками и словами. Находят слова, которые не изображены на картинках. (Слайд 6+)

T: Now children, look at the screen please. You can see a verb collocation. Who wants to read the first one?

P: Читают выражения со слайда. Дают им русские эквиваленты.

  1. Развитие умений монологической речи

Т: Ok, dear boys and girls, let's look at the screen and see how British teens spend their free time. Some of them like to turn their free time into cash. They do the things they like such as paper round, babysit, cutting lawns, walking dogs, washing cars and etc. Now, please tell me about your free time. Look at ex. 4 at p. 34. Complete the sentences with true information about you. (Cлайд 7+)ПрезКонспект урока Свободное время

T: Well done, children. Now let me tell you about me hobby. I like cars. When I drive a car I feel great. And what about your hobbies, dear children? (дети рассказывают о своих хобби)



  1. Физкультурная минутка

T: Dear boys and girls you all worked hard and now it's time to have a rest.

P: Выполняют движения по образцу на экране.

  1. Работа с грамматическим материалом

T: Excellent. Now we had a little rest. It's time to work again. We will revise Present Simple. Let's open our books at page 36 and do ex. 3. Who wants to read and translate the task?

P1: Читает и переводит задание к упражнению.

T: Now please lets read the sentences in correct forms. (Дети читают предложения, выбирая нужный вариант ответа).

ПрезКонспект урока Свободное время

  1. Проектная деятельность. Создание кластера по теме.

T: Now dear pupils we have revised the topic "Free time" . Lets try to make a cluster. I will divide you into 2 teams. The first team will make an indoor activities cluster and the second one will make a cluster with outdoor activities. Pictures on the screen will help you.

P: Работают в группах. Создают кластеры. Обмениваются кластерами. Презентуют свои работы у доски.

  1. Подведение итогов. ? (Как правильно назвать этап). -Заключительный-??

T: So, dear boys and girls, who can tell me what did we learn today and what do we know now.

P1: Vocabulary on the topic "Free Time";

P2: Verbs collocation;

P3: Free time activities of British teens;

P4: Free time activities of Russian classmates.

T: Well done!

  1. Рефлексия (Метод светофорчика).

T: Children, thank you very much for your work. You all worked good. Now I will give you cards. They are different color. Green, yellow and red. Green color means the lesson was great, yellow color means you liked the lesson, but not very much and the red one means you didn't like the lesson. Please, show me the card you choose today.

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