Урок Сезоны и погоды

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Урок Сезоны и погоды

Открытый урок

в 5 классе

по теме

«Сезоны и погода»

Учитель Новоазовской общеобразовательной

школы I-III ступеней №2

Кушнаренко Лариса Эмильяновна

Тема: Сезоны и погода.

Подтема: Структура "going to be".

Тип урока: Урок развития речевых умений.


Образовательные: 1. Ознакомить учащихся со структурой "going to be".

2. Закрепить лексику по теме «Сезоны и погода».

3. Активизировать употребление лексики по теме

«Сезоны и погода» на уровне предложений.

Развивающие: 1. Развивать навыки устной речи и языковой догадки.

2. Развивать слуховую, зрительную и

долговременную память.

3. Развивать логику мышления.

Воспитательная: Воспитывать культуру общения, чувство взаимной

ответственности, прививать навыки работы в коллективе.

Оборудование: Учебник О. Карпюк «Английский язык для 5 класса»,

презентация «Сезоны и погода», конверты с буквами,

карточки с материалами диалога, карточки с рисунком

цветка, музыкальное сопровождение физкультминутки,

презентация к уроку, презентация песни «Песня про

погоду, цветные карандаши.

Этап учебного занятия, мотивация


Речь учителя

Речь ученика


1.Организационный момент.


Психологический настрой на работу.

2 мин.

  • Hello! How are you?

  • Let`s sing the song?

  • So, how are you, Kate?

  • And you, Nikita?

  • Fine. How are you?

  • With pleasure.

Hello, how are you today?

Hello, how are you?

I`m hungry, thirsty, hot and cold and happy and angry.

  • I`m hungry.

  • I`mthirsty.

Звучит песня.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

Введение в иноязычную речь.

2 мин.

-What letter is this?

- This is the first letter of the alphabet and it gives sounds.

Read all together.

- It is A

- A fat cat sat on a mat.

- There is a plate, a cake and a grape on the table.

- A dark car in a park.


Запись на доске.

3. Объявление темы и цели урока.

Через познавательно-игровую деятельность учеников определить тему урока.

2 мин.

Now, let`s join the groups. The winner will get a smile. Make up the words from the letters.

Spring, summer, autumn and winter are seasons. So, the theme of our lesson, as you guess, is seasons and weather.

What should we do?

-We should revise the words on the topic "Seasons and weather".

-We`llpractice in listening, reading, speaking and writing about seasons and weather.

-We`ll learn to use the structure "going to be" in Future.

The words: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Слайды 2 и 3

Основная часть урока.

4.Ответы на вопросы.

Развитие внимательности, логики мышления. Использование элементов соревнования.

5 мин.

- How many seasons has a year?

-What are they?

- Guess what season is it?

- How many months have a year?

-What are they?

-How many months has a season?

- Fill in the table with the words from the box. The pupils from the each group go to the blackboard. The winner will get a smile.

-A year has 4 seasons.

- They are: winter, summer, spring and autumn.

It is….

-A year has 12 months.

- They are: January, February…

- A season has 4 months.

Слайды 4-12

Слайд 13






December, October, July, June, May….

5.Повторение лексики по теме «Погода».

Развитие долговременной памяти. Снятие лексических трудностей.

3 мин.

-What kind of weather do we have?

-Match the weather to the symbols.

Open your books and write down the date.

Do the tests.

Hot, cold, warm, cool, windy, raining, snowing, sunny, a thunderstorm, a rainbow, a lightning, cloudy, foggy, clear, fine, bright, chilly, frosty.

Key: 1d,2e,3a,4f,5c,6b.

Слайды 14-29

Слайд 30 (письменно в тетрадях.)

6.Составление диалога.

Развитие навыков устной речи. Побуждение к речевому поступку.


Open your books on page 146. Ask and answer in pairs. Use the pictures.

Ask and answer in pairs what weather do you like?

-What is the weather like in picture 1?

-It is chilly and foggy.

-What weather do you like?

-I like hot weather.

Учебник Карпюк, 5 класс, №2, с.146.

Использование карточек.

7.Аудирование текста.

Развитие внимательности для ответного речевого поступка.

4 мин.

There are 4 names: Tom, Kate, Jack and Sue. Guess what season do the children like?

  1. Tom: I like frosty weather but I don`t like a snow storm. Besides, I like to play hockey and snowballs and make a snowman.

  2. Kate: It`s so beautiful season. The fresh green grass and green leaves on the trees. The birds come back from the North. The weather is cool, sometimes warm. As for me, it is the best season.

  3. Jack: Many children don`t like this season because the weather is getting colder and colder and the days are getting shorter. It often rains.

  4. Sue: I like this season best of all. I have my birthday in August. The weather is hot and sunny. There are many vegetables and fruits. I play outside with my friends. We have holiday.

-What seasons do the children like?

Tom likes… Kate likes…

Jack likes… Sue likes…

Текстдляаудирования. Слайд 31

Запись на доске.

8. Песня про погоду.

2 мин.

We have revised the words on the topic, and have done some exercises. It`s high time to relax. Let`s sing the song.

With pleasure.

What`s the weather?

It`s sunny.

What`s the weather?

It`s rainy.

All together

That`s the weather.

Sun, rain, wind, storm

Hot, cold, cool, warm

What`s the weather?

It`s cloudy

What`s the weather?

It`s windy

All together

That`s the weather

In the summer

It is hot

In the winter

It is not

In the spring

Now are flowers

In the autumn

Now are showers

What`s the weather?

It`s frosty

What`s the weather?

It`s foggy

All together

That`s the weather

Sun, rain, wind, storm

Hot, cold, cool, warm

What`s the weather?

It`s snowing

What`s the weather?

It`s blowing

All together

That`s the weather

In the summer

It is hot

In the winter

It is not

In the spring

Now are flowers

In the autumn

Now are showers

All together} 3t.

That`s the weather}

Звучит песня.


Развитие внимательности для четкого выполнения приказаний.

1 мин.

Some more minutes to relax.

Imagine it is spring. The weather is awaking. The leaves are moving. It`s so beautiful. The weather is fine.

It issummer. The best season for children. They have summer holidays.

They can run, jump, climb, swim, dance, sing.

It is autumn. The weather is bad and cold. The leaves are falling slowly, slowly. The wind is blowing.

It is winter. The weather is cold and sometimes frosty. Children like skiing, skating, playing snowballs. Well, the nature sleeps. It sleeps until next spring.


учащиеся выполняют упражнения.

10.Работа с текстами.

Развитие навыков поискового чтения с полным пониманием текста.

3 мин.

Open your books on page 153, ex.2

Read the postcards and guess where these people are. Open your exercise-books, write down ex.2, p.153. Kate, do the ex. At the blackboard.

Every pupil gets a smile for correct answer.

Key: a - London; b - Rome; c - Oslo;

d - Manchester; e - Odesa.

Учащиеся читают тексты и записывают верный вариант на доске/

11.Введение структуры "going to be".

Развитиеграмматическихнавыков, логики мышления, догадки.

Использование межпредметных связей.

5 мин.

If we want to tell about weather forecast for tomorrow we can use the structure "going to be" «собираетсябыть», «будет». Сравнитеit wil be, it is going to be. The same structures.

Open your books on page 155 ex.4

We can see a map with different countries. Read the names of these countries.

Under the map you can see the symbols. Using the structure "going to be" say what weather it`s going to be in different countries. For example: It`s going to be foggy in France tomorrow.

England, Russia, France…

It`s going to be frosty in Russia tomorrow.

Слайд 32

12. Работа над диалогом по карте.

Развитие навыков диалогической речи с использованием межпредметных связей.

7 мин.

Using the map and the symbols, let`s make up the dialogues.

A: Hello, Vika.

B: Hello, Stas. How are you?

A: I`m fine. Where are you now?

B: I`m in England. And you?

A: I`m in Germany. What`s the weather like in England?

B: It`s cool, wet and rainy. The wind is blowing. And what about Germany?

A: It`s cool and rainy too. The weather is bad.

13. Ответы на вопросы о погоде на сегодняшний день.

Связь теории с практикой.

1 мин.

Look at the window.

What season is it?

What month is it?

Is the weather bad or fine?

Is it sunny today?

Is it snowy today?

What is the weather like today?

It is winter.

It is January.

It is bad.

No, it isn`t.

Yes? It is.

It is windy and cold today.

14. Рефлексия.

Что нового узнали на уроке.

Домашнее задание.

Выставление оценок.

Выявление группы победителя.

Разрисовать цветок одним цветом, если урок не понравился, разными цветами, если урок понравился.

2 мин.

Today we have known the structure "going to be" and done ex.4, p.155 aurally. At home you will write the sentences in your exercise books. Open your day books and write down your homework.

Let` count your smiles. Which group is the winner?

Your marks….

You have got the cards with flowers. If you don`t like the lesson colour it with one colour, if you like it - with many colours.

Thank you for the lesson. Good-bye.

Слайд 32

Слайд 33

Карточки с цветком, цветные карандаши.

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