Разработка урока Животные в 6 классе

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
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Конспект урока «Животные»

в 6 классе

провела: Ермакова.М.В

учитель английского языка

МБОУ СОШ №7 г.Бирска


Образовательная: развитие эрудиции и общего кругозора учащихся

Развивающая: развитие у учащихся языковых и познавательных способностей, памяти, воображения, коммуникативной компетенции, навыков аудирования, развитие навыков монологической речи по теме «Животные»

Воспитательная цель: поддержание и развитие у детей интереса к изучению английского языка, воспитание культуры общения

Учебно-методическое обеспечение: карточки с лексическим материалом, картинки с изображением животных

Техническое обеспечение: магнитофон, проектор, компьютер, аудиокассета с записью, презентация

Ход урока

1) Приветствие

Good morning, children! I'm glad to see you!

What is the date today? What is the day of week today?

Have you got any pets? What are they?

2) Постановка целей, задач урока

Listen to me and tell what do these sentences describe?

They need water

They have teeth

They can move around

They grow

They have got legs

They can die

What are they? What shall we speak about?

Ps: animals

T: You are quite right.

Today at the lesson we are revising all we know about animals. We'll try to describe the animals. Learn new and interesting facts about them. We'll try to compare a zoo and a wild park. We'll decide how to help animals.

Let's start!

3) Фонетическая зарядка

Отработка звуков в словах по теме «Животные»

4) Речевая зарядка

T: Answer my questions

What kind of animals do you know?

Ps: Animals can be wild or domestic

T: Where can animals live?

Ps: Animals can live in the forest, in the sea, in the ocean, at the farm, in the zoo, at home, in the wild parks, in the wild.

T: What can animals eat?

Ps: They can eat meat, milk, leaves from the trees, fish, mice, flies, mosquitoes.

T: What can they do?

Ps: They can run, jump, twitter, fly, swing, growl, chatter, swim, hunt

T: What animals do you know? Let's describe them.

P1: In the picture I can see a fox. It is a wild animal. It is red. It lives in the forest. It is independent, cunning, clever. It has small ears, a long tail and a long nose. It can eat hares and mice. I like this animal, because it is nice.

(учащиеся описывают животных)

T: Listen to my definitions and try to guess the animal I speak about.

  1. This animal can swim very long distances. (Whale)

  2. This animal can understand lots of human commands.(dog)

  3. This animal can run very fast.(Leopard)

  4. This animal can travel through the desert for long distances without water.(camel)

  5. This animal is at the emblem of Australia.(kangaroo)

  6. This animal can change their skin several times a year.(snake)

  7. This animal can pick things up with their trunk.(elephant)

  8. This animal can provide us with wool.(sheep)

  9. This animal is the symbol of our country.(bear)

10)This bird has got a very beautiful and nice tail. (Peacock)

T: It's time to listen to your stories about animals

(дети читают свои загадки)

T: We live in the city. Where can we see the animals?

Ps: We can see them at the zoos.

T: Have you ever been to the zoo? To the wild park? To the farm?

Take my card and make up a dialogue

T: Let's listen to the dialogue about visiting the zoo and other places

5) Мини-диалоги

(учащиеся вытаскивают карточку с названием места, которое они хотят посетить и составляют диалоги)



-What are you going to do on Sunday?

-I don't know yet. What can you suggest?

-Let's go to the zoo.

-What animals can we see there?

-We can see there a lot of animals: bears, wolfs, crocodiles, monkeys.

-What is your favorite animal?

-My favorite animal is an elephant.

-Really? Why?

-It is a very big and curious animal. It can pick things with the trunk. It is so funny.

-OK. Let's go.



6) Устная речь

T: Look! We have got a zoo here. Do you want to be the director of the zoo? Let's listen to the poem about it.

(учащийся читает стихотворение)

You said that animals lived in different places.

T: What do you know about zoos?

P1: (рассказывает про зоопарки)

Every big city has got a zoo. There are a lot of different animals there. Such as lions, tigers, monkeys, penguins and others. All animals are in cages, they don't have a chance to run and jump as they like. They are not free. People feed animals with good food for them every day. People keep them in the cages to show animals to other people.

T: What do you know about wild parks?

P2: In wild parks we learn and understand more about animals. Parks saves endangered animals. Animals can jump and run they like. But people don't feed them. They catch their food themselves. Tourists have a chance to take photos of animals. Scientists investigate and watch animals. Animals are under the protection of people. Nobody can hunt in the wild park. Animals have more space for living in wild parks.

T: What is the difference between a zoo and a wild animal's park?

Ps: (используют таблицу)

T: Where do animals have a better place to live and why?

Ps: I think that a better place to live for animals is the wild park, because they are free and they can run and jump as they like.

T: Do different animals meet each other in zoos and in parks?

Ps: Animals can meet each other in the wild parks.

T: Is it safe for scientists to work in a park?

Ps: It is not safe for scientists to work in a park, because they can meet wild animals.

T: Do you think you can learn more about animals at zoos or at wild animal parks?

Ps: I think I can learn more about animals at zoos, because I can see them in cages, I can see what they eat and drink.

T: Can you take your pet with you to the wild park?

Ps: No, I can't, because it is dangerous.

T: What do you think is better for animals? To live in the zoo? To live in the wild park? To live in the wild?

Ps: I think that it is better for animals to live in the wild, because it is their natural habitat.

7) Просмотр фильма

T: Now you will watch a film. Be very attentive, do the task.

-Mummy, what are they talking about?

-They are talking about animals, which are extinct and endangered.

-What is extinct animal, mummy?

-Extinct is when something is totally gone from the face of the Earth.

-Are there a lot of animals, that are extinct?

-Yes, See the program is showing us some animals that were extinct already.

-Mummy, there are also animals that are extinct.

-Yes. Do you know why?

-Most of the animals extinct because of human factors like hunting.

Another factor is because the humans clear the land for development.

-Can you think of other factors? (Humans pollute water)

-Mummy there are lots of endangered animals. What should we do?

-Children, what do you think we can do to help the animals?

-There are a lot of ways to help them.

We should help to save the forest, because it is their home.

We also need to keep the water clean so the animals have clean water to drink.

We should stop people from hunting the animals.

So, now you know the ways to protect the animals.

-I know I will do my best to prevent the animals.

-So, let's take care of the animals on this earth together!

What should we do to save animals?

Ps: We mustn't cut the forests.

We mustn't pollute water

We mustn't hunt the animals

We must plant the trees and flowers

We must help animals in winter

We must clean water and forest

8) Работа с о стихотворением

T: It's time to read the poem

Dear boys and girls!

Today you are going camping
With your family, friends or class.
Please help us, don't drop any litter!
Because your litter lives longer than us!

Today we are still in your forests,
In the sky, in the rivers, but look:
Don't kill us! Because your children
Will see us in picture books

With love,


9) Подведение итогов урока

Today you worked hard. And I think, that you know how you can help animals. Thank you for your work. At home you will write a letter to your pen friend and invite him to take part in the action "Let's help animals"

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