Разработка урока Идеальный друг

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Разработка урока

Тема: What is an ideal friend?

Цели: (учебная) - совершенствовать навыки чтения, говорения (монологической и диалогической речи) грамматические и лексические навыки

Развивающие - 1) развивать речевые способности (догадка)

2) развивать психологические функции (память, вникание и т.д.)

3) развивать умение общаться (речевой этикет)

Познавательные: приобретать знания о культуре страны изучаемого языка, о строе языка

Воспитательная - воспитывать уважение к людям, которые тебя окружают

Задачи: 1) прочитать рекламные объявления английских школьников и письмо , ответить на вопросы

2)разыграть диалог по заданной теме по группам

3) предоставить свой мини проект идеального друга

4) составить общий образ идеального друга

5) игра составить слово

Ход урока

I. Организация начала урока

Hello my friends. Sit down, please I am glad to see. I think you are not tired after your two lessons. How are you today? So what shall we do today? At the end our lesson you will try to answer this question? What is an ideal friend?

(знакомство с задачами урока)

Today you will

1) read the advertisements of british boys and girls , and a letter of Richie Rich

2) we listen to your dialogues about friendship

You should prove one of these statements the first: Yes, there is an ideal friend

The second: There is a good friend but not ideal.

The third: There is no ideal friend.

3) present your mini projects one by one

4) finally you make a portrait of an ideal friend

II. Чтение объявлений и письма (Ex 1p. 166)

  1. Open your books at p.166 Ex 1

Now you will read the advertisements of british boys and girls who want to find a friend.

(Start reading please)

Before read the question. You listen and try to answer this question which of them would you like to make friends with and why?

P1- P2-P3

( after reading) So what are your opinions?

  1. 2 p-167 Чтение письма

Now you will read the letter of Esmeralda Salazar, one of the Harvey Comics readers.

Start reading.

Answer these questions.

  1. What does it mean for Richie Rich to be rich

  2. Do you think Richie Rich will agree with the proverb (пословица) "They are rich who have true friends."

And what about you do you agree with this proverb that they are rich who have true friends.

  1. What proverbs do you know about friends and friend ship Remember No man is useless while he has a friend.

Poem p.158

III. Развитие диалогической речи

At home, you had to prepare the dialogues. You should prove one of these statements

  1. Yes, there is friend

  2. There is a good friend but not ideal

  3. There is no ideal friend at all

You are welcome

The first group, then the second

For all that, how do you think if there is an ideal friend?

IV. Представление проекта"An ideal friend"

Tell me the most important qualities to your mind.

Does the friend's appearance matter for you? What matters? What about your friend? Is she/he true?

V. Составление общего портрета идеального друга

( на доске висит плакат с контурами человека)

Now, you are going to make the portrait of an ideal friend according your imagination.

Let's imagine him/her. So you come to the blackboard write your own features of an ideal friend and explain why you have chosen this one (сделать вывод)

VI. Разгадывание кроссворда. ( word power)

( activity book p. 58 ex 9)

I propose you to make words.

VII.Подведение итогов, выставление оценок

So we finish. I think it was not bad I give you good and excellent marks.

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