Упражнения на тему Past Simple ( 5-6 класс)

Здесь представлены упражнения по теме: "Прошедшее время" (для 5-6 классов). Можно использовать и в 4 классе. Упражнения направлены на закрепление грамматического материала: употребление was или were, нахождение слов-спутников прошедшего времени, употребление глагола в прошедшем времени, использование в речи прошедшего времени, повторение существительных. Примеры заданий: 1.     Find the verbs in Past Simple.  2.     Match the 2 parts and make up a sentence. Соедините. 3.     Find the verbs that ...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат doc
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Past Simple. Exercises.

  1. Find the verbs in Past Simple. Найдите глаголы в прошедшем времени и выпишите.

One day during the autumn holidays the pupils of our class went to the Darwin Museum. It was so interesting there. We saw very big animals that lived many, many years ago. We learned a lot of interesting things about animals. We went home at one o'clock in the afternoon.

  1. Match the 2 parts and make up a sentence. Соедините.

  1. Bob wasn't last summer.

  2. I was at home yesterday

  3. We watch TV last night.

  4. The pupils were absent last Friday.

  5. She came to Moscow last summer.

  6. Ann wasn't at home last year.

  1. Find the verbs that are used. Underline them. Найдите слова, указывающие на прошедшее время, и подчеркните их.

Last Sunday my mother and father had their day off.

    1. We saw very big animals that lived many, many years ago.

    2. Mary didn't do her homework yesterday.

    3. I was ill last month.

    4. Jill was in London last year.

    5. We had four tickets to the theatre.

    6. One day during the autumn holidays the pupils of our class went to the Darwin Museum.

    7. The pupils are writing now.

    8. I read Hamlet last year.

    9. He gets up at 7 o'clock every day.

    10. Did you eat dinner last night?

  1. Put the verbs into past Simple. Переделайте предложения. Поставьте их в прошедшее время.

Образец: Mike is in class today. Mike was in class yesterday.

    1. I'm at school today.

    2. Mary is at the library today.

    3. Jill and Ann are at home today.

    4. You are busy today.

    5. Ann and Tom are ill today.

  1. Put the verbs into Past Simple. Поставьте глаголы в прошедшую форму.

Laugh, please, go, tell, knock, dress, become, wake, try, write, spend, make.

  1. Put the pronouns instead of nouns. Замените существительные местоимениями

Jill and Ann - they, I and my father , my brother , his sister, her parents, their car, his table, Tom and Jill, a cat.

  1. Open the brackets. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Past Simple

    1. We (buy) a new bag yesterday. 2) Tom ( do) his work last week. 3) Kate (be) in Paris last year. 4) Last year we (go) to the sea. 5) My friend Alex (invite) me to see his new flat. 6) I (like) the film very much.

  2. Use was/were. Выберите was/were

    1. The pupils ___ happy to have their holidays.

    2. When I was five I ___ very short.

    3. It ___ not cold in autumn.

    4. During my holidays my sister and I ___ in London.

    5. Last summer we ___ in London.

    6. When Mike and his friends ___ 9 they ___ in the fourth form.

9. What did you do yesterday? Опишите, что вы делали вчера.

to have five lessons - иметь 5 уроков

to play the piano - играть на пианино

to go for a walk - гулять на улице

to have English lessons - иметь английский

to draw pictures - рисовать

to watch TV - смотреть телевизор

to read books - читать книги

to do homework - делать домашнее задание

to help your mother about the house - помогать маме по дому

to meet with friends - встречаться с друзьями

to go to grandmother and grandfather - навещать бабушку и дедушку

to learn poems - учить стихи

to play with your pat - играть с домашним животным

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