Внеклассное мероприятие на английском языке Праздник Рождества

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Внеклассное мероприятие, посвященное Рождеству.

Цели мероприятия:

  • развитие учебно-коммуникативных умений;

  • расширение лексического запаса;

  • формирование и развитие социокультурной компетенции через знакомство с культурой и традициями страны изучаемого языка;

  • развитие творческих способностей.

Звучит песня "Silent night".

Выходит ведущая.

В. Good afternoon dear friends and our guests. It's a great holiday today, which is celebrated by all the Catholics around the world. It's Christmas.

Making Memories

Christmas is a time of joy, (Рождество, это время для радости,)

A time for love and cheer, (Время для любви и веселья,)

A time for making memories, (Время предаваться воспоминаниям,)

To last throughout the year (О прошедшем годе.)

В. This day means a lot for every person. On this day Christ was born.

Исполняется песня «Carol of the bell»

В. Homes are beautifully decorated and cities come alive with Christmas lights. Many parents tell their children that Santa Claus will bring them gifts if they are good throughout the year. People buy Christmas trees and decorate them together with all members of their families.

Poem "A secret".

A Secret

(Секрет) by Laurie Brignac

Do you know why the pine trees (Вы знаете почему сосны)

Stand so straight and tall? (Так высоки и стройны?)

How do they keep their branches (Отчего они держат ветви)

stiff and straight (упруго и прямо)

And never stoop at all? (И никогда не сутулятся?)

It really is a secret, (Это действительно секрет,)

Which the north wind told to me - (Который рассказал мне северный ветер -)

That every pine tree hopes some day, (Каждая сосна надеется однажды,)

To be a Christmas tree! (Стать Рождественским деревом!)

В. Christmas Eve is the time to place wrapped gifts under the tree. Stockings are hung by the fireplace with small gifts and treats placed inside. Children look forward to Santa's coming.

Poem "Santa"


Santa comes on Christmas Eve (Санта приходит в канун Рождества)

Seeking those who yet believe (Ищет тех, кто еще верит)

Through a frosty winter night (Сквозь морозную зимнюю ночь)

In a sleigh with reindeer flight (В санях прилетит на оленях)

Bringing joy to large and small (Принося радость большим и малым)

Merry Christmas one and all. (С Рождеством всех и каждого.)

В. No one feast is celebrated without a song. "Santa Claus is coming to town". Meet the students of the 8th "A" and the 9th "A" forms.

"Santa Claus is coming to town"

В. On Christmas Day families and friends exchange gifts. Many families gather together, sing Christmas carols and eat a big meal. A typical Christmas dinner includes a roast turkey, ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, pudding, pies and lots of Christmas cookies. People attend different performances on this day. The students of the 6th form have prepared an extract from the book "Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain.

Отрывок из книги.

В. Time with families and friends is a very important part of the holiday. We have gathered together to attend a small singing contest. Meet our jury.

Ведущий представляет жюри.

Песни на английском языке.

В. While we are waiting for results I suggest you some riddles.

1. What is white and made out of snow? (A snowman)

2. What is the end of Christmas? (The letter S)

3. We dream about them all night before Xmas? (Presents)

4. We usually put them on, but once a year we hang them for the presents? (Stockings)

5. A special Xmas song which is sung during Christmas time. (carol)

6. Russian Santa Clause. (Father Frost)

7. Traditional Christmas dish. (turkey)

8. The place where the English children hang their stockings at night waiting for their presents (fireplace)

9. We decorate…with toys, glass balls, sweets, bells. (Christmas tree)

В. Listen to the results.

Жюри оглашает результаты.

В. Christmas is a large card sending occasion. Our students made wonderful cards too. But whose card is the best? S.V. wants to tell some words about it.

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