Buckley House (6 класс)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат docx
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Buckley House (6 класс)

Buckley House (6 класс) Buckley House (6 класс)

Grade: 6

Teacher: A.Sharipbai

2015-2016 school year

6 сынып

Сабақтың тақырыбы: Buckley house

Сабақтың мақсаты: " Buckley house " тақырыбы бойынша

оқушылардың білімін жетілдіру;

Есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту;

Ағылшын тілін құрметтеуге тәрбиелеу.

Сабақ әдісі: сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі: аралас сабақ

Көрнекілігі: тақырыптық суретте

Пән аралық байланыс: қазақ тілі

Сабақ барысы (Organization moment):


А)оқушылардың сәлемдесуі;

Б) оқушыларды журнал бойынша түгендеу;

В)жаңа тақырыпты және мақсаттарын айтып кету.

Talking with the pupil on duty.

Who is on duty today?

Who is absent today?

What is the date today?

What day is it today?

What is the weather like today?

IІ. Үй тапсырмасын тексеру. (Checking up the home task)

  • Let's check your home task.

  • I'll show you cards with words, you should read, translate and say past forms of the verbs. Put these words into four groups. Give a name to each group.

The nouns the professions the foods the rooms


________ ______ ______ ______ ________ ______ ______ ______

________ ______ ______ ______

A fridge тоңазытқыш

A washing machine кір жуғыш машинасы

А television теледидар

A vacuum cleaner шаңсорғыш

A bed төсек

A lamp шам

A carpet кілемше

An architect архитектор

A teacher мұғалім

A engineer инженер

An accountant бухгалтер,есепші

A doctor дәрігер

A driver жүргізуші

A secretary хатшы

A banana банан

An orange апельсин

A pomegranate анар

An apple алма

A lemonade лимонад

A chips чипсы

A bread нан

A milk сүт

A corridor дәліз

A living room тұрғын бөлме

A bathroom жуынатын бөлме

A bedroom ұйықтайтын бөлме

A toilet дәретхана

A kitchen ас бөлме

A study жұмыс бөлме

IІІ. The cerebral storm

Answer the questions.

- Who knows the English alphabet better?
- Do you know numerals? Count from 1to 20.

- How much is it verb?

- How much is the noun?

ІV. New theme.

Read and listen.

Exercise 5a. Read the text and find the answers to the following question.

"Buckley house "

Exercise 5b. Talk to your partner then have the questions. Before you read look at

these questions:

  • Where is Buckley house?

  • How many kitchens are there?

  • How many double rooms are there?

  • Who is the manager of Buckley house?

  • How many telephones are there?

Сөздік жұмыс (new words)

Hostel ['hostl] жатахана

View ['vju:] көрініс

Double [d^bl] екеу

Ensuite [a:n'swi:t] люкс

Locate [lәu'keit] тұрғын орынды анықтау

Excellent ['eksәlәnt] жақсы

Convenient [kәn'vi:njuәnt] ыңғайлы

Conveniently ыңғайырақ

Inform [in'fo:m] хабарлау

Information ақпарат, мәлімет

Reserve [ri'sә:v] алдын ала тапсырыс беру

Reservation [rezә'veiSәn] алдын ала берілген тапсырыс

V. Writing.

Exercise 5c. Write the following words under the right column and check it.

[o] [ә] [ei] [i:] [j:] [^] [e] [i] [ei] [ju:]








Exercise 6. Write a letter.

Imagine that you are an English teacher. You are going to take a group of 10 pupils to England for two weeks in July. In the group there are 6 girls and 4 boys.).

Write a letter to the manager of the Buckley House hostel, saying what you are planning to do asking for more information and making reservations for the group and yourself .

Your teacher will help you to set out the letter (сендердің мұғалімің сендерге хатта баяндауға көмектеседі).

Example: Dear, Buckley House.

My name is ….. I am teacher in Karashoky school. I want to take a seat. Me two weeks, one to six girls, four boys and me. If there are not very expensive.

VI. Speaking.

Exercise 7. Listen and practise the pronunciation. Which adjectives do you want to use when you describe your flat or house?

Exercise 8. Discuss the following guestion. First, look at the picture of this house. Now, draw a plan of your own house or flat. Activity 7 (or some of your own) in the the rooms on your plan. Then, in fours, talk about your plan and answer the question: why have you chosen these adjectives for each room?

VII. Conclusion.

Exercise 9a. Listen to your teacher. Your teacher will read some sentences. Listen very carafully and decide which room your teacher is describing.

A guessing game (Ролевые игры)

  1. The plan is behind the door. The bin is between the TV and the door. There is a small table between the TV and an armchair. The TV is in the corner opposite the sofa. The sofa is opposite the door. The lamp is on the small table. There are three pictures on the wall above the sofa. The are two armchairs in the room. There is no rug in the room.

  2. In this room there is a rug, a cupboard, a mirror, a table and a telephone, a light switch and a door. In this room there are pictures on the wall, lamps, keys, stairs and stools. (Hall)

  3. There is a sofa near the wall. There is a stereo near the fireplace. There are vases on the table and on the TV. There is a rug near the fireplace. There is a cat under the table. (Living room)

  4. There is a bed near the wall. There are two white pillows on the bed. There is a blue and white blanket on the bed. There is a chest of drawers near the bed. There is a lamp near the bed. There is a table near the window. There is a stool near the table. (Bedroom)

  5. There is a table in centre of the room and four chairs near the table. There are a lot of cups and some saucers on the table. There is a cupboard, a fridge, a stove, a toaster and a dishwasher in this room. (Kitchen)

Exercise 9c Compare your plan with your partners and draw the house.

VIІI. Giving homework.

- Your home task is ex11 a,b p157.

ІX. Giving marks.

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