Урок по теме Красота английского пейзажа

Цель урока: Развитие у учеников эстетического восприятия мира, умения ценить прекрасное в искусстве и поэзии, умения ощущать себя неотъемлемой частицей окружающего мира. Задачи урока:            совершенствование навыков монологической речи через художественное описание красо­ты природы Англии (Девон, Корнуолл, Озер­ный край)              расширение лексического запаса на примере по­эзии Оскара Уайлда («Симфония в желтых то­нах»), Хелен Хант Джексон («Ясный октябрьс­кий день»), а также на пример...
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учитель английского языка

Тхамокова Инна Хачимовна

Цель урока:

Развитие у учеников эстетического восприятия мира, умения ценить прекрасное в искусстве и поэзии, умения ощущать себя неотъемлемой частицей окружающего мира.

Задачи урока:

  • совершенствование навыков монологической речи через художественное описание красо­ты природы Англии (Девон, Корнуолл, Озер­ный край)

  • расширение лексического запаса на примере по­эзии Оскара Уайлда («Симфония в желтых то­нах»), Хелен Хант Джексон («Ясный октябрьс­кий день»), а также на примере описания кар­тины Морланда «Приближающийся шторм».

Teacher: Today we'll speak about nature, its beau-i and its role in the life of people, about the problems which face the mankind in connection with the task of preserving the environment.

I'd like you to begin your work by drilling some of the expressions you will most probably need.

The list of word combinations:

- to be famous for, to be noted for

- to attract (visitors, crowds of tourists)

- one of its attractions is...

- sandy beaches, warm sea, good fishing, forest full of flowers and berries and mush­rooms, mountains, mineral springs...

- to add to the beauty of the place

- wonderful surroundings

- the scenery of ... is noted for its beauty

- the sighs of cliffs, meadows bright with flowers, crystal clear water of the small river...

- combination of modern (ancient, national) architecture with beautiful surroundings...

- numerous places of interest connected with the history of the region, (architectural or revolutionary traditions, the events of the war) attract ...

- the peculiar feature of the place (spot, tour­ist center)

- the peculiarity of the place...

- the place owes its peculiarity to...

Teacher: Will you describe the place where you spent your summer holidays using some of these word combinations? (the pupils' answers comprise 2-3 sentences).

Teacher: Your home work will be connected wit this kind of works. You will enlarge on the topic: describing your favorite place and pointing to its peculiarities.

Teacher: The beauty of nature always produced the greatest impression upon poets and writers, composers and painters. We'll try to create a lyrical atmosphere by reciting some poems.

October's Bright Blue Weather

(by Helen Hunt Jackson)

Oh, suns and skies and clouds of June,

And flowers of June together,

You cannot rival for one hour,

October's bright blue weather.

When on the ground red apples lie

In piles like jewels shining

And redder still on old stone walls

Are leaves of woodbine twining,

When all the lovely wayside things

Their white-winged seeds are sowing,

And in the fields, still green and fair,

Late aftermaths are growing

When comrades seek sweet country haunts,

By twos and twos together,

And count like misers, hour by hour,

October's bright blue weather.

Oh, suns and skies and flowers of June,

Count all your boasts together,

Love loveth best of all the year

October's bright blue weather.

Teacher: It's only natural now to speak of the peculiarities of the English landscape. Will you exchange questions on the topic? ("After the Lessons" p.36).

Now let's describe some places of beauty in England: Devon, Cornwall, The Lake District.

Teacher: What outstanding Scottish poet wrote about the Highlands?

Pupil 1: Robert Burns did. The pupil recites tin poem "My Heart's in the Highlands" (English book» form 7, p. 58).

Teacher: Now I suggest that we should go south, to the capital of Great Britain, and visit London parks ("London in Fiction», p. 228.) The text of the ехеrcise will remind us of many London parks.

The task is to insert prepositions where necessary. The last passage of the exercise should be looked through by the students.

Teacher: What attracts Londoners to these parks (The children render the contents of the last passage).

Teacher: Speaking of the beauty of London we can't help turning to Oscar Wilde's most lyrical poem "Symphony in Yellow». ("London in Fiction",p. 264).

Teacher: In the Hermitage you can see some wonderful landscapes created by English painters, "Approaching Storm" by Morland is one of then. A slide is shown to the students.

Teacher: What kind of scene is portrayed by Morland?

Pupil 1: Quite an ordinary scene is portrayed by the painter naturally and simply. We see a farmer on a horseback, another horse and a dog, grouped together. In the background the upper part of a cottage with a thatched roof typical for the English countryside can be seen.

Teacher: What details point to an approaching storm?

Pupil 2: The tree branches bending under the blasts of a strong wind and the figures of animals and a horseman with their backs to the wind everything speaks of the coming storm.

Teacher: What feeling does the canvas create?

Pupil 3: The tones of the landscape are restrained mellow. The canvas recreates the uneasy state of nature before the first drops of an approaching rain. The delicate grey-browns of a dreary day create a feeling of poetic sorrow.

Teacher: People learn each other better when they acquainted with traditions and customs. What examples of such cooperation do you remember?

Pupil 1: Five years ago, the Japanese Fund of International exhibitions commissioned two architects to lay out a Japanese garden in the Moscow Botanical Gardens.

Pupil 2: The Japanese experts were very choosy in celecting the open slope facing the sun they need-Then Russian engineers and construction workers began preparatory earth-moving work. The architects' idea was to make water run down the slope. Dendrologists will decorate the banks of the stream with typical Japanese plants and construction workers will build guaint bridges and place lamp posts traditional Japanese lanterns. A 13-storey pagoda, a teahouse, an arbour will decorate the garden. "The main theme is the harmony with the landscape, to be enjoyed by both the eye and the heart. The project comprises the ideas and characteristic features of the national architecture", explained the architects.

Teacher: Will you ask a question addressing the group to check up if everybody has understood your description?

Pupil 2: What are the peculiar features of the Japanese garden?

Pupil 3: The peculiar features and main attrac­tions of the Japanese garden are: water running down the slope, careful arrangement of greenery stones, a pagoda and bridges.

Teacher: To sum up the material under discussion I'd like you to draw a conclusion.

Pupil 1: All countries are beautiful to their in­habitants. Each has something unique to offer t visitors.

Pupil 2: Nature inspires poets and writers, paint­ers and composers. They create wonderful works of art depicting the beauty of their land.

Pupil 3: It's impossible to be a patriot of one's own country and not to love it's nature, not to take care of it.

Pupil 4: We cannot do without nature, that's why careful attitude to its riches is very impor­tant.Урок по теме Красота английского пейзажа

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