План-конспект урока по английскому языку. Тема: Путешествие

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 10 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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Маслова Т.Г.

преподаватель английского языка высшей категории


Евпатория, 2016г.

Проект урока английского языка на 1 курсе

Тема: Путешествие

Тип урока: Применений знаний на практике.

Форма урока: Защита проектов в форме ролевых игр.



  • Научить свободно владеть английским языком по данной теме во всех видах речевой деятельности на основе речевой, языковой, социокультурной и деятельностной компетенций.

  • Добиться эффективности и частоты использования новых полученных знаний по данной теме в практической речевой деятельности.


  • продолжить формирование универсальных учебных действий:

  1. Личностных: воспитания высоких моральных качеств на лучших образцах мировой культуры на примере шедевров Лондонской картинной галереи.

  2. Регулятивных: действия оценки (осознание качества и уровня усвоения через критериальное оценивание учащимися своих достижений на разных этапах урока)

  3. Познавательных:

а) общеучебных (через выделение и формулирование познавательной задачи в процессе выявления неизвестного материала);

б) логических (через выполнение заданий на употребление предлогов);

в) действий смыслового чтения (через выполнение упражнений на выбор вида чтения в зависимости от цели).

  1. Коммуникативных:

а) действий, связанных с планированием учебного сотрудничества: в процессе поиска и сбора информации;

в) умений работать в группах; активизировать монологическую и диалогическую речь;

г) поддержании независимого мышления и творческого воображения.


Образовательные: научить применять полученные знания на практике; закрепить полученные умения и навыки.

Воспитательные: совершенствовать навыки общения, формировать культуру общения.

Развивающие: развивать творческие способности; развивать коммуникативные навыки работы в группах; развивать познавательный интерес к окружающей жизни.

Обеспечение урока:

  • презентация Microsoft Power Point

  • проектор

  • экран

  • диск - аудиоприложение к учебнику

  • песня на релаксацию «Jingle bells»

  • раздаточный материал

  • учебник «Spotlight» для 2 курса (11 класс)

  • магнитная доска с иллюстрациями картин Лондонской галереи.


  1. Мотивация к учебной деятельности

  1. Приветствие.

Good morning dear students and dear guests! I`m glad to see you here in a good mood and health. We have an unusual lesson today, the lesson-presentation of your project. There are three project groups, guests and the jury that include our technical school English teachers. I wish you good luck at today`s lesson.

And now greet our guests, pleasure. Sit down, please.

2. Разминка. (Мозговой штурм)

Слайд с видами транспорта

T. The modern life is impossible without travelling. They travel by ship, by plane, by bus, by car, on foot. Tell me, please, why do people travel?

Sts. 1. They travel to know more; - to have a change;

- to have sun; - to new impressions;

- to relax; - to have a break;

- to see interesting places; - to leave home;

- meet new friends; - to see new countries.

T. And now, Sabina, - your warming-up questions please.

  1. Have you ever travelled by ferry? No, I haven`t.

  2. What are the first five things that you put into your bag? I take a T-shirt, jeans, sleepers, pajama and my mobile phone.

  3. Have you ever travelled by train? Yes, I have.

  4. What kind of transport do you prefer? I prefer a plane.

  5. Are you afraid of travelling by plane? No, I am not.

  6. Do you like driving? Yes, I want to have a car.

  7. What is your favourable season for travelling? Summer is my favourite season.

  8. Do you like travelling with your parents or with your friends? I like travelling with my friends.

T. Thank you, Sabina, for your questions, sit down.

Слайд «Motto»

II. Формулирование студентам темы урока

T. Look at our motto: "The world is a book and those who don`t travel read only one page". How can you explain it?

St 1. In many opinion "He that travels a lot, know much"

St 2. The globe means is the world that we can know by travelling.

T. Right you are. So, the topic of our lesson is…

Sts. Travelling.

T. What kind of transport do you prefer for travelling?

Sts. A plane.

T. But if you want to fly by plane you must do customs at the airport. Who wants to be a customs officer?

Слайд «Таможня»

T. July, please, start your work.

Ролевая игра «На таможне»

Custom`s officer (CO). Ladies and Gentlemen!

- You have to fill in some customs declarations. Please, do it- it is important because you are going abroad.

- Your passport, please?

Tourist (T.): -Here you are.

CO.: -Where are you going?

T.: -Great Britain. London.

CO.: -Have you got the national currency of Russia and other currency in cash?

T.: -One thousand pounds.

CO.: -Do you have any jewellery?

T.: -No, I don`t.

CO.: -Have you got any weapons?

T.: -No, I haven`t.

CO.: -Did you take any means of communication?

T.: -Yes, I`ve got a mobile telephone.

CO.: -That`s all right. What`s the purpose of your visit, business or pleasure?

T.: -Pleasure.

CO.: -How long will you be staying in England?

T.: -Two weeks.

CO.: -O.K. Enjoy your flight.

Слайд «Самолет с трапом»

III. Актуализация опорных знаний у студентов.

Презентация проектов

T. There are three groups as I know. Each group has its own project. It`s time to present them. Let`s start with the first group. Who is the lieder in your group?

St. I am. (Nick). Please, start your presentation.

Ролевая игра «In the centre of London»

(Картинки на экране показывают участники проекта)

N.: - We are in the centre of London. Look, here is Trafalgar Square.

P.: - What is the building to the left of us?

N.: - This is the National Gallery. It has got a fine collection of paintings.

P.: - What monument is there in the centre of the square?

N.: - It is a monument to Admiral Nelson, which is called the Nelson Column. He is a famous person in the history of the country. Now we are coming to Piccadilly Circus. It is a meeting place of six streets.

P.: - Can we make our way to Buckingham Palace?

N.: - We must pass Hyde Park first. Here we are. Look. Buckingham Palace is in front of us. Do you know that every day at Buckingham Palace there`s a famous ceremony the changing of the Guard at eleven o`clock in the morning?

P.: - I know this is the home place of the Queen?

N.: - Yes, it is. When the flag is flying the Queen is at home. Look. Here she is.

P.: - The Queen is splendid. But it`s time to back.

N.: - OK. Let`s go.

T. Thank you. Your presentation is very informative. Go to your places, please.

And now it`s a turn of the second group, I think. I know that you are fond of classic art and you would like to see the collection of British paintings. Who will be the guide?

Уголок в классе оформлен в виде зала музея. На магнитной доске - репродукции известных английских художников эпохи «Золотого века» британской живописи. Звучит классическая музыка.

Ролевая игра «В Лондонской галерее»

Слайд «Картины из Лондонской галереи»

Guide. Dear guests! Welcome to our hall! I am sure you will enjoy seeing our collection. What would you like to see today?

Visitor. Do you have paintings by British masters?

G. Yes. We have a fine collection of the English paintings. It is rather small, but very exquisite.

V. What artists of Britain shall we start from?

G. Let's start from W. Hogarth. Pay attention to this masterpiece "The Marriage-a-la Mode". In this masterpiece Hogarth showed himself as an innovator. He was the first to invent a story and illustrate it. Being a social painter he produced his own pictorial drama, showing different scenes of society's social life. This painting displayed one of the sharpest problems of his time-marriage based on money and vanity.

V. And personally me, the portrait attracts my attention. Look at this traditional ceremonial Portrait!

G. Yes, it's one of Gainsborough's portraits. It's an outstanding work of art. The portrait is painted in cold colours (black, blue, grey, white). At first sight you may think that it is a traditional ceremonial portrait, but if you look attentively, you will see that lady's parted lips, fleeting glance and graceful gesture of her hand help to create a true impression and optimism. The woman in the picture is alive and we have a feeling that she is looking at us.

V. The more I study this painting the more actual the vision of a storm becomes! Those who look at the picture can smell the water and hear the shout of the wind. The colouring of the painting is masterful!

G. Oh! It's a great masterpiece of William Turner, "English Aivazovsky". Do you feel the energy from the sea power? Isn't it great? I hope you enjoyed the exhibition and you will visit our gallery again!

V. Thank you very much. It was very interesting. Good bye.

T. Thank you very much. You have done a great work. Good for you. Now go to your places, please. And at last - the third group. I wonder, what is your project about? Who is a leader of your group? Are you ready to start?

St. I`m a lieder of the third group. We are very happy to visit London`s sightseeing's. We`ve travelled in a red double-decker around London and very tired and very fall hungry. As our future profession is a cook-confectioner we`d like to go to a restaurant to taste traditional English food.

Ролевая игра «At the table»

W. - Good morning, Ladies.

L. - Good morning. May we look the menu, please?

W. - Of course. Here it is. Sorry, miss, where are you from?

L. - We are from Russia, Crimea. We`d like to taste English traditional dishes.

W. -I advise you to start with an onion soup, then a stew with mashed potatoes and a salad.

L. -Thank you. We`d like to have a recipe of your traditional Christmas dish-Christmas turkey, please.

W. - Wait a minute, please. (Goes away).

Come back: Here you are.

L. -Thank you. The dishes were delicious. Welcome to Russia. Good bye.

W. -Good bye.

IV. Выявление места и причины затруднений

T.: Thank you. All your groups were excellent at speaking. While our jury will count your points we write the exercise number eleven at page 143, because when speak or read about travelling we often use prepositions. For example: people travel by ship, by plane, by car, by train, by bus but on foot.

1. with; 2. at; 3. by; 4. with; 5. of.

V. Построение проекта выхода из затруднения


  1. We were very dissatisfied with the hotel.

  2. I`ve always dreamed of going to Prague.

  3. We have a little cottage by the sea.

  4. The museum was crowded with people.

  5. The resort is typical of many around the Mediterranean.

  1. Самостоятельная работа с самопроверкой

  1. Чтение и аудирование

Listen to the dialogue, read it and then answer the question «Where are the speakers?».

  1. Парная работа

  • Have you ever been to Spain?

  • No, I haven`t. And you, have you ever been to Moscow?

  • Yes, I have. No, I haven`t.

  1. Рефлексия учебной деятельности

T.: Are you tired?

T.: We have travelled a lot today: by bus, by plane, by car and so on. And now I advise you to ride in horse open sleigh.

Песня «Jingle bells»

Your task is to analyze your work, the contribution of each member of the project group and of course the importance of the project.

  1. Домашнее задание

T.: In conclusion, of our theme "Travelling" I give you the homework to read the text "Gulliver`s Travels" by Jonathan Swift (p.144)

  1. Подведение итогов

T.: So, our lesson is coming to an end. I hope that on this lesson you realized how important and interesting it is to travel and how important to learn foreign languages and particularly English so as to communicate freely while travelling. Thank you for your participation and work you did during the lesson.

And now let`s give the word to our jury.

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