Проверочная работа по английскому языку на тему Степени сравнения прилагательных

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Класс 4 класс
Тип Тесты
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Проверочная работа по теме «Степени сравнения прилагательных»


Образуйте сравнительную и превосход­ную степень от следующих прилагательных и наречий.

1. large, tall, long, easy, hot, big, cold, nice, bad, strong, short, wide, good, happy, high, busy, well, little, many, far.

2. wonderful, necessary, interesting, com­fortable, popular, active, famous, pleasant, beautiful.


Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. This book is not so interesting as that one.

2. The Baltic Sea is not so warm as the Black Sea.

3. The more you read, the more you know.

4. My brother is not as tall as you are.

5. The earlier you get up, the more you can do.

6. Today the wind is as strong as it was yesterday.

7.Your room is as light as mine.

8. John knows Russian as well as English.

9. Mary is not so lazy as her brother.
10. The longer the night is, the shorter the day.

11. Theless people think, the more they talk.


Раскройте скобки, употребив нужную степень прилагательного/наречия.

1. Winter is (cold) season of the year. 2. Moscow is (large) than St.Petersburg. 3. Which is (long) day of the year? 4. The Alps are (high) mountains in Europe. 5. Even (long) day has an end. 6. It is one of (important) ques­tions of our conference. 7. Your English is (good) now.

8 We have (little)interest in this work than you. 9. Health is (good) than
wealth. 10. Your son worked (well) of all.


. Переведите предложения.

1. Чарльз Диккенс - один из самых известных писателей в мире.

2.Этот рассказ интереснее, чем тот.

3.Ваш дом выше нашего? Нет, он такой же высокий, как и ваш.

Это - самая прекрасная картина во всей кол­лекции.

Российская Федерации больше Великобритании.

Он сделал работу быстрее, чем вы.

Чем больше вы работаете, тем легче сдавать эк­замены.

Его работа лучше вашей, но работа Анны - са­мая лучшая.

Россия - самая большая страна в мире.

Я живу не так далеко от института, как мой друг.


crowded, early, easily, expensive, interested, large, near, often, quiet, thin

1. This jacket is too small. I need a ________ size.

2. You look ________. Have you lost weight?

3. He is not so keen on his studies. He's ________ in having a good time.

4. You will find your way around the town ___________ if you have a map.

5. You are making too much noise. Can you be a bit __________?

6. There were a lot of people on the bus. It was ______ than usual.

7. You are late. I expected you ____________.

8. You hardly ever write to me. Why don't you write a bit __________?

9. The hotel was surprisingly cheap. I thought it would be much ___________.

10. It's a pity you live so far away. I wish you lived _____________.

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