Урок английского языка «Crimes and criminals»

Разработка открытого урока по английскому языку по теме « Crimes and criminals» в 6 классе по учебнику « Solutions». Цель урока - закрепить лексический материал по теме преступники и преступления, развивать навыки разговорной речи. Среди задач урока можно отметить воспитательную - воспитать уважение к закону, что немаловажно для подрастающего поколения . В ходе урока использовался аудио материал и презентация по теме, предусмотрен игровой момент и работа в парах. Урок соответствует стандартам со...
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Класс -
Тип Рабочие программы
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Урок английского языка «Crimes and criminals»


ТЕМА: " Crimes and criminals"


Урок английского языка «Crimes and criminals»

Разработала и провела учитель английского языка Присяжнюк А. В.

Тема урока: Crimes and Criminals.

Цель урока: Закрепление лексического материала по теме «Crimes and Criminals», развитие навыков разговорной речи, с опорой на аудиовизуальный материал.

Задачи урока:

Образовательные - закрепление лексического материала, получение новой информации.

Развивающие - развивать навыки говорения и прослушивания, анализировать и обобщать исследуемый материал.

Воспитательные - воспитать уважение к законам, самостоятельность, содействовать воспитанию творческого потенциала личности.

Дидактическая база урока- наглядный материал по лексике, диск.раздаточный материал.

Техническое оснащение урока- класс с интерактивной доской, проектор, ноутбуки, презентационная работа.

Тип урока - комбинированный урок.

Вид урока- урок-практикум.

Прогнозируемый результат.

Учащиеся умеют:

1.Использовать изученный на уроке вокабуляр.

2.Грамотно высказываться по тематике урока.

3.Анализировать, сравнивать, сопоставлять и самим определять степень и качество усвоенного материала.

The plan of the lesson:

1.Organization moment: ( 2 min)

- Good afternoon, children.

- Good afternoon, teacher.

- What date is it today?

- Today is the 18 th of April.

- What day is it today?

- Today is Thursday

-Today we are going to speak about crimes and criminals. What kinds of crimes do you know?

- burglary, vandalism, joyriding, drug dealing, murder, shoplifting, robbery, theft .

2. Matching: ( 3 min)

Look at the board, please. There are some crimes and pictures.Match the pictures with the crimes.

- the first picture is a burglary

- the second picture is a vandalism

- the third picture is a joyriding

- the fouth picture is a drug dealing

- the fifth picture is a shoplifting

- the sixth picture is a robbery

3. Fill in the table:( 5 min)

You know the names of the crimes, but how do we call the criminals, who commit these crimes? Let's fill in the table:




to stealsomething

to burgle a house

to rob a bank

to shoplift something

to vandalise


to go joyriding

to sell


to murder someone

4.Matching .( 5 min)

( match the criminals with the actions they do) :

A shoplifter sells drugs

A burglar steal things from a shop without paying

A vandal breaks into the house to steal things

A murder breaks windows , telephone boxes

A thief steals cars

A drug dealer steals a lot of money from a bank

A joyrider steals something, that doesn't belong him

A robber kills people

5. Fill in the gaps Class CDRom ( 3 min)

( Now, let's do the task on your laptops. You have to fill in the gaps with the missing words)

Murder shoplifting vandalism stole drug dealers robbed burglar joyriders

  1. Five men … the bank on Monday afternoon

  2. …sell heroin at that disco

  3. A man … my bag from me in the street

  4. When he was young he went … at the shopping center

  5. We arrived home and there was a … in our house

  6. … usually steal and drives sport cars

  7. Painting graffiti on walls isn't … . I think it is art

  8. When people die in a war it's . . . not an accident.

6.Put the events in the right order: ( Work in groups) ( 5 min)

( I have two crimes , but the events aren't in the right order, put the events in the right order and name the crime)

1 ряд

They found the mone

They arrived at the house

They ran out of the house

The police arrived

They started looking for money

They took a car

The police arrested them

They ran out of the house

2 ряд .

There was a strange man.

Then he left quickly.

She was having lunch at the station

Jane travelled to London by train

Suddenly, he took Jane's bag from the table

The police arrested him.

Then he left

Jane phoned the police.

7. Playing the game" Who am I ? " ( 5 min)

( a card with the name of the criminal is put on the pupil's head. The pupil doesn't know who he is. He is trying to guess which criminal he is asking the questions)

- Do I steal cars?

- No, you don't

- Do I break the windows?

- No, you don't

- Do I break the houses?

- Yes, you do

- I am a burglar

- Yes, you are!

8. Listening: .( 3 min)

( We are going to listen to the dialogues, you have to choose the right answer . Which crimes are the people talking about?)

  • Burglary vandalism

  • Robbery shoplifting

  • Drug dealing theft

  • Robbery shoplifting

  • Joyriding theft

9. Making up the dialogues: ( Work in pairs) ( 5 min)

The pupils are given the cards with the words and phrases. Make up the dialogues " at the police station"

1 st card:

Can I help you?

an hour ago

steal a bag

Can you describe ?

a mobile phone, some money, some keys

fill in this form

2 nd card

How can I help you?

steal my car

Did you see anybody

how old?


What colour?

as soon as

3 rd card:

a witness of a crime

didn't pay

Can you describe?

a red jacket, blue jeans

find and arrest

10. Acting out the dialogues. ( 5 min.)

10. Conclusion: ( 2 min.)

Today we have learnt a lot about crimes and criminals. How do you think which of these crimes is the most dangerous. Why?

  • I think the most dangerous crime is a . . . because …

12. Home task:( 2 min.)

Write an assay that will start with the words: The most dangerous crime is . . .

Thank you for the lesson. Goodbye , children.

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