Тест по английскому языку. Класс 3. Millie

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 3 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат doc
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Test Form 3

  1. Узнай животное по описанию:

  1. It is black and white. It has got a long tail. It can run fast. It doesn't hunt other animals. It lives in Africa.

  2. It is a cuddly animal. It is black and white. It is big. It can climb trees. It eats bamboo leaves. It lives in China.

  3. It is a green animal. It has got a long tail and four short legs. It has big teeth. It lives in water.

  4. It is brown. It can climb trees. It eats bananas. It leaves in Africa. It can't fly.

  5. It is brown. It is big. It eats meat and leaves. It lives in forest. It lives in Russia.

  6. It has got a long tail and long hair. It eats meat. It hunts in the day. It lives in India.

  1. Собери 10 названий животных:

Pan ti da dile kan ger co key roo ga phant cro ar la buf ham be falo ster koa ele

  1. Раздели слова на три группы:

A lizard, fluffy, America, a fish, mice, white, cuddly, grey, Australia, small, big, a puppy, a parrot, a chick, a horse, a rat, China, Russia, a duck, a cow, strong, long, fast, funny, domestic.

  1. Дополни предложения:

______________ are wild \ domestic _________.

They can ___________.

They eat ___________.

They have _______ ___________.

  1. Спиши, вставляя вместо пропусков буквы (ea, ph, f, c, k):

Ele--ant, --ive, --at, cr--m, --one, --itten, m--t, l--ves, --omputer, Afri--a.

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