Конспект урока по английскому языку

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Конспект урока английского языка в 7-ок классе «Что особенного в твоей стране?

Тема урока: "Two capitals - two worlds".

Задачи: 1. Закрепить лексику.

2. Развивать умение слушать текст с целью извлечения конкретной информации.

3. Практиковать учащихся во всех видах речевой деятельности.

4.Упражняться в грамматике.

Воспитательные задачи: Привитие доброжелательного отношения и к своей столице и к столице изучаемого языка. Знакомство с достопримечательностями.

Оснащение урока: мультимедийный проектор.

Ход урока:

1.Начало урока. Приветствие.

Good morning, my dear girls and boys. Today we shall travel from London to Moscow. I promise our trip will be interesting. You will learn about sightseeing in the British and Russian capitals. You'll have a good opportunity to have your English practice.

2. At first we must repeat all the words we need today. Look at these words. Now Russian tourists come to London, the capital of the United Kingdom, every year. Some pupils from Russia have their English practice there.

1) What places could be of great interest for Russian pupils? Match the names of the places with their Russian equivalents.

the British Museum

Собор Святого Павла

the National Gallery

Дома Парламента

Westminster Abbey

Британский музей

the Houses of Parliament

Букингемский дворец

St. Paul's Cathedral

Национальная галерея

Buckingham Palace

Вестминстерское аббатство

2) Give English equivalents to the following and put them in the alphabetical order. Open your file "Moscow".











3) Check your English words.

1. armoury

6. masterpiece

2. arms

7. painting

3. castle

8. residence

4. exhibition

9. sculpture

5. fortress

10. treasure

3. Listen to the text and answer the questions.

1) What places did Sonya like in London? Why?

- the Tower of London

- Westminster Abbey

- St. Paul's Cathedral

- the British Museum

2) What place would you like to visit?

I would like to visit …

4. Next task is for your memory. Find the right word.

1) London is ( modern / old).

2) ( The Romans / The Normans) founded London more than 2000 years.

3) British monarchs are crowned in ( St. Paul's Cathedral / Westminster Abbey).

4) Westminster Abbey is a church near ( the Houses of Parliament / the Tower).

5. Откройте скобки. Open the brackets.

1) The Tower of London (found) by William the Conqueror.

2) Many famous people (kill) there.

3) London ( destroy) by the Great Fire.

4) St. Isaac's Cathedral (decorate) by the famous Russian artists.

5) The Winter Palace (transform) into a museum after the October Revolution.

6. Переделать предложения из страдательного залога в действительный.

Transform the sentences from passive into active.

e.g. This book was written by my father -

My father wrote this book.

  1. St. Petersburg was founded by Peter the Great.

(Peter the Great founded St. Petersburg)

  1. Many gothic buildings were built in Britain by famous architects.

(Famous architects built many gothic buildings)

  1. Britain was invaded by the Romans and the Normans.

  2. The Winter Palace was designed by Rastrelli.

  3. The famous museum of wax figures was created by Madame Tussaud.

  4. The Peter and Paul fortress was transformed into a prison by Russian tsars.

7. Посмотрите на картинки. Послушайте меня. Согласитесь или не согласитесь.

And now look at these pictures. Listen to me. Agree or disagree.

  1. T: This is Big Ben.

( P.: That's right. This is Big Ben.)

T.: It is in Moscow.

(P.: That's wrong. It is not in Moscow. It is in London.)

T.: It is modern.

(That's wrong. It is not modern. It is old.)

  1. This is Tower Bridge.

It is in the USA.

  1. This is the British Museum.

8. Не хотели бы Вы посетить Москву? Давайте попутешествуем по нашей столице. Трудно описать Москву в нескольких словах. И очень тяжело посмотреть все достопримечательности. Парная работа. Можете ли Вы ответить на вопросы иностранцев?

Would you like to visit Moscow? Let us travel about our capital Moscow. It is difficult to describe Moscow in a few words. And it is very difficult to see all the places of interest.

Pair work. Can you answer foreigners questions about Moscow? How do you know the history of Moscow?

  1. Who founded Moscow? Prince Yuri Dolgoruki

Prince Ivan Kalita

  1. When did he found? In 1380

In 1147

  1. Who designed the grand Kremlin Palace? Matvei Kasakov, an architect

the architect Konstantin Thon

  1. When did Russian masters decorated in 1613

the Uspensky Cathedral? In 1642 - 1643

  1. What did the famous cast master the Terem Palace

Andrej Choklov make in 1586? the Tsar Cannon

  1. What did Ivan Motorin, a skillful the Spasskaya tower

cast master, and his son Michael the Tsar bell

design and make?

  1. What did the Russian architects the Vassily Blazhenny Cathedral

Barma and Postnik design and build the Kazan Cathedral

on Red Square in 1552?

  1. What did Pavel and Sergei Tretyakov masterpieces of Western European painters

Buy for the Tretyakov Gallery? masterpieces of Russian painters

Listen to check your mistakes. Who hasn't them?

9. You had to make up the conversations about Moscow. We listen to you.

10. And finally we speak about Moscow. What can you say about it?

Moscow is the largest city in Russia and one of the largest cities in the world. People from all parts of the world want to visit this beautiful city. I have been to Moscow many times and I am proud of my capital. I advise you to visit our capital and enjoy its beautiful sightseeing.

We have worked well. We have done a lot of exercises, listened to the text and answered the questions. We have spoken a lot. I give you good marks.

Thank you.


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