План-конспект урока в 7 классе на тему News stories

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Класс 7 класс
Тип Конспекты
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План-конспект урока № 29

Тема: Заметки в газету. News stories.

Цели: Развитие навыков распознавания Past Continuous, активизация лексики, развитие навыков просмотрового и поискового чтения, аудирования, говорения.


  1. Активизировать изученную ранее тематическую лексику.

  2. Мотивировать на дальнейшую работу по теме, на работу в парах, группах.

  3. Ввести в речь структуры Past Continuous.

  4. Изучение формообразования и значений/употребления глаголов в Past Continuous.

Тип: Урок усвоения новых знаний.

Планируемые результаты:

  1. Развивают умения ознакомительного и изучающего чтения.

  2. Развивают навыки распознавания глаголов в Past Continuous.

  3. Переносят новый грамматический материал в беседу о личном опыте.

  4. Развивают умения продуктивного письма.

Материальное обеспечение урока: Учебник Spotlight 7 класс, аудио диск для работы в классе Spotlight 7 класс, раздаточный материал.

Д/З: упр. 8, стр. 37 - написать рассказ.

Дата: 18.11.

Содержание урока

Этапы урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность обучающихся

I. Органи-зационный

Good afternoon, boys and girls. How are you? I'm very well, thanks. I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. There is some guest here. Good afternoon, dear guest. Welcome to our lesson. I hope you'll enjoy our work.

As usual we start our lesson with some questions.

What is the date today?

What day of the week is it today?

Good afternoon, teacher.

Fine, thanks. And you?

We are glad to see you too.

Today is the 18th of November.

It is Wednesday today.

II. Постановка цели и задач урока. Мотивация учебной деятель-ности

In the lesson today we're going to speak about news, about different types of media where we can find news. So the theme of our lesson is "News stories". The aim of our lesson is development of skills of using Past Continuous.

There are a lot of English proverbs about news. Look at the cards and read out the proverbs. Read them out and give the Russian equivalent for them.

"Ill news goes fast"

"No news is good news"

"Bad news travels quickly"

"Bad news has wings"

«Плохие вести не сидят на месте»


Актуали-зация знаний

Let's continue our lesson. Please, attention on the Ex 1, p.36. You can see some photos here. These pictures were taken yesterday afternoon at 6 o'clock. All these people were using different types of media.

What was each person doing yesterday afternoon at 6 o'clock? Use these phrases to answer the question.

  • read a text message

  • watch TV

  • read a newspaper /a magazine

  • send emails

(all these phrases are on the board)

Don't forget about Past Continuous!

So the next task for you. Use the ideas to ask and answer questions about the people in the pictures. Work in pairs. Before you start let's read the example.

- John/read magazine/6 o'clock?

- Sue/send text messages on her mobile/6 o'clock?

- Tony/send emails/6 o'clock?

- Mary/watch TV/6 o'clock?

Boys and girls, what type of media do you prefer? Do you prefer watching TV? Maybe you like listening to the radio or surfing the Net?

Yes, tastes differ! What does each type of media provide us with? Before you answer look at the cards. You can see some words here. Read them out. (one by one)

John was reading a text message on his mobile at 6 o'clock yesterday.

Sue was watching TV at 6 …

Tony was reading a newspaper …

Mary was reading a magazine …

Laura was sending emails…


Laura / read the newspaper / 6 o'clock?

A: Was Laura reading the newspaper at 6 o'clock?

B: No, she wasn't. She was sending emails.

(work in pairs)

(possible answers)

As for me, I like watching TV. I prefer reading magazines. …

(possible answers)

As for me, I like watching TV. I prefer reading magazines. …

Use these words to answer the question. -

"What does each type of media provide us with?"

TV provides us with …

Radio provides us with …

Newspapers and magazines provide us with…

TV provides us with news, interviews, weather reports, documentaries, music, chat shows and advertisements.

Radio provides us with news, weather reports, interviews and music.

Newspapers and magazines provide us with interesting articles, TV guides, cartoon strips, horoscopes, fashion and beauty advice, celebrity gossip.


Первичное усвоение знаний

So let's do ex 3b on page 36. Listen and say which text is about a) a brave pet b) an amazing success c) an unwanted visitor d) a beast and a brave man.

During the lesson we've worked with some words and we've used them in the sentences, we've listened to the text and now it's time to start checking your understanding of new vocabulary from the text and getting the marks.

I'll give you some cards with a column of words from the text and you should match them to their synonyms. Work in pairs.

So look at the blackboard. You can see 4 columns: who - when - where - what. You must find out information from each text and fill in these columns.

I think it's time to have a rest. Stand up. I see your eyes are tired. Let's do exercise for your eyes.

Look left, look right

Look left, look right

Move your eyes round clockwise

And in the opposite direction

Once again - clockwise, in the opposite direction.

That's enough. Sit down please.

Students listen and answer the question

Students work in pairs and match the synonyms. Then they check the results.

nursery rhyme - child's poem

porridge - hot cereal

eventually - finally

run off - leave quickly bravely - without fear

beast - a wild animal safety - a place that is safe

recover - get better

break a record - do something better than

it had ever been done

(possible answers)

Text C


Who: the dog named Buddy

When: yesterday

Where: in the river

What: the dog saved a boy's life


The dog named Buddy saved an 8-year-old boy's

life when it pulled him from the river.


Первичная проверка понимания

Ok, look at the blackboard. (На доске предложение): He was watching TV at 6.00 yesterday afternoon.

(Объяснить, что в предложении обозначается действие, которое имело место/протекало в определённое время в прошлом.)

So let's find some examples at the text.

The next task for you. Use the ideas to ask and answer questions about the people in the pictures. Work in pairs. Before you start let's read the example.

(possible answers)

Text A: was eating;

Text B: were hiding; Text C: was recovering;

Text D: was playing

2 A: Was John reading a magazine at 6 o'clock?

B: No, he wasn't. He was sending a text message.

3 A: Was Sue sending text messages on her

mobile at 6 o'clock?

B: No, she was watching TV.

4 A: Was Tony sending e'mails at 6 o'clock?

B: No, he was reading a newspaper.

5 A: Was Mary watching TV at 6 o'clock?

B: No, she wasn't. She was reading magazines.


Первичное закрепление

Game. Let's continue our lesson. I want you play a game. In small groups discuss the ideas to ask and answer questions about your last Sunday. Don't forget about Past Continuous.

(possible answers)

Leader 1: Last Sunday I was at the park.

Team A S1: Were you having a picnic?

Leader 1: No, I wasn't. Team A S2: Were you playing football?

Leader 1: No, I wasn't.

Team A S3: Were you cycling?

Leader 1: Yes, I was.


Информа-ция о д/з

Our lesson is coming to the end. Your hometask for the next lesson is to write a news story.



You've worked hard today and you get such marks for your job …

Let's make a conclusion: What was our topic? Was it interesting? What was new?

Thank you for such a good job. The lesson is over.

Students make a conclusion, answer the question.

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