Контрольная работа №1 по английскому языку в 10 классе

Данный материал позволит учителю английского языка осуществить контроль сформированности  языковых компетенций учащихся 10 класса в области аудирования, чтения. использования языкового материала  по теме «Жизнь подростков».Контрольно - измерительные элементы отражают изученные в 1 четверти лексико - грамматические структуры на основе курса английского языка «Enjoy English»  для 10 класса Биболетовой М. З., Трубаневой  Н. Н и др.Задания  контрольной работы отражают формат Единого государственного...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 10 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат zip
Изображения Нет
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Listening (Script)

Interviewer: More and more people are in computer games nowadays. It affects our life in different ways. Why do you think this pastime, or habit, is gaining more and more popularity with different social and age groups?

Computer games developer: You actually hit the point when said what it's popular with different people. There used to be a stereotype that an average computer game player is a scruffy teenager who sticks to the screen and manipulates monsters there. He is game addicted and can't think about anything else but computer games. That lifestyle, naturally, results in his poor performance at school and makes him unsociable as he doesn't have much practice in real life communication... I.: Lots of people think like this. Are you saying that this it not true?

C. g. d.: It's not. The statistics say that an average game player is much older -in his late twenties and the tendency aims to thirty. Though at the present moment majority of players are men, women become more and more involved too. I.: And I thought that most games were designed for men... Shooting and driving games...

C. g. d.: They used to be. But computer games are getting more sophisticated and exquisite. Action is combined with detailed and even refined graphics. Games can be very impressive if they combine a good plot, good visuals and good music. I.: Music?

C. g. d.: Sure. Music is the essential component of a good computer game. Music is very important to make the game involving and exiting. I.: If we go on like this, we may come to the conclusion that computer games can be defined as a new form of art...

C. g. d.: And why not?! It's hard to believe, but when the cinematograph was invented, it had lots of opponents. Some people said that the films were intended to entertain the public and divert them from real life problems and from real, serious art like painting, music, and theatre. The theatre, by the way, had lived through the accusations of the same kind, but earlier. It wasn't prestigious at all to be an actor, you know.

I.: Yes, and now no one would ever say that the theatre and the cinema aren't serious enough to be called art.

С g. d.: I dare say that computer games have even more chances to win the public.

I.: Really?

С g. d.: I mean that the conventional forms of arts, like music, painting and theatre, don't allow any interaction. We can only admire things other people have done. We can interpret them in different ways, deducing what the author's message might have been. We can criticise them, but... but we can't change anything. The conventional forms of art don't allow any interaction. We are bound to be passive and can either accept a piece of art or not, but can never change it. I.: And in the computer game case...

С g. d.: Right. Some games are wonderful because they let you create your own world. Your every step, every click of the mouse counts and matters. Some game characters are so skillfully designed that you have an impression that it's not you who manipulates them, but that they have their own intellect and respond consciously. I.: Which drifts us from the cultural topic to the scientific issue of creating artificial intellect...

С g. d.: You are right, let's get back to...

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