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Little Red Riding Hood


Мама с дочкой сидят за столом, пьют чай. (Звучит песня «Мороженое завтрак») Стук в дверь.

Postman: Knock, knock, knock.

Mum: Who's there?

Postman: I'm a postman. I've got a letter for you.

Daughter: I'll take it. It's from our granny.

Mum: I wonder what she writes.

Daughter (reading): 'Hello, my dears. We haven't seen for ages. I miss you. I need your help. Bye! Your granny.'

Mum: I think our granny is ill. Little Red Riding Hood, come and see your granny. Take a potty of butter and some cakes for her.

Daughter: OK.


Красная шапочка идёт по лесу. (Звучит фонограмма «Песни Красной шапочки».)

LRRH: Flowers here, flowers there, flowers, flowers everywhere. (Обращаясь по очереди к каждому цветку):What colour are you?

Цветы- дети в масках -стоят вдоль дороги и отвечают, типа:

I'm a red flower.

LRRH: I like flowers. (Идёт дальше, навстречу ей птички)

Bird 1: Hello, Red Riding Hood.

Bird 2: Glad to see you, Glad to see you, Glad to see you again.

Bird 3: Let's sing a song with us.

Вместе с цветами исполняют песню 'Seasons'

LRRH: I like to sing. Bye, bye!

Навстречу грибы.

Mushroom1: Hello, Red Riding Hood.

Mushroom 2: : Glad to see you, Glad to see you, Glad to see you again.

Mushroom 3: Let's play with us.


Mushroom 1: We have got some pictures of animals.

Mushroom 2: Try to guess them.

Mushroom 3: What animal have I got? (crocodile)

LRRH: You have got a … ?

Mushroom 1Ж No, I haven't. / Yes, I have.

(Аналогично задают вопросы и отвечают Mushroom 1и 2. У них тигр и попугай.)

LRRH: Hurray! Hurray!

Mushrooms 1,2,3 (по очереди пожимают руку LRRH со словами): My congratulations!

Прилетают бабочки.

Butterfly 1: Hello, Red Riding Hood.

Butterfly 2: : Glad to see you, Glad to see you, Glad to see you again.

Butterfly 3: Let's dance with us.

(Цветы поют песню 'A rainbow', бабочки танцуют с красной шапочкой.)


Выходит волк под мелодию из песни « Какое небо голубое»

Wolf: Hello, Red Riding Hood. Where are you going?

LRRH: Hello, wolf! I'm going to my granny.

Wolf(заглядывая в корзинку): What have you got for her?

LRRH: I 've got a potty of butter and some cakes for her.

Wolf: Where does she live?

LRRH: Too many questions! Play hide-and-seek with me! Then I'll tell you.

Wolf: OK. (ищет)

Red Riding Hood, where are you? (не находит, сердясь, говорит) Oh, a cunning girl!


Красная шапочка приходит к бабушке.

Granny: Hello, my granddaughter!

LRRH: Hello, my dear granny! How are you?

Granny: Oh, my honey, so-so!

LRRH: What's the matter?

Granny: I have lots to do. Can you help me a little?

LRRH: Of course, granny.

Granny: Look here. There are a lot of weeds among the carrots. (Шапочка полет.)

Granny: Water the cabbage, please. (Шапочка поливает.)

Granny: Pick up apples, please. (Шапочка собирает яблоки.)

Granny: Take them into the kitchen. (Идут домой)

Granny: Sweep the floor, please. (Шапочка подметает)

Granny( ложась на кровать): Oh, I'm too tired. Can you cook a dinner, please?

LRRH(вздыхая): OK. (Уходит.)


Появляется волк.

Wolf: Oh, a little house! (Принюхивается) It smells good. Knock, knock, knock.

Granny: Who's there?

Wolf: It's me, Red Riding Hood.

Granny: Pull down the rope and the door will be open.

Wolf: Hello, granny. I have got a potty of butter and…

LRRH: You are not Red Riding Hood. It's me.

Wolf: No, I'm Red Riding Hood. I've got a red riding hood.

LRRH: It's mine.

Wolf: I have got small ears.

LRRH: My ears are smaller.

Wolf: I have got nice eyes.

LRRH: My eyes are nicer.

Wolf: But I have got big teeth! And I want to eat!

LRRH: OK! Don't worry! I have got a good dinner for all of us. Let's sit down at the table. Help yourself!

Исполняется песня 'If you happy'


Появляется волк.

Wolf: Oh, a little house! (Принюхивается) It smells good. Knock, knock, knock.

Granny: Who's there?

Wolf: It's me, Red Riding Hood.

Granny: Pull down the rope and the door will be open.

Wolf: Hello, granny. I have got a potty of butter and…

LRRH: You are not Red Riding Hood. It's me.

Wolf: No, I'm Red Riding Hood. I've got a red riding hood.

LRRH: It's mine.

Wolf: I have got small ears.

LRRH: My ears are smaller.

Wolf: I have got nice eyes.

LRRH: My eyes are nicer.

Wolf: But I have got big teeth! And I want to eat!

LRRH: OK! Don't worry! I have got a good dinner for all of us. Let's sit down at the table. Help yourself!

Исполняется песня 'If you happy'

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