Тестовые задания по английской литературе на тему William Shakespeare

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 9 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
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English Literature

Test "William Shakespeare"

Variant l

  1. What political events of the time may have influenced Shakespeare in his childhood?

  2. By whom were Shakespeare's works collected and published?

  3. Describe Hamlet as a young man of the Renaissance period.

  4. Everybody expects Hamlet to kill Claudius. What makes him to delay his vengeance as he does ?

  5. What social ideas does Lear come to through his trials?

Variant 2

  1. Write about Shakespeare's early education at Stratford-on-Avon and later on his contact with intellectual circles in London.

  2. How many periods are there in Shakespeare's creative work? What plays belong to each of the period9

  3. How did Shakespeare deal with the idea of monarchy in the 3,d period of his creative work? ("Hamlet").

  4. Which demanded greater willpower in Hamlet's situation, action or delay? Prove your opinion.

  5. What is Shakespeare's conception of the real cause of crime as shown in "King Lear"?

Variant 3

  1. Which of Shakespeare's poem were first published and to whom were they dedicated?

  2. When did Shakespeare write his sonnets? What sonnet form did he use?

  3. What is Hamlet's attitude to the hypocrisy and that reign at court?

  4. What makes Hamlet finally kill Claudius with ease?

  5. How does Shakespeare show the tragic character of King Lear in development?

Variant 4

  1. Comment on Shakespeare's activities as a dramatist and actor at the Globe Theatre.

  2. Who are the characters in the sonnets and what are the themes that appear in them?

  3. Did Hamlet possess the qualities required in a king? Would it have been easy for him to become king? Motivate your answer.

  4. Was there any other way out for Hamlet?

  5. Dwell on the power of money in its relation of man to man? ("King Lear").

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