Методическая разработка урока-игры Английский язык для молодых бизнесменов

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Класс -
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Министерство общего и профессионального образования Ростовской области

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Ростовской области

«Ростовский - на - Дону автотранспортный колледж»

Методическая разработка урока

по учебной дисциплине Иностранный язык

специальности 38.02.01 Экономика и бухгалтерский учет

(по отраслям)


Методическая разработка урока «Английский язык для молодых бизнесменов» по учебной дисциплине Иностранный язык выполнена в соответствии с рабочей программой дисциплины.


38.02.01 Экономика и бухгалтерский учет» (по отраслям)

Организация-разработчик: Ростовский- на -Дону автотранспортный колледж


Любовь Николаевна Кобезева - преподаватель иностранных языков Ростовского-на-Дону автотранспортного колледжа

Рассмотрено на заседании ПЦК «Общих гуманитарных дисциплин»

протокол № ______ от «_____» ____________ 201__г.

Председатель ПЦК____________/М.Р. Брилева/

Рекомендовано учебно-методическим советом Ростовского-на-Дону автотранспортного коллежа

Протокол заседания УМС № ___ от «___» _________201__г.

Председатель УМС ___________ зам. директора по МР Титова С.А.

©Кобезева Любовь Николаевна

Методическая разработка урока на тему

"Английский язык для молодых бизнесменов"

Задачи урока:

  1. Развитие лексических навыков.

  1. Развитие речевых умений (монологическая и диалогическая речь).

  2. Создание благоприятного психологического климата, способствующего формированию личности учащегося.

Форма урока: деловая игра

Ход урока

1. Начало урока:

Учитель: Dear friends!

Welcome to the English courses for young businessmen! We have been discussing the problems of business for about half a year, and today, as a result of our work, you will have an opportunity to use your knowledge in new situations. I am far from imagination that all of you will become businessmen, but I believe that the knowledge of business vocabulary will be of some use in your future occupation and everyday life.

Примечание: к этому уроку студенты должны освоить следующую лексику:

accountant - бухгалтер

accounts department - бухгалтерия

advantage - преимущество

to run business - руководить делом

to be in business - иметь собственное дело, заниматься бизнесом

to be at the head of - возглавлять

to be in charge of (to be responsible for) -отвечать за...

to be in demand - пользоваться спросом

to be in the same line of business - заниматься тем же бизнесом

customer - клиент, покупатель

to be worth - быть достойным

to deliver - доставлять

to do the secretarial work - работать секретарем

to employ - нанимать на работу

equipment - оборудование

to complete - конкурировать

to flourish - процветать

income -доход

profit - прибыль

a well - established company - известная фирма

to meet troubles - испытывать затруднения

top quality -высшее качество

to sign - подписывать

a discount - скидка

a retailer -розничный торговец

a wholesaler - оптовик

to produce - производить

2. Повторение и закрепление лексики в новых ситуациях

( короткие диалоги с пропусками) Задание для учащихся:

Учитель: Fill in the necessary words and expressions and dramatize the dialogues.



long - term contract

to be worth


- Do you know anything about a ... to build a high speed railway between Moscow and St. Petersburg?

- Yes, certainly. This project … discussing.

- What... do you see in it? I suppose many countries are interested in this Project. It is ... .

- Well, soon you will get to Moscow in 2 hours.


to be demand

to put a new product

on the market

to produce

top quality goods

- Hi, Henry, how's life?

- OK, thank you.

- I hear your firm … sportsmen?

- Yes, good sportswear … now and we … only … .

- Are you planning to … ?

- Possibly.


to employ

to recruit

to flourish

- How many people do you ... ?

- Our company is ... and we ... more than a hundred
workers. Every year we ... ten more.

  1. Great!


to complete

to be in the same line of business

to produce

to specialize in

- Everybody knows that " Puma ", " Adidas" and " Nike "... sportswear which can ... on the world market.

- ... your firm ... ?

- Yes, we ... goods for children.



to run business

to meet troubles

to complete

- Does your family help you to ... your ... ?

- Certainly, my father is a manager.

- Is your business ... large?

- Rather.

- Do you ... any ...?

- You see, to ... with world famous firms is a real



the terms and conditions


to sign

- Mr. Jones, let us discuss ... of our new contact.

- With pleasure. I find it very ... .

- Shall we ... it tonight?

- All right.

3. Презентация семейного бизнеса (проверка домашнего задания)

(Студенты по желанию создали 3 группы - «семьи», и выбрали свой бизнес: «производство безалкогольных напитков», «пиццерию», «фабрику электронных игрушек»).

Задание: опираясь на вопросы, представить «свой бизнес».

  1. if you can give a name to your company;

  2. if you prefer to be a sole owner or you'll try to find partners;

  3. if it is a family business, say what functions can be give into your relatives;

  4. what makes you think your business is a success;

  5. how large your company's staff is;

  6. what troubles you are going to meet;

  7. if your business is a profitable one; etc.

Примерная презентация семейной фирмы «производства электронной игрушки»

Студент 1:

The name of our business enterprise is "Russian Electronics". We believe it will be our family business, but we are going to find partners in different branches of industry and science. Our company's staff is not big at present: 8-10 people. But it is flourishes, we'll recruit more workers. As it is a family business, my father, Victor, is at the head of it. My sister and I are managers, and our mother is responsible for the accounts department. Also we employ some engineers and workers.

Студент 2:

Now we'll try to present our product. On the basis of the latest improvement and the newest technology we have designed our Sweety-Talkie

(выходит студентка, одетая роботом).

Our product offers potential customers a set of new qualities. To be more specific, Sweety-Talkie is equipped with a new generation brain. It says 200 words, moves in all directions, opens and closes its eyes, claps its hands, chuckles when a secret titlespot it touched.

(действия демонстрируются)

Sweety - Talkie is equipped with a thermometer and a timer, so it can tell the time and temperature. It is an attractive doll. It operates from batteries.

Студент 3: We hope our business will be a success and will bring us much profit, because more and more parents prefer to buy electronic toys for their children.

Примерная презентация семейной фирмы "Производство безалкогольных напитков"

Студент 1:

Hello, dear friends! We run a soft drinks factory. It is our family business. We have been in this business for a year only, so we are just beginners. Oh, here are our relatives!

(подходят другие члены семьи)

Would you like to meet them? This is Mrs. Helen Petrova, our mother. She is at the head of our business. Meet Nadya - she is my twin sister. She is responsible for our production department. Let me introduce Julia, my cousin. She does the secretarial work. This is our sales manager, Olga. And I am Kate. I am in charge of the accounts department.

I believe we are energetic and efficient. We also have Marketing, Personnel, Research and Development, and Delivery departments in our company. We produce ecologically - pure juices and soft drinks.

We use only high - quality ingredients. We take care of our customers and want to see them healthy. We employ highly qualified workers and we believe our factory will flourish. Look at the Trade Mark!

(показывает на рекламу яблочного сока)

Would you like to taste our best product?

(все присутствующие пробуют яблочный сок производства этой фирмы)

Студент 2:

You see we are beginners, but we hope in the future our firm will be one of the most profitable.

We realize that we are going to meet different troubles: it is a difficult task to complete with world - famous companies producing soft drinks, such as " Coca - cola ", " Parmalat", " Polustrovo " and others. Evidently it will be a problem to put our product on the world market and soon. But we hope for the best. We will work hard. We are sure that our energy, taste and honesty will bring us success.

Примерная презентация семейной фирмы «Итальянская пицца»

Студент 1:

Hi, my dear friends! Let me introduce, I am Julia, Commercial Director at the business enterprise "Italien Pizza". This is family business and our product is in demand on the market. We produce top quality food.

I want to meet you with our staff. What I said, I am Commercial Director and I am at the head of our business. This is my sister Ann. She is accountant. My brothers Tom and Bob are managers. We employ new workers too.

Студент 2:

We are not beginners, our family business works about eight years. Our business is flourish and we can be proud of it. We have only senior partners. We are extending our business and want to buy new equipment for producing pizza.

Студент 3:

Our company provides advanced technology and efficient service, which small companies can't provide. We have been increased the service life of our equipment and also have been reduced prices of pizza.

We want to introduce our pizza.

(представляют пиццу)

It's tasty and fresh. We offer our customers pizza with sausage, meat and vegetables. We think that our customers are pleased.

После выступления каждой группы члены других «семей» задают различные вопросы, выясняя подробности работы «фирм»

1. What's the strong point of your business?

2. Is there a security service in your company?

3. Have you any junior or senior partners?

4. What's the average salary of your workers?

5. Is your office well-equipped?

6. Do you think your product can compete with world- famous companies, which are in the same line of business?

7. Do you mark you worker's birthday in your office?

8. Do you pay wages on a weekly basis?

9. Are you satisfied with your company's position on the market?

10. Aren't you planning to put you product on the foreign market?

11. Your company is flourishing, isn't it?

12. Your product sells well because it is cheaper than that of other companies, does that right?

13. Do you make your product of ecologically pure materials?

14. Which companies are in the same like of business?

15. Are you planning to increase you production?

16. Do you contact any consulting firms?

17. Do you sell your product yourself or with the help of smb else?

18. Do you advertise your product?

19. Are there any commercial of your product on TV?

20. Do you have long-term contracts with foreign companies?

21. What will you do if your sweet life comes to end some day? Etc.

  1. Игра «Угадай наш бизнес»

(Студенты делятся на 2 группы и вытягивают листки с названием «дела»).

Итак, первая группа, занимается производством стиральных машин.

(на карточке написано: You produce washing maсhines)

Вторая группа - производством гамбургеров.

(you make hamburgers)

Угадывать нужно только с помощью вопросов:

1) Is your product very big?

Neither big nor small. It's medium size.

2) Can we eat it or play with it?

No, no

3) What material is it made of?

Metal, plastic.

4) What colour is it?

Mostly white.

5) Do you make it for children?

No, it is not a toy.

6) Who are your customers?

Men and women of all ages, we think.

7) Is it heavy ?


  1. Is it round or square?

We produce them both square and round.

  1. What world - famous companies
    are in the same line?

Well, you know, we would prefer not to tell your but ... OK," Ariston ", Electrolux ", " Bosh ".

10. Is your product in demand now?

Oh, you know it is very popular and sells quite well.

11. OK, just a minute ... . Oh, we
think we know, is it a gas an electric stove?

Ha - ha! You are jobing. Have you ever seen round stoves?

12. Oh, sorry. Well, then ... .
It is a washing machine.

At last. Yes!

В конце урока учитель вручает сертификаты студентам и говорит:

Dear students!

I'd like to thank you for your work. You were really great! I hope you have learned much and perhaps will use your knowledge of English in the future.

Now it is time to give you the certificates, for all of you have successfully graduated from the English courses for young businessmen.

Образец сертификата


Issued to ... to state that she (he) graduated from the English courses for young businessmen at technical school in 2002.

And can be recommended for work at joint ventures where Eglish is required.

Senior manager ...

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