Конспект урока английского языка по теме Наша планета наш дом

Охрана природы сейчас одна из самых актуальных и острых проблем, стоящих перед обществом. Человек не может жить без чистой воды, дышать в задымлённых городах, есть пищу, напичканную химическими красителями, ароматизаторами и усилителями вкуса. Бездумное употребление подобных продуктов влечёт за собой болезни, а впоследствие и смерть. Экологическое воспитание не дань времени, а жизненная необходимость и наши дети должны это очень хорошо осознавать. Они должны знать сроки разложения разных видов м...
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Урок по теме «Наша планета - наш дом»

7 класс

Учебник В.П.Кузовлева

Разработала и провела

учитель английского языка


Емельянова Елена Николаевна

Задачи урока


  1. Закрепить введённую лексику по теме.

2. Совершенствовать речевые навыки на основе прочитанного текста.

  1. Научить обсуждать проблему в диалогической речи.

  2. Учить выражать отношение к обсуждаемому материалу в монологической речи.

Воспитательные задачи:

  1. Прививать бережное отношение к окружающей среде.

  2. Воспитывать у учащихся активную жизненную позицию.

Развивающие задачи:

  1. Развивать у учащихся навыки аудирования.

  2. Обучать самостоятельно делать выводы, решать проблемы по изучаемой теме.


  • видео "If the world doesn't exist";

  • песня «Don't kill the world» Boney M;

  • карточки с диаграммами;

  • высказывание « If you don't think about the future you will not have it.» J.Galsworthy;

  • презентация Present Simple Passive.

Ход урока

I Организационный момент

The teacher comes into the classroom keeping an empty container.

P: What is there in your hand?

T: It's litter and it's everywhere. This fact is awful.

II Речевая зарядка

T: Please, read a quote on the blackboard. « If you don't think about the future you will not have it.» J.Galsworthy. How do you understand these words?

P: I think they are about our planet, the Earth. We won't have it if we don't care of it.

T: Yes, you are right. So, we'll speak about ecology. Do you know what this word means?

P: Ecology is a science about relations of people with nature.

T: It comes from the Greek word and means "home".

P: Ecology is a science studying whether we keep our common home, our planet Earth in a good state and how we use its gifts - water, air, land, plants, animals and minerals.

T: What do your associate with the word "Nature"? (The teacher gives cards with word web and children fill them).

Конспект урока английского языка по теме Наша планета наш дом

III. Обучение устной речи по прочитанному тексту

T: Watch the video "If the world doesn't exist". After it express your opinions about saving the Earth.

P: If people don't care for the planet everything won't exist.

T: Now read the story «Pollution Solutions» on the screen ( a slide of presentation). Now your classmates will recite a poem «Oh, Russia, I am in love with you».

P1: What have they done to the skies, my friend?

Skies those are blue and so clear.

What have they done to the skies, my friend?

What have they done to the air?

P2: What have they done to the seas, my friend?

What have they done to the seas?

What have they done to the rivers, my friend?

What have they done to the trees?

P3: What have they done to our land, my friend?

This land which is ours from our birth?

What have they done to our forests, my friend?

What have they done to the Earth?

T: About two hundred years ago a man lived in harmony with nature. Rivers and lakes were blue and clean. Seas and oceans were full of fish. There were a lot of beautiful flowers in the forests, on the hills and meadows. Today, however, scientists are worried about a global catastrophy which is coming down on our planet.

Let's discuss your hometask. We'll speak about everything you've seen and read in the text "Pollution Solutions". First of all make some sentences, using the tables written on the blackboard. (Introduction Present Simple Passive with the help of the presentation)

In my country

the forests

the rivers

the seas

the animals

the birds


cut down





Children make the sentences and translate them.

T: Let's name environmental problems of today (pupils call and attach round the Earth drawn on the blackboard arrows with the problems in turn):

Конспект урока английского языка по теме Наша планета наш дом

Questions (students answer them finding the sentences in the slides)

  1. What happens to the forests?

  2. Why do the farmers spray chemicals on crops?

  3. Pesticides can often be found in food, can't they?

  4. What causes air pollution?

  5. Which is the world's biggest air pollution?

  6. What is the ozone layer?

  7. What causes the destruction of it?

  8. What does "acid rain" mean? Translate it.

  9. What causes acid rain?

  10. Why is it so bad?

  11. Do you agree that nobody cares of acid rain?

  12. Are scientists looking for ways to make cars and factories run cleaner?

  13. You know that energy from coal-burning factories is harmful. What kinds of energy are renewable?

  14. What does it mean?

IV. Физкультминутка.

T: A man is a part of the nature. Let's take care of your health. Do exercises.

Students sing the song "If you are happy" and move according its words.

V. Аудирование и обсуждение информации.

T: You know that litter is garbage - like food, paper and cans- on the ground or in the street. Where many people live together, litter is a problem. People don't always put their garbage into the garbage can. It's easier to drop a paper than to find a garbage can for it. But litter is ugly. It makes a city look dirty. The wind blows paper and plastic bags away. Often they are difficult to catch. Litter is a health problem, too.

Do you know how long litter lasts?

I want you to work in groups and solve the problems together. Fill in the table on your desks.

(Учащиеся выбирают возможно правильный вариант из предложенных).

T: And now let's check if you've done right.

(Students check your answers looking at a slide)

P1: In my mind plastic bottles last 5 years. But in fact plastic bottles last ….

P 2: In my opinion traffic ticket last a month. But as it turned out a traffic ticket lasts….

P 3: I think that banana peel lasts 2 weeks. But it's not true. A banana peel lasts …. Etc.

T: So you see that you should control litter and try to throw less.

On the slide students see


T: Do you know what it means? It means

* reuse



Make the expressions and sentences with these words.




glass bottles


plastic containers






T : What can be reduced?

P1 : We should reduce water (energy………..)

T : What can be reused?

P2: We should reuse paper (glass bottles ………)

T: What can be recycled?

P3,4: We should recycle newspaper (plastic containers……)

T: I'd like to tell you some good news. You've read that there are some recycling centers in America and European countries.

There is also a factory in Moscow which recycles rubbish (бытовой мусор) and even food wastes. Scientists think that there should be 5 factories like that to recycle everything that Moscow citizens have produced but …!

Well, I hope when you grow up you'll build such a factory in Novolabinskaya. I know you really want our stanitsa to become cleaner and nicer, don't you?

VI. Обучение диалогу по данной теме.

T: Sometimes you and your relatives don't save energy. Please, make some short dialogues on this problem.

  1. - You've left lights, dear!

    • Who cares?

    • I do! It's wasting energy. At school I'm taught it's expensive.

    • Oh, I'm sorry. I'll never do it again.

    • I hope so.

  1. -Dad, you've left the iron on.

-So, what?

  • My teacher tells me to save energy.

  • Oh, my daughter! Live and learn!

VII. Развитие навыков монологической речи по теме (проверка домашнего задания)

T: Some pupils have prepared interesting information about endangered animals. Listen to them.

P 1: You know that animals are our smaller brothers. They are not only our friends. Scientists have proved that all insects, birds, animals are necessary for dynamic balance.

P 2: You can find wonderful animals on our planet. In the oceans there are whales, albatrosses, sharks, polar bears, penguins. In tropical forests there are snakes, jaguars. In rivers you can see different kinds of fish and crocodiles.

But many of these species are disappearing.

P 3: Indian tigers are among them. Tigers are the biggest cats in the world. They are skillful hunters. Often they are dangerous. Some people are afraid of tiers and kill them to save their livestock and their lives.

P 4: But some people have hunted tigers for fun and for their beautiful skin. They sell the skin and get a lot of money. Now there are few tigers on the Earth.

P 5: African elephants are wonderful animals. They can help men. Today many elephants in Africa are dying because they don't have enough to eat and drink.

Hunters kill elephants every year. Some kill them for meat. But most kill elephants for their tusks. Specialists think that only two million elephants live on the planet today.

T: Thank you. Well done. As you see animals need protection on our planet.

VIII. Рефлексия. Подведение итогов.

T: Our Earth is our home. Today our home is in danger. What should we do to save our home?

P: We learn about ecology at our Biology, History, Geography and English lessons. We watch the films, read the texts and discuss them. Even though we are children and we can't do much about pollution or energy waste, there are a lot of ways in which we can help to save the Earth.

T: Create a sinquain about nature.


Eternal, fragile.

Feeds, heats, dresses.

It needs our protection.


T: Let's sing the song «Don't kill the world» Boney M with video.

Your home task is to be ready to represent your projects - placards "Save our planet"

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