«Дистанционный курс «Подготовка к ЕГЭ по английскому языку», раздел грамматика

«Дистанционный курс « Подготовка к ЕГЭ по английскому языку»Предмет: Английский языкКласс: 10 – 11Автор: Каверзина А.Ю.Назначение курса:Обеспечить поддержку традиционного обученияЦель курса:Повышение качества подготовки учащихся, сдающих выпускной экзамен в формате ЕГЭ по английскому языку по разделу грамматика.Курс дает учащимся возможность:♦ Спланировать индивидуальную траекторию подготовки к экзаменам;♦ Самостоятельно освоить довольно большой материал и ликвидировать пробелы в языковой подгот... ♦ Перейти от практики «натаскивания на экзамен» к практике активного формирования широкого спектра умений через систему тренировочных упражнений.
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Другие методич. материалы
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Временные формы глаголов группы Indefinite (Simple) Passive

Запомните, как образуются времена группы Indefinite (Simple) Passive:




1. The text is translated by the pupils.

2. The text isn't translated.

3. Is the text translated?

1. The text was translated.

2. The text wasn't translated.

3. Was the text translated?

1. The text will be translated.

2. The text will not be translated.

3. Will the text be translated?

Запомните падежные предлоги:

of: the book of the boy - книга мальчика

by: the composition was written by the girl - сочинение было написано девочкой

with: the letter was written with a pencil - письмо было написано карандашом

to: give the book to me - дай книгу мне

for: this present is for you - этот подарок тебе

about: I'll tell you about him - Я расскажу тебе о нем

Тренировочные упражнения

A. Раскройте скобки:

The composition(s) about holidays always (to write) by the pupils.

The composition(s) about holidays is (are) always written by the pupils.

1. The letters often (to write) by him with the pencil. 2. The questions always (to ask) by the teacher. 3. This text usually (to translate) by the students with the help of the teacher. 4. As a rule, this journal (to read) by my sister with great interest. 5. This newspaper rarely (to buy) by my father.

B. Раскройте скобки:

The composition(s) about holidays (to write) yesterday.

The composition(s) about holidays was (were) written yesterday.

1. The letters (to write) by him with the pencil last week. 2. The questions (to ask) by the teacher last Thursday. 3. Yesterday this text (to translate) by the students with the help of the teacher. 4. This journal (to read) by my sister with great interest last Sunday. 5. A day ago that newspaper (to buy) by my father.

C. Раскройте скобки:

The composition(s) about holidays (to write) by the pupils next week.

The composition(s) about holidays will be written by the pupils next week.

1. The letters (to write) by him in a week. 2. The questions (to ask) by the teacher next Thursday. 3. Tomorrow this text (to translate) by the students with the help of the teacher. 4. This journal (to read) by my sister with great interest next Sunday. 5. Tomorrow that newspaper (to buy) by my father.

D. Переведите на английский язык:

Хлеб купили вчера. Туфли купили вчера.

The bread was bought yesterday. The shoes were bought yesterday.

1. Лимоны купили вчера. 2. Овощи принесли вчера. 3. Арбуз был съеден час назад. 4. Кашу съели час назад. 5. Сок был выпит час назад.

E. Переведите на английский язык:

Платье будет куплено мною завтра.

The dress will be bought by me tomorrow.

1. Виноград будет выращен в следующем году моим дедушкой. 2. Мясо будет куплено им через час. 3. Свитер будет связан мамой весной. 4. Молоко будет выпито маленьким ребенком ночью. 5. Сметана будет куплена ею в субботу.

F. Переведите на английский язык:

Масло обычно покупается мамой на рынке.

The butter is usually bought by my mother at the market.

1. Как правило, хлеб покупается нашей бабушкой. 2. Обувь обычно моется мною. 3. Свитер обычно вяжется моей мамой. 4. Кофе часто выбирается моим отцом. 5. Этот журнал, как правило, читается моей сестрой.

Обучающие тесты с ответами

A. Раскройте скобки, выбрав правильный ответ:

1. The pineapple (to eat) by you yesterday.

a) The pineapple was eaten by you yesterday.

b) The pineapple was eat by you yesterday.

c) The pineapple was ate by you yesterday.

d) The pineapple eaten by you yesterday.

2. A big watermelon (to bring) by him from the market an hour ago.

a) A big watermelon brought by him from the market an hour ago.

b) A big watermelon was brought by him from the market an hour ago.

c) A big watermelon will be brought by him from the market an hour ago.

d) A big watermelon is brought by him from the market an hour ago.

3. The raincoat (to buy) next month.

a) The raincoat will be bought next month.

b) The raincoat was bought next month.

c) The raincoat is bought next month.

d) The raincoat bought next month.

4. The girl usually (to feed) by her mother.

a) The girl usually feeds by her mother.

b) The girl is usually fed by her mother.

c) The girl usually feed by her mother.

d) The girl usually fed by her mother.

5. The house (to build) in a year.

a) The house will build in a year.

b) The house will be built in a year.

c) The house was built in a year.

d) The house is built in a year.







B. Подберите правильный перевод предложений:

1. Слова повторяются учащимися каждый день.

a) The words were repeated by the pupils every day.

b) The words will be repeated by the pupils every day.

c) The words are repeated by the pupils every day.

d) The words shall be repeated by the pupils every day.

2. Арбуз съели вчера.

a) The watermelon is eaten yesterday.

b) The watermelon was eaten yesterday.

c) The watermelon was eaten by her yesterday.

d) The watermelon were eaten yesterday.

3. Обед будут готовить через полчаса.

a) The dinner will be prepared in half an hour.

b) The dinner be prepared in half an hour.

c) The dinner will prepared in half an hour.

d) The dinner will prepare in half an hour.

4. Кофе был приготовлен моей мамой.

a) The coffee is prepared by my mother.

b) The coffee will be prepared by my mother.

c) The coffee was prepared by my mother.

d) The coffee was prepare by my mother.

5. Горчицу купят завтра.

a) The mustard be bought tomorrow.

b) The mustard will bought tomorrow.

c) The mustard bought tomorrow.

d) The mustard will be bought tomorrow.







Тесты для самопроверки

A. Раскройте скобки, выбрав правильный ответ:

1. The juice (to drink) by me some minutes ago.

a) The juice drank by me some minutes ago.

b) The juice is drunk by me some minutes ago.

c) The juice was drunk by me some minutes ago.

d) The juice will be drunk by me some minutes ago.

2. The vegetables (to cut) by my grandmother in some minutes.

a) The vegetables will cut by my grandmother in some minutes.

b) The vegetables will be cut by my grandmother in some minutes.

c) The vegetables were cut by my grandmother in some minutes.

d) The vegetables shall be cut by my grandmother in some minutes.

3. The boots (to clean) by my brother every day.

a) The boots cleaned by my brother every day.

b) The boots clean by my brother every day.

c) The boots are cleaned by my brother every day.

d) The boots shall be cleaned by my brother every day.

4. The fruit ice-cream (to eat) by my younger sister yesterday.

a) The fruit ice-cream was eaten by my younger sister yesterday.

b) The fruit ice-cream shall be eaten by my younger sister.

c) The fruit ice-cream ate by my younger sister.

d) The fruit ice-cream was eated by my younger sister.

5. The questions (to answer) by him at the lesson.

a) The questions was answered by him at the lesson.

b) The questions answered by him at the lesson.

c) The questions shall be answered by him at the lesson.

d) The questions will be answered by him at the lesson.

B. Подберите правильный перевод предложений:

1. Предложения будут переведены с русского языка на английский.

a) The sentences will be translated from Russian into English.

b) The sentences will translated from Russian into English.

c) The sentences be translated from Russian into English.

d) The sentences shall be translated from Russian into English.

2. Задача была выполнена им.

a) The task was performed by him.

b) The task will be performed by him.

c) The task is performed by him.

d) The task performed by him.

3. Магазины обычно открыты в это время.

a) The shops were usually opened at this time.

b) The shops are usually opened at this time.

c) The shops is usually opened at this time.

d) The shops will usually be opened at this time.

4. Окна будут вымыты ею завтра.

a) The windows are cleaned by her tomorrow.

b) The windows were cleaned by her tomorrow.

c) The windows will be cleaned by her tomorrow.

d) The windows will cleaned by her tomorrow.

5. Перчатки были потеряны ею вчера.

a) The gloves were lost by her yesterday.

b) The gloves are lost by her yesterday.

c) The gloves lost by her yesterday.

d) The gloves were lost by him yesterday.

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