Задания при подготовке к ЕГЭ

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Поделитесь с коллегами:

1.Прочитайте данный ниже текст. Утверждения 1-4 не соответствуют тексту. Подчеркните отрывки текста, содержащие информацию, противоречащую утверждениям.

Funny peculiar

Charlie Chaplin and childhood go hand in hand, at least for me. My parents would hire a film projector for my birthday party, and we all sat round laughing at the flickering, silent adventures of the fascinating little tramp. We watched as he won over authority and fate, triumphing over nasty people and physical danger, such as the little hut placed dangerously on the cliffs in his film ``The gold rush``.

/adapted from: Humphrey Carpenter, ``Funny peculiar``, The Sunday Times Books/

  1. According to the author, we all associate childhood with Charlie Chaplin.

  2. The author`s parents once rented a film projector for his birthday.

  3. The family watched a Charlie Chaplin film with the sound switched off.

  4. In the author`s opinion, the little hut symbolizes Chaplin`s triumph over his fate.

2. Определите, какие из данных выше утверждений 1-4 требуют понимания:

А) грамматической структуры;

В) фоновой лексики (слова и выражения, связанные с культурными реалиями страны);

С) идиоматического выражения;

D) намерения автора.

  1. Прочитайте текст и четыре возможных заголовка к нему (а- d). Выберите тот, который точнее передает основную идею текста.

  1. The veteran singer tops the charts

  2. Sir Cliff calls off his concert

  3. A flame of hope will be lit in Birmingham

  4. Despite having flu, Sir Cliff is ready to sing on Millennium Eve

Sir Cliff Richard cancelled a concert in Birmingham last night because of flu. The agent for the veteran singer, who topped the charts with The Millennium Prayer, assured fans that he would be performing on Millennium Eve, when he is a guest at Birmingham`s party. Sir Cliff will light a flame of hope.

/adapted from: ``News Bulletin``, The Daily Telegraph/

4.Из данного текста были извлечены четыре предложения (а -d). Определите, в каком месте текста они должны находиться, а какие пропуски пропусками не являются.

Hitches for the driver

(1)___. Anyone considering taking to the roads while abroad this summer should make sure they are aware of foreign driving laws.(2)___. Some of these laws may look strange. (3)___. On the other hand, in Spain you could invalidate your insurance if you normally wear glasses and do not carry a spare pair in your car. (4) ___. In many European countries it is compulsory to carry a warning triangle in case of a break down. (5)___. Some foreign regulations may seem petty. (6)___. But some laws are more serious and could get you into trouble if you do not obey them. (7)___. Holiday makers in France and Italy set this limit at 10 years old. (8)___. The French, Germans and Italians are more relaxed about it: they only recommend carrying an extra bulb as a precaution.

/adapted from: Suzy Jagger,``Hitches for the driver``, The Daily Telegraph/

  1. For example, in Germany, children under the age of 12 are not allowed to sit in the front seat.

  2. In Italy, for example, it is illegal to pick up a hitchhiker.

  3. Similarly, the Spanish have a compulsory law that all drivers must carry a spare headlamp bulb.

  4. For example, it is compulsory in Germany, Italy, France and Spain to display the GB sticker.


  1. 1-c (at least)

2-a (would)

3-b (silent)

4-d (the tramp`s triumph)

  1. B

  2. A-7




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