Итоговый тест по английскому языку к УМКEnjoy English-4 (4 класс)

Итоговый тест по английскому языку к УМК "Enjoy English" проводится в конце курса обучения для 4 класса.С целью провести контроль изученной лексики,грамматики.Проверяются навыки понимания прочитанного текста,знание неправильных глаголов,умение употреблять глаголы в изученных временах Present Simple и Pasr Simple,ставить прилагательные в нужную степень сравнения,составлять словосочетания из данной лексики и вписывать их в подходящие по смыслу предложения.Тест рассчитан на урок,но сильные ученики ...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 4 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 4 класса. № 1. Прочитай текст, найди в нем ответы на вопросы 1-5 и запиши их в пропуски рядом с вопросами. Отвечай на вопросы кратко.

On the Farm

Last Sunday Judy visited he best friend Ann. Ann lived on a farm. Her house was old. But it was very big and had a nice veranda. The house stood on the top of a hill. There were some tall trees near it. Ann's room was very comfortable, with a lot of furniture and two big windows. The walls were blue and there were some beautiful pictures on them. Ann had a lot of toys and books in her room and showed them to Judy. Judy and Ann had eggs, biscuits and tea for breakfast. Then they went for a walk. Judy saw a lot of animals: horses, cows, pigs, ducks, geese and chickens. They were so funny. But best of all Judy liked Ann's dog Jasper. He was very friendly and Judy spent a lot of time playing with him.


0. When did Judy visit Ann? - last Sunday

1. Where did the house stand? - __________________________
2. How many windows were there in Ann's room? - ______________________________
3. What did the girls have for breakfast? - ____________________________________
4. What animals did Judy see on the farm? - ____________________________________
5. What did Judy like best of all? - ______________________________________

№2. Составь словосочетания и запиши их.


by heart






in the garden




the washing up


A snowman


a bike


hands and face


to school

№3. Вставить is или are.

1. There ____ two books in the bag.
2. There ____ no TV in our room.
3. There ____many toys in the bedroom.
4. ____ there many children in the yard?
5. There ____ a pen and a pencil on the desk.

№4. Напиши вторую форму глаголов.

1. Do
2. Say
3. Read
4. Catch
5. Go
6. Give
7. Draw
8. Run

4. Выбери правильный ответ.

1. Jane … yesterday. a) didn't played b) not played c) didn't play
2. Sam … five letters yesterday. a) write b) wrote c) will write

3. … the present? a) Did she like b) Did she liked c) She liked
4. Sam … in Moscow last year. a) is b) was c) were

5. ______ you do your homework two days ago? a) do b)did c) will

№5. Выбери правильный ответ.

1) The jacket is … than the coat. a) good b) better c) the best
2) It is a very … English book. a) funny b) funnier c) the funniest.
3) It is the … fairy tale in the book. a) interesting b) interestingest c)most interesting
4) I am busy but my brother is … . a) busy b) busier c) the busiest
5) It is … longest day of the year. a) a b) the c) -

№6. Прочитай текст и впиши в каждый пропуск подходящее по смыслу слово.

Rana and his Donkey

Rana was a young boy who (0) loved nature. He lived in a (1) ____________ house in the country. He (2) ____________ all his work himself with the help of his donkey. Rana was very (3) ____________ to live there. But rana was not pleased with his donkey. He thought that his donkey was very (4)____________ and did not work well. One day, Rana decided to buy a motor car. It was (5) ____________ than his slow donkey.

Пример: 0. Lived / looked / loved

1. interesting / beautiful / favourite
2. Did / was / had
3. Sad / angry / happy
4. Lazy / hungry / strong
5. Faster / smaller / older

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