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Тест английский язык 6 класс.

Ф.И.О.: Массарова Гульназ Джаудатовна,

Должность: учитель английского языка,

Место работы: МБОУ «Нижнекаменская ООШ»

Английский язык 6 класс.

I Закрытые задания

Прочитай тексты и ответь на вопросы, выбери в предложенных ответах один правильный и закрась соответствующей этой букве овал в бланке ответов.

Каждое правильное задание оценивается в 2 балла.

I was very happy this morning. Last night I couldn't find my

glasses anywhere. I searched and searched but I couldn't find

them. Then this morning I was emptying the wastepaper basket

and suddenly I found them. I had dropped them in the basket

by mistake!

  1. Выбери утверждение, соответствующее содержанию


А I wasn't happy this morning.

Б Last morning I couldn't find my glasses.

В I was happy this morning because I found my lost glasses.
Г I had dropped glasses into my desk.

On Thursday.

On Thursday we went on a school trip to Hedingham Castle,

Everyone dressed in Norman costume, even the teachers. I dressed

as a rich lady, some of my friends were peasants, knights and rich men.

We looked very grand, and it felt as if we had gone back in time when

we were doing activities at the castle. We had a great time and our photo

was printed in the local newspaper.

Joanne Robinson, age 7.

Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос.

  1. Where did pupils go last Thursday? 3. Where was the photo printed?

А They went to Scotland. А It was printed in a magazine.

Б Pupils went to school. Б It was printed in the newspaper.

В They went on a trip to a castle. В It was printed in the photo album.

4. Выбери правильный вариант употребления артикля.

My mother is __ good doctor, she lives in ___ UK.

А a, the
Б the, -
В - , the

Г a , -

5. Выбери правильное местоимение.

There are _____ teachers from England there.

А not
Б any
В some

6. Выбери правильный вариант употребления местоимений.

… brother is a pupil. … loves to sing very much. … like to listen to …singing.

… favourite song is «Yesterday».

А my, he, I, his, my
Б their, she, they, our, us
В we, her, she, your, my

Г she, I, her, his, our

7. Выбери строку, где правильно употреблены a, some co словами: water,

dog, armchair, sugar.

А a water, a dog, an armchair, some sugar
Б some water, a dog, some armchair, some sugar
В some water, a dog, an armchair, some sugar

Г some water, some dog, an armchair, some sugar

8. Выбери вариант, где вопросительное предложение построено правильно.

А Do you get up early every day?
Б You get up early every day?
В You do get up early every day?

Г Get you up every day early?

9.Соотнеси основную форму глагола с его II формой.

  1. go a) sent

  2. fly b) went

  3. send c) flew

d) spent

А 1- b, 2- a, 3 - d
Б 1- b, 2- c, 3 - a
В 1- a, 2- d, 3 - b

Г 1- b, 2- c, 3 - d

10. Выбери строку, где указаны слова, подходящие по смыслу в предложения.

Your mother's sister is your __1___.

Your father's brother is your __2___.

The daughter of your mother is your ___3___.

А 1- aunt, 2- uncle, 3 - sister
Б 1- cousin, 2- brother, 3 - aunt
В 1- sister, 2- uncle, 3 - cousin

Г 1- aunt, 2- cousin, 3 - niece

11. Выбери строку, где правильно указаны вспомогательные глаголы, которые

надо поставить вместо пропусков в вопросах.

______ he buy a newspaper yesterday?

______ the weather be cold next week?

______ you read books in the evening?

А does, will, did
Б did, will, do
В did, does, will

Г will, did, do

12. Выбери краткий ответ, соответствующий данному вопросу.

Did my mother buy a new car last year?

А No, he didn't.
Б No, she doesn't.
В Yes, she did.

Г Yes, she does.

13. Выбери нужный предлог времени.

Му grandfather likes to read newspapers __ the evening.

А at Б on В to Г in

14. Выбери нужное притяжательное местоимение.

Don't touch it! This pencil on the desk is ____.

А my Б mine В his Г us

15. Выбери правильный вариант.

My _____ name is Dan.

А friends
Б friends'
В friend's

16. Выбери подходящий модальный глагол.

Не ___ write letters in English because he knows English very well.

А can
Б should
В must

Г have to

II Открытые задания

Выполни задания 17-24. Ответ запиши в отведенное для него место.

Мысли выражай кратко, логично, последовательно.

Максимальное число баллов за открытые задания - 34.

17. Вставь в предложения much или many.

1. How ___ girls are there in your class?

2. How ___ feet does the cat have?

3. How ___ milk did you drink last evening?

18. Вставь артикль a (an) или the в предложения, где необходимо.

  1. My brother bought __ new film. ___ film is very interesting.

  2. What ____ nice day!

  3. My mother reads ______ every day.

  4. Mendeleev is ____ outstanding Russian scientist.

19. Заверши разделительный вопрос.

  1. We are doing our homework now, __________?

  2. Mike is the best pupil, __________?

  3. She bought a new dress yesterday, _________?

20. Составь из данных слов предложения, соблюдая порядок слов.

  1. tomorrow, we, go to, will, New York.

  2. yesterday, our, teacher, told, new, a, us, fairy tale.

  3. usually, we, listen to, songs, English.







21. Соотнеси название увлечения с видом деятельности. К каждой цифре

в ответе подбери соответствующие буквы.

  1. watching a) films

  2. gardening b) TV

c) to plant trees

d) to water flowers

e) horror

f) to spend an evening in the garden



22. Раскрой скобки, употребив глагол в нужной форме, и запиши его в


1) He ( go) to the theatre with us last week.

2) She ( not get up) early in the morning.

3) Pupils ( have) test tomorrow.

4) It ( be) spring now.


_______ 2-_______________________________________________

_______ 3- _______________________________________________

_______ 4- _______________________________________________

23. Вставь вместо пропусков was или were.

Our grandparents lived in the country. There _____ a large forest not far from

their house. There _____ many mushrooms and berries in the forest. There

_____ also many animals and plants in the forest. There _____ a small lake

behind the house.

24. Расставь фразы по порядку, чтобы получился диалог. В ответе укажи только правильную последовательность цифр.

  1. I'm OK. Would you like to go to the cinema?

  2. Morning.

  3. Yes, with great pleasure.

  4. Good morning.

  5. How are you?

  6. Fine. Thank you. And you?

  7. Let's go.



Ответы: Баллы:

  1. В 1-16-2 балла за каждое

  2. В задание

  3. Б 17- 3 балла

  4. А 18- 4 балла

  5. В 19 - 3 балла

  6. А 20 - 3 балла

  7. В 21 - 6 баллов

  8. А 22 - 4 балла

  9. Б 23 - 4 балла

  10. А 24 - 7 баллов

  11. Б

  12. В

  13. Г

  14. Б

  15. В

  16. А

  17. 1) many 2) many 3) much

  18. 1) a, the; 2) a 3) - 4) an

  19. 1)aren't we 2) isn't he 3) didn't she

  20. 1) We will go to New York tomorrow.

2) Our teacher told us a new fairy tale yesterday.

3) We usually listen to English songs.

21) 1) a, b, e 2) c,d,f

22) 1) went 2) does not get up 3) will have 4) is

23) was, were, were, was.

24) 4,2,5,6,1,3,7

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