Авторский план-конспект урока At the doctors

Тема: At the doctor’s. Тип урока: комбинированный Цели: 1) Образовательная: научить использовать в речи новую лексику по теме, развивать навыки устной речи, навыки диалогического и монологического общения, навыки говорения по теме с использованием лексики и грамматики. 2) Развивающая: развивать оперативную и долговременную память, дедуктивное мышление, умение понимать при прослушивании информации на иностранном языке и выделять главное. 3) Воспитательная: формировать ответственное отношение к св...
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Тема: At the doctor's.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Цели: 1) Образовательная: научить использовать в речи новую лексику по теме, развивать навыки устной речи, навыки диалогического и монологического общения, навыки говорения по теме с использованием лексики и грамматики.

2) Развивающая: развивать оперативную и долговременную память, дедуктивное мышление, умение понимать при прослушивании информации на иностранном языке и выделять главное.

3) Воспитательная: формировать ответственное отношение к своему здоровью, воспитывать желание общаться на английском языке, формировать способности к сотрудничеству при работе в парах.

Речевой материал: a broken arm, a sore throat, earache, a sprained ankle, a rash, toothache, flu, a cough, a cold, a temperature, a headache, go to the hospital for an X-ray, a hundred and one.

Грамматический материал: should/ shouldn't questions.

Оборудование: Tom Hutchinson. Hotline Pre -intermediate. - Oxford University Press, 1997, SB, p. 60-61; WB, p. 50-51; TB, p. 55-57; ученические словарики, кассета, магнитофон, иллюстрации в учебнике.

План урока.

1. Оргмомент (1 мин.)

2. Проверка домашнего задания (5-7 мин.)

3. Фонетическая зарядка (2-3 мин.)

4. Аудирование (10-15 мин.)

5. Развитие диалогической речи (10 мин.)

6. Закрепление материала (5 мин.)

7. Домашнее задание (2 мин.)

8. Подведение итогов (2 мин.)

Ход урока

Этапы урока, время

Деятельность учителя

Предполагаемые действия учащихся

Замечания и рекомендации

1. Оргмомент (1 мин.)

Good morning, children!

I'm glad to see you.

Sit down, please.

Dima, how are you?

And you, Dasha, how are you?

Who is on duty today?

Who is absent?

What day is it today?

What day of the week is it today?

What weather is it today?

Good morning!

Glad to see you too.

I'm fine, thanks.

I'm fine.

Nikita, Lisa are on duty today.

Jane, Sasha are absent.

The 11 th of December.

Today it's Tuesday.

It's sunny.

Подготовка учащихся к учебной деятельности на английском языке, организация класса и установление делового контакта с учащимися.

2. Проверка домашнего задания

(5-7 мин.)

What home task have you had?

What kinds of dangers do you know?

Why do people run these unnecessary risks?

Do you know people will have health problems if they choose dangerous activities?

Today we'll tell about health.

Our home task was p. 59, ex. 5.

Pupil 1: I think it's road accident.

Pupil 2: It's plane crash.

Pupil 3: To my mind, it's fire.

Pupil 4: Sports like parachuting, rock climbing, motor racing are dangerous.

Pupil 1: People choose dangerous things if they get some benefit from them, so people choose to smoke, although this carries a very high risk of death from lung cancer and heart disease.

Pupil 2: Young people accept more risks, because they don't understand how it's dangerous for their health. A lot of young people risk skin cancer from sunbathing, because they want to look more beautiful.

Pupil 3: I can add influence of publicity. People are more afraid of flying than driving, because plane crashes get more publicity. A lot of people die at the same time in a plane crash, but in fact far more people die in car crashes each year.

Pupils: Yes, we agree. This people will have health problems.

Организация проверки домашнего задания и исправление ошибок в его выполнении.

3Фонетическая зарядка

(2-3 мин.)

Look at the blackboard and repeat the words:

a broken arm

a sore throat


a sprained ankle

a rash



a cough

a cold

a temperature

a headache

Pupils repeat the words after me.

Pupils read the words after each other.

Pupils open their vocabularies and write down the words.

I give examples for each word.

With my help pupils understand the meaning of the words.

Фонетическая зарядка позволяет познакомиться с новым лексическим материалом по теме, чтобы перейти к дальнейшим упражнениям.


(10-15 мин.)

Answer the question:

Have you ever had these things?

Listen to the tape and answer the question: What's wrong with the patients?

If you want, listen again.

Listen again and complete the chart for each patient

(p. 60, ex. 2).

Listen to the tape again and complete the dialoque

(p. 60, ex. 4).

Pupils answer the question:

Pupil 1: Yes, I've had a sore throat, a cough, a temperature.

Pupil 2: I've had a broken arm.

Pupil 3: I've had toothache.

Pupils listen to the tape.

Pupils listen again and answer :

Patient 1 hurt ankle when fell over playing football; patient 2 had a headache, a cough, a sore throat, a temperature.

Pupils listen again and complete the chart for each patient:










put a bandage on it, have an X-ray


doesn't fell very well, a cough, a headache, a temperature, a sore throat


take medicine,

stay at home, keep warm

Pupils complete the dialoque.

P: Good morning, Doctor.

D: Good morning, what can I do for you?

P: I don't feel very well. I've got a headache and a cough.

D: Hmm. Let me have a look. Open your mouth, please. Say: «Aah».

P: Aah.

D: Your throat's a bit red. Is it sore?

P: Yes. I feel all hot and cold, too.

D: I'll just take your temperature. Can you put this under your tonque? Hmm, a hundred and one. Yes, you've got a temperature.

P: What is it, then, Doctor?

D: You've got flu. I'll give a prescription for some medicine. Take one spoonful every four hours.

P: Should I stay in bed?

D: No, but you should stay at home and keep warm. Cove back in a week.

P: Thank you, Doctor. Goodbye.

D: Goodbye.

Then two pupils read the dialoque.

Pupils check their answers.

Перед прослушиванием диалогов можно выписать на доске и объяснить выражения go to the hospital for an X-ray, a hundred and one.

Перед заполнением таблицы необходимо вместе с учащимися выяснить, как они понимают понятия diagnosis, treatment.

Перед дополнением недостающих слов в диалог рационально дать учащимся несколько минут для просмотра упражнения, возможно в некоторых случаях они уже знают, какое слово нужно вставить, а при прослушивании дополнят остальные.

5. Развитие диалогической речи

(10 мин.)

Look at the pictures

(p. 61, ex. 4).

What do you think the patients will say to the doctor?

What will the doctor tell each one?

Work in pairs. One person is the patient and one is the doctor. Make their conversations.

Pupils give their ideas:

1. I've got a rash.

2. I've got a cold/ flu.

3. I've got a temperature.

4. I've hurt my knee.

5. My eye hurts./ I've got a sore eye.

6. I've got a sore throat.

7. I've got (a) stomachache.

8. I've got a swollen foot.

9. I've got earache.

10. I've cut my finger.

Pupils give their ideas:

1. You should put ointment.

2. You should stay at home and keep warm.

3. You should take some medicine, stay in bed and keep warm.

4. You should have an X-ray.

5. You should put some drops in it.

6. You should take some antibiotics.

7. You should take some medicine.

You shouldn't eat anything.

8. You should have an X-ray.

9. You should put some drops in your ear and take some antibiotics.

10. You should wash it thoroughly and put a plaster on it.

Pupils work in pairs, choose their roles, make their conversations. They use the tape conversations as models. Then pairs demonstrate their dialoques in front of the class.

Развиваются навыки диалогического высказывания с использованием лексики по теме.

6. Закрепление материала

(5 мин.)

Open your workbooks on p. 50, ex.7, study the rule: should/ shouldn't questions.

Complete the dialoques. Use these expressions:

take an aspirin,

learn German,

go to work,

go to the doctor's,

play football,

lie on the beach,

go out tonight,

call the police,

drive it,

go to the dentist.

Pupil reads the rule: to make questions with 'should' we put 'should' in front of the subject. Example: Should I take an aspirin? What should I do?

Pupil reads the example: I don't feel well. Should I go to the doctor's? Yes, you should.

My car's making a funny noise. Should I drive it? No, you shouldn't.

Pupils complete the dialoques.

1. I've hurt my knee. Should I play football? No, you shouldn't.

2. My car's been stolen. Should I call the police? Yes, you should.

3. I've got a cold. Should I take an aspirin? Yes, you should.

4. We're going to Berlin for a holiday this year. Should I learn German? Yes, you should.

5. I haven't done my homework for tomorrow. Should I go out tonight? No, you shouldn't.

6. I've got toothache. Should I go to the dentist? Yes, you should.

7. My back's sunburnt. Should I lie on the beach? No, you shouldn't.

8. I've got a headache. Should I go to work? No, you shouldn't.

На данном этапе закрепляется пройденная лексика по теме и повторяется грамматический материал построения вопросов с модальными глаголами.

7. Домашнее задание

(2 мин.)

Write down the home task: learn the dialoque in pairs

(p. 60, ex. 4),

learn the new words.

Pupils write down the home task.

Домашнее задание подготовлено ходом урока, записывается в специально отведённой части доски.

8. Подведение итогов

(2 мин.)

Подводятся итоги урока. Наиболее активные ученики получают оценки:

Nikita, Lisa, Dasha - 5, because you work well;

Dima - 4, you should work better.

Thank you for your work.

The lesson is over.

Подводятся итоги урока, обосновываются выставленные оценки, завершается урок.

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