Разработка внеклассного урока по английскому языку для 3-классов

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 3 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Opening lesson "The best".


The theme: The best

Form: 3 a,b,v.e

Aim: To develop oral skills.

To develop pupils intellect, speech habits through speaking, listening, and writing in three languages.

To arouse their interest in learning English.

Material: cards, pictures, blackboard, interactive board.

The procedure of the lesson. (Ход урока)

  1. Organization moment.

  2. Greeting.

Good afternoon dear teachers and pupils. I am glad to see you our lesson. Today we have a competition lesson. There are four groups in the lesson. The first group is the ''Sun'', the second group is "Moon", the third group is "Stars", the fourth group is "Sky". Our competition consist of 5 parts:

  1. Polyglot

  2. What is this?

  3. Put the missing letter.

  4. Poems.

  5. Captains'.

А теперь чтобы наш игра была честной на уроке присуствуют члены жюри. Они будут оценивать ответы участников. (Знакомство с членами жюри)

Let's start our competition.

  1. First game : Polyglot.

(В этом конкурсе каждая группа пишет одно слова на трёх языках. 5 мин )

Книга - book - кітап

Понедельник - Monday - дүйсенбі

Мясо - мeat - eт

Акула - shark - акула

Семья - family - отбасы

Сыр - cheese - ірімшік

Картошка - potato - картоп

Январь - January - қаңтар

Лето - summer - жаз

Красный - red - қызыл

  1. Second game : What is this?

(в этом конкурсе каждая команда угадывает слова и составляет из этих слов пять предложений 5 мин).

  1. Third game : put the missing letters.


Mon …ey






( В этом конкурсе каждая команда вставляет пропущенные буквы в словах 5 мин)

  1. Fourth game : Poems.

(В этом конкурсе каждая команда старается найти подходящее стихотворенье к картине).

I like to read One, two, three Little girl, little girl

I like to play Let me see Where have you been

I like to study every day Who likes coffee I've to see

I like to jump And who likes tea? grandmother

I like to play One, two, three Over the green

It's sun to play Oh, I see What did she give you You like coffee milk if I can

And I like tea. What did you say for it

Thank you grandma

Rain on the green grass My cat is fat

Rain on the tree. My cat is black

Rain on the house top My cat likes rats

But not on me. Thin and fat.

Apples, apples, one, two, three, Breakfast in the morning

Apples for you, apples for me. Dinner in the day

Apples for big, apples small, Tea comes after dinner

Apple trees tiny, apple trees tall. Then it's time to play

Apples sour, apples sweet Supper in the evening

Apples, apples, are nice to eat. When sky is red

Then the day is oven

And we go to bed.

I can read, I can write, Mother, Mommy, Mama, Mom

I can speak English too Mother, Mommy, Mama, Mom

I love learning English! She's my mother

And what about you? She's my mommy Listen to the big clock

She's my mama Tick tock, tick tock

She's my mom Look at it hands move

Round and round

Fly little bird fly Spring is here, spring is here Listen to its bell chime

Fly into the blue sky And the skies are blue and clear Ding dong, ding dong

One two three Winter with cold is passed

You are free And the summer is coming fast

  1. Fifth game: Captains competition.

(В этом конкурсе соревнуются капитаны команды 10мин )

  1. Read the text.

  2. My family.

  3. Answer the questions?

  4. Translation work.

Our competition is over and our judges tell us the score please! (Жюри оцениваю группы.)

Conclusion of the lesson: Today we have very nice competition lesson. All of you are very good, but the best is …. Because they have the most score.

(Награждение групп )

Спасибо всем за внимание!

Good bye!

Opening lesson

The Best

English teacher: Irmetova Nargiza

Shimkent 2016

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