Урок английского языка для 9 класса по теме Party

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 9 класс
Тип Конспекты
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Lesson plan №18

Сабақ жоспары №18

Күні (Date): 28/10/2015

Сыныбы (Class): 9

Тақырыбы (Theme): Theme 2 "Pleasure of life": № 18

Мақсаты (Aim): SWBAT listen to songs, complete a diagram about "Party", to match the definitions with the types of words, to describe the picture, to connect early learnt material with the new one; to evaluate their work and their partners' work;
Мақсаттары (Objectives):

  1. Білімділік (Educational): to enlarge pupils' vocabulary.

  2. Дамытушылық (Developing): to develop pupils' reading and speaking skills

  3. Тәрбиелік (Bringing - up): to bring up patriots of our Motherland, to develop pupils' work in groups, to be friendly in touching

Сабақтың типі (Type of the lesson): Combination

Қолданылған көрнекіліктер (Materials needed): the state symbols, the map of our Republic, slide-show, pictures, multimedia, active- board

Inter subject connection: Kazakh, Russian



Кезең және әрекеттер

(Stage of activity)





Ұйымдастыру кезеңі.

(Organization moment)

- Greeting with pupils

- Explaining the aims of the lesson

- Presentation of the theme

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! I am very glad to see you! How are you today? .
Today at the lesson we'll speak about healthy life, your holidays. You'll be able to read the text and to speak about your expressions of holidays. I want you to remember the rules of our English lessons. Look and read after me all together:
1. Be active!
2. Be friendly and tolerant!
3. Help each other!
4. Talk English all the time!



Сергіту кезеңі.

(Warm - up)

Listen to the song "Happy birthday"

What song is this? Do you know the words? Let's sing a song.

Урок английского языка для 9 класса по теме PartyУрок английского языка для 9 класса по теме PartyУрок английского языка для 9 класса по теме Party

Урок английского языка для 9 класса по теме PartyУрок английского языка для 9 класса по теме Party


12 min

Жаңа тақырып.

(New theme)

What is important for a good party?

Number these in order of their importance for you.

Good food

Friendly atmosphere

Good music

Minimum number of guests

Attentive host/hostess

A big house

Interesting guests

Patient neighbours


Now listen to the phrases which you can say. (video)


What can you do?

We usually ….

We never …

We often ….

We sometimes …


What can't you do? P52 ex6 (work in pairs)

Easy conversation of happy birthday

A - Happy birthday!

B - That's very kind of you!

B - Come in. This is Pete.

C - Hello, Pete.

D - Help yourself, please!

B - Thanks, the cake was wonderful!

D - Do you want to dance?

B - I'd love to.

B - Let's play games.

D - Great!

D - Thank you for the party!

A - I'm glad you could come!

Easy conversation of happy birthday

A - Happy birthday!

B - That's very ___ of you!

B - _____ __. This is Pete.

C - Hello, Pete.

D - _____ yourself, please!

B - Thanks, the cake was _________!

D - Do you want to _____?

B - I'd love to.

B - Let's play _____.

D - Great!

D - Thank you for the _____!

A - I'm ____ you could come!


10 min

Тақырыпты бекіту.

(Fixing these theme)

Ex 4b p51

Read and practice



Үй тапсырмасын беру.

(Giving h/t)

At home you should do learn by heart new words





You were very active today! Well done! Try to remember our new vocabulary. Your marks for today…

The lesson is over. You may have a rest.

Урок английского языка для 9 класса по теме Party

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