Тесты по английскому языку для подготовки к ВОУД

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Класс -
Тип Конспекты
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Поделитесь с коллегами:

1. Окончание читается отлично от других в слове:

  1. Needed

  2. Waited

  3. *Developed

  4. Wanted

  5. Expected

2.Правильно написано слово

  1. Diffecult

  2. Dufficult

  3. Difficalt

  4. Deefficult

  5. *Difficult

3. "Wet" является антонимом слова:

  1. *Dry

  2. Fast

  3. Old

  4. Neat

  5. Light

4. Замените данное выражение одним словом:

You put it into your tea or coffee.

  1. Salt

  2. *Sugar

  3. Sand

  4. Flour

  5. Juice

5. Найдите общее слово для данной группы слов:

  1. Arm

  2. *Body

  3. Finger

  4. Palm

  5. Neck

6. Выберите правильный вариант перевода слова: Невозможный

  1. Possible

  2. *Impossible

  3. Inpossible

  4. Dispossible

  5. Unposssible

7. Выберите сложное слово:

  1. Expensive

  2. Graduation

  3. Beautiful

  4. Demonstration

  5. *Airport

8. Дополните предложение существительным в притяжательном падеже:

This is my ... coat.

  1. wifes's

  2. *wife's

  3. wifes'

  4. wife

  5. wives

9. Выберите предложение с правильным указательным местоимение:

  1. These big black box is rather new.

  2. *This big black box is rather new.

  3. That big black boxes are rather new.

  4. These big black box are rather new

  5. Those big black box is rather new.

10. Выберите правильный общий вопрос к предложению:

There wasn't anything in the bag.

  1. What there something in the bag?

  2. Was there something in the bag?

  3. *Was there anything in the bag?

  4. There was nothing in the bag, wasn't there?

  5. There wasn't anything in the bag, wasn't it?

11. Выберите правильную форму глагола "to be".

I ... in the 8 form three years ago.

  1. *was

  2. were

  3. am

  4. are

  5. is

12.Выберите глагол в форме Present Indefinite:

  1. Taughted

  2. Teaching

  3. Teached

  4. *Teaches

  5. Taught

13. Поставьте глагол в предложении в Past Continuous Tense:

The children (to sleep) when their parents came home.

  1. was sleeping

  2. were sleep

  3. was sleep

  4. *were sleeping

  5. were to sleeping

14. Выберите правильную форму глагола в страдательном залоге:

How many buildings (to build) in your city every year?

  1. *Are built

  2. Has been built

  3. Will be build

  4. Have build

  5. Is built

15. Укажите предложение, где глагол "to be" является модальным:

  1. She was sixteen last year.

  2. She was at the cinema.

  3. Mother is at home.

  4. What are you doing?

  5. *The delegation is to come on Monday.

16. Выберите правильный вариант местоимения:

I have not seen ... English films.

  1. no

  2. nothing

  3. some

  4. *any

  5. every

17. Отметьте форму глагола, перед которой можно поставить «to":

  1. grown

  2. have grew

  3. *grow

  4. will grow

  5. grew

18. Вставьте необходимый предлог в предложении:

Doing exercises is good ... your health.

  1. in

  2. from

  3. to

  4. *for

  5. with

19. 869 правильно читается:

  1. eight hundred sixty-nine

  2. *seven hundred and sixty-nine

  3. eight hundred sixty-five

  4. eight hundred sixty-three

  5. eight hundred and sixty-nine

20. Закончите предложение:

The shortest word in this group is ...

  1. July

  2. February

  3. *May

  4. July

  5. April

21. Выберите правильно написанную 2 форму глагола "to stop":

  1. Stopped

  2. *Stoped

  3. To stopped

  4. To stoppd

  5. Stopet

22. Найдите синоним словосочетания "to finish school":

  1. To leave school

  2. To have school

  3. *To enter school

  4. To get school

  5. To begin school

23. Антонимом слова "Absence" является:

  1. Delay

  2. Adjustment

  3. *Presence

  4. Substance

  5. Isolation

24. Составьте словосочетание: a broken

  1. meal

  2. light

  3. banana

  4. *window

  5. mood

25. Выберите фразовый глагол со значением «вставать»:

  1. Get into

  2. *Get up

  3. Get from

  4. Get down

  5. Get off

26. Выберите подходящий предлог.

Millions of people were killed ... World War II.

  1. of

  2. from

  3. on

  4. *during

  5. by

27. Закончите предложение: The weather was ... .

  1. *bad

  2. well

  3. badly

  4. brightly

  5. nicely

28. Выберите правильный вариант степени сравнения прилагательного:

Last week was ... ... as this week.

  1. Less cold

  2. Much cold

  3. Colder

  4. *As cold

  5. More cold

29. Вставьте подходящее по смыслу слово.

... wrote that letter?

  1. Where

  2. Why

  3. Whose

  4. Whom

  5. *Who

30. Поставьте предложение в Past Continuous:

My mother ... at 7 o'clock yesterday.

  1. ... have been watching TV

  2. ... is watching TV

  3. *... was watching TV

  4. ... am watching TV

  5. ... will be watching TV

31. Закончите предложение:

The children haven't finished their work ...

  1. yesterday.

  2. *yet.

  3. tomorrow.

  4. last year.

  5. then.

32. Выберите правильную форму глагола в страдательном залоге:

Last week I (to ask) to write an article.

  1. Has asked

  2. Is asked

  3. *Was asked

  4. Was ask

  5. Am asked

33. Выберите правильный вариант написания порядкового числительного: 22

  1. *the twenty second

  2. the twenty-second

  3. twenty two

  4. twenty-two

  5. twenty-second

34. Дополните предложение:

Look at this couple. I know his name. But I don't know ... .

  1. *hers

  2. me

  3. her

  4. she

  5. his

35. Выберите правильную форму глагола "to be":

We ... at the thetre tomorrow.

  1. be

  2. were

  3. are

  4. *will be

  5. was

36. Задайте вопрос к выделенному слову:

He speaks English very well.

  1. What language does he speak well?

  2. When does he speak English?

  3. Who speaks English well?

  4. What does he do well?

  5. *How does he speak English?

37. "Nobody" является антонимом слова:

  1. Everything

  2. *All

  3. Anybody

  4. Everytime

  5. Anything

38. Выберите правильный вариант предлога:

Go … reading the story. I want to know its end.

  1. Out

  2. Through

  3. About

  4. In

  5. *On

39. Выберите правильный ответ:

One hundred minus forty-six is…

  1. fifty-four

  2. sixty

  3. *forty-four

  4. seventy

  5. fifty-five

40. Выберите правильно составленное предложение.

  1. We go very often to the theatre.

  2. To the theatre we very often go.

  3. We go to the theatre very often.

  4. *We very often go to the theatre.

  5. Very often we go to the theatre.

41. Выделенная буква читается отлично от других в слове:

  1. January

  2. Laboratory

  3. *Yellow

  4. Many

  5. Mostly

42. Выберите слово, правильно составленное из следующих букв:

s, e, h, t, l, o, c

  1. cehotel

  2. hesclot

  3. teclosoh

  4. eltohsc

  5. *clothes

43. Вставьте предлог. This is a nice piece … jewelry.

  1. *of

  2. an

  3. off

  4. in

  5. by

44. Образуйте прилагательное с противоположным значением от слова "correct"

  1. Ilcorrect

  2. Imcorrect

  3. Uncorrect

  4. *Incorrect

  5. Recorrect

45. Выберите глагол в форме Present Continuous:

  1. Is does

  2. Is did

  3. Is do

  4. *Is doing

  5. Is done

46. Поставьте предложение в отрицательную форму:

I usually get to work by bus.

  1. I usually didn't get to work by bus.

  2. *I don't usually get to work by bus.

  3. I usually not get to work by bus.

  4. I usually won't get to work by bus.

  5. I usually doesn't get to work by bus.

47. Выберите правильный модальный глагол:

Our English lessons at school were boring. We … long exercises and learn a lot of grammar rules by heart.

  1. to write

  2. can write

  3. must

  4. *had to write

  5. must write

48. Вставьте необходимое по смыслу слово в предложении:

The tea isn't … enough for me.

  1. favorite

  2. large

  3. salt

  4. small

  5. *sweet

49. Слово interesting сочетается с

  1. water

  2. path

  3. house

  4. street

  5. *TV programmer

50. Выберите фразовый глагол со значением «присматривать»:

  1. Look at

  2. Look for

  3. Look through

  4. *Look after

  5. Look with

51. Найдите лишнее слово в данном тематическом ряду.

  1. street

  2. *sum

  3. buildings

  4. house

  5. city

52. Образуйте прилагательное с противоположным значением слова "happy":

  1. Ilhappy

  2. Inhappy

  3. Imhappy

  4. Rehappy

  5. *Unhappy

53. Выберите правильный вариант.

В феврале 29 дней.

  1. *February has twenty-nine days.

  2. February has the twenty nine days.

  3. February has twenty nine day.

  4. February has twenty of nine day.

  5. February has a twenty nine days.

54. Выберите правильный вариант вспомогательного глагола.

You had some time yesterday, …?

  1. did you

  2. had you

  3. don't you

  4. do you

  5. *didn't you

55. Синонимом слова "journey" является:

  1. *Trip

  2. Pie

  3. Reason

  4. Change

  5. Call

56. Степени сравнения образуются отлично от других у прилагательного:

  1. Sad

  2. *Little

  3. Smart

  4. Happy

  5. Large

57. Выберите верный вариант местоимений:

How long does … take … to go to the nearest shop?

  1. She/ your

  2. It/ your

  3. She/ you

  4. *It/ you

  5. He/ you

58. Выберите указательное местоимение для предложения:

Do you like … apples?

  1. this

  2. *these

  3. thise

  4. the

  5. that

59. Дополните предложение:

… is your favourite subject at school?

  1. *What

  2. Where

  3. Who

  4. How

  5. Why

60. Выберите неисчисляемое существительное.

  1. plot

  2. pear

  3. monument

  4. cattle-farm

  5. *wheat

61. Правильно написано существительное:

  1. Boyes.

  2. Doges.

  3. Minuts.

  4. *Mice.

  5. Sheeps.

62. Bыбери слово, противоположное по смыслу слову "Drive":

  1. Play.

  2. Study.

  3. *Walk.

  4. Learn.

  5. Listen.

63. Выбери правильный вариант артиклей:

He was lying on ... bed reading … book.

  1. The, -;

  2. A, an;

  3. An, -; An, a;

  4. *The, a.

  5. A, the

64. Выбери правильную форму глагола:

... there any snakes in the forest?

  1. *are;

  2. isn't;

  3. wasn't;

  4. is;

  5. -

65. Bыберите слово, в котором выделенное буквосочитание читается отлично

от других слов:

  1. Teacher.

  2. Meat.

  3. *Heavy.

  4. Clean.

  5. Beat.

66.Выберите правильный вариант перевода слова:


  1. Inattractive;

  2. *Unattractive;

  3. Attractive;

  4. Imattractive;

  5. Disattractive.

67. Выберите правильный вариант чтения года: "1936"

  1. One hundred and nine hundred and thirty six.

  2. One ninety-three and six.

  3. One nine and three six.

  4. One thousand nine hundred and thirty six.

  5. *Nineteen thirty six.

68. Образуйте сравнительную степень от прилагательного (big):

  1. *Bigger;

  2. Biggest

  3. Bigest;

  4. Biger;

  5. More big.

69. Восстановите пословицу:

There is... place like home.

  1. None;

  2. Something.

  3. Anything.

  4. *No.

  5. Somewhere.

70. Выберите притяжательную форму существительного в ед.числе:

  1. Dogs

  2. *Aunt's

  3. Planes'

  4. Plants'

  5. Neighbours'

71. Выберите правильный ответ:

Is Tom going to play on the bridge?

  1. Yes, she is.

  2. Yes, he will.

  3. No, she isn't.

  4. *Yes, he is.

  5. Yes, it is.

72. Выберите правильную форму сказуемого:

There ... some big trees in the garden.

  1. Am

  2. Been

  3. Is

  4. Was

  5. *Are

73.Выберите слово противоположное слову: hot.

  1. Windy.

  2. Rainy.

  3. *Cold.

  4. Pretty.

  5. Warm.

74.Выберите слово близкое по значению слову: sportsman.

  1. Student

  2. Queen.

  3. King.

  4. *Athlete.

  5. Pupil.

75 . Вставьте артикли:

... Union Jack is also on ... flags of Australia and New Zealand

  1. The, an.

  2. A, the.

  3. Ac, an.

  4. *The, the.

  5. -,an-.

76. Выберите подходящий английский эквивалент:

За деревней находится темный лес..

  1. *There is a dark forest behind the village.

  2. The village is there behind a dark forest.

  3. A dark forest there is behind the village.

  4. Behind the village there a dark forest is.

  5. There a dark forest is behind the village.

77. Найдите правильную степень сравнения прилагательных:

The Mississipi River is ... than the Missouri River.

  1. Cleanerer.

  2. *Cleaner

  3. The cleanest.

  4. Cleanerest.

  5. Clean.

78. Найдите правильное местоимение:

If you find ... mistakes, please tell me.

  1. Anything.

  2. *Any.

  3. Somebody.

  4. Nothing.

  5. Something.

79. Выберите неисчисляемое существительное:

  1. *Milk

  2. Chair

  3. Soldier

  4. Doll

  5. Table

80. Выберите правильную форму глагола "to be":

... you a teacher?

  1. *Are.

  2. Be.

  3. Been.

  4. Am.

  5. Is.

81. Синоним слова "Fast":

  1. *Quick

  2. Wise.

  3. Far.

  4. Slow.

  5. Fear.

82. Антоним слова :"Comedy"

  1. Performance.

  2. Song.

  3. Acting.

  4. Drama.

  5. *Anecdote.

83.Дополните предложение:

July is hottest month of ... year.

  1. a, the;

  2. -,-;

  3. *the , the;

  4. the, -­;

  5. a,a

84. Дополните предложение:

My father is ... best friend.

  1. Vladimir Stepanovich Danilov;

  2. Vladimir's Stepanovich's Danilov's;

  3. Vladimir Stepanovich's Danilov;

  4. Vladimir's Stepanovich Danilov;

  5. *Vladimir Stepanovich Danilov's

85. Выбери подходящий английский эквивалент:

Как ты собираешься провести свой выходной?

  1. *How are you going to spend your weekend?

  2. Where will you go for a weekend?

  3. How are you getting on?

  4. What do you do at the weekends?

  5. Where did you go last weekend?

86. Найдите прилагательное, имеющее отрицательное значение:

  1. *unhappy;

  2. simple;

  3. important;

  4. happy;

  5. helpful

87. Выберите правильный вариант чтения порядкового числительного: "The 72 nd"

  1. The seventieth and two.

  2. The seventy and second.

  3. *The seventy second.

  4. The seventieth and second.

  5. The seventy twoth.

88. Выберите множественное число слова "an umbrella":

  1. Umbrels;

  2. Umbrellaes

  3. Umbrelies

  4. Umbrell

  5. *Umbrellas

89. Выберите правильный вариант сказуемого:

Sue ... her cousin to the party last night.

  1. Brings.

  2. *Brought.

  3. Were brought.

  4. Bring. .

  5. Have brought.

90. Выберите правильную форму в страдательном залоге:

Dictations (to write) every day.

  1. Write.

  2. *Are written.

  3. Are wrote.

  4. Is written.

  5. Is wrote.

91. Найдите правильное местоимение:

I've got ... to ask you

  1. *Something.

  2. Somebody.

  3. Anybody.

  4. Any.

  5. No.

92. О6paзyйте прилагательное от слова "Comfort" при помощи суффикса:

  1. ing

  2. y

  3. *able

  4. ly

  5. ful

93. Выберите правильный вариант:

Where is the Statue of Liberty situated?

  1. *in the New York Harbour

  2. in the Black Sea

  3. in the Gulf of Mexico

  4. in the Irish Sea

  5. in the Pacific Ocean

94. Дополните предложение:

There are ... fifty-two weeks in ... year.

  1. a, a

  2. -, -

  3. a, the

  4. the , the

  5. *-, a

  1. Поставьте глагол в Present Simple Tense.

Which ... the shortest month of the year?

  1. were.

  2. was.

  3. * is.

  4. am.

  5. are.

96. Выберите правильный вариант сказуемого:

There ... many interesting toys on the table.

  1. Was.

  2. *Are.

  3. Am

  4. Is.

  5. Be.

97.К теме «транспорт» относится:

  1. Way.

  2. City.

  3. Berry

  4. Snowy.

  5. *Lorry

98. Задайте вопрос к предложению:

Liz has got short hair now but it used to be very long.

  1. Does her hair used to be very long?

  2. If her hair used to be very long?

  3. Do her hair used to be very long?

  4. Did her hair use to be very long?

  5. *Did her hair used to be very long?

99.Вставьте нужное местоимение:

Is ... your bag?

  1. *this

  2. these

  3. those

  4. whose

  5. which

100.Выберите правильный вариант:

There ... telephones in all rooms.

  1. *Are

  2. Was

  3. Am

  4. Be

  5. Is

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