Контрольная работа по английскому языку

Контрольная работа составлена для учащихся 11 класса как общественно-гуманитарного направления так и естественно-математического  в соответствии с ГОСО Республики Казахстан. Включает лексико-грамматический материал по теме " Наука и изобретения". Первое задание-грамматическое на выявление уровня усвоения учащимися условных предложений разного типа(I, II, III и 0).Второе и третье задания-на усвоение лексического материала к разделу "Наука" Контрольная работа поможет учителю определить уровень усв...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Тесты
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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Поделитесь с коллегами:

Choose the right answer

1. If the temperature falls below 0 °C, water ... into ice.

a) turned b) turns c) will turn d) turn

2. If he ... the fine, he will go to the prison.

a) hadn't paid b) won't pay c) doesn't pay d) wouldn't pay

3.If I ... time, I'd take up sport.

a) have b) had had c) had d) am having.

4.If she had studied harder, she … the test.

a) would have passed b) would pass c) would passed d) passed

5.If I were you, I ... to your mother.

a) would listen b) had listened c) will listen d) listen

6.If I ... a lottery, I ... buy a yacht.

a) win / would b) had won / would c) win / would have bought d) won / would buy

7.If I ... in a bigger house, I would invite a lot of friends to my party.

a) lived b) had lived c) live d) had been living

8. I am hungry . I wish it ( be) time for lunch now.

a) is b) were c) are

9.Mag lost her key yesterday. She wished she ( not/ be ) so careless.

a) wasn't b) wouldn't c) hadn't been

10.- Are you going to the sea alone?

- I wish my friends ( come) to me.

a) would come b) will come c) come

№ 2

Find the odd out ( Social sciences)

Economy, Philosophy, Sociology, Physics , Political science, Anthropology, History, Cultural Science, Demography, Psychology.

№ 3 True or false

  1. Scientists are also studying various aspects of human biology and the origin and development of the human race.

  2. There is no psychological dependence on the mobile phone.

  3. Cell phones influence on a dream and immune system.

  4. The Nobel Prize is not the highest award for scientists and researchers.

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