Сабақ жоспары: «What do you do for fun?»

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Класс -
Тип Конспекты
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The plan of the lesson

on the English language

The theme «What do you do for fun?»

Подготовила студентка

группы 4 ин.яз1

Султанова Назерке Султанкызы


«Основное среднее образование»


«Учитель иностранного языка»


Методист:Кешубаева Маргарита Закановна_____________

Учитель: Муратханова Ботагоз Муратхановна_______________

Усть - Каменогорск, 2015 год.

Школа: №15

Дата: 30.09.2015

Класс: 9 «Ә»

Тема: «What do you do for fun?»



- Образовательная: Отработка навыков устной речи учащихся по теме «What do you do for fun?» с использованием Present Simple.

- Развивающая: Развивать навыки правильного чтения.

- Воспитательная: Воспитать учащихся к самостоятельной работе над грамматическим материалам и над техникой речи.

- Коммуникативная: Развивать монологическую речь.

План урока

1.Organization moment.


3.Checking up homework.

4.The main part.

5. Homework.


Organization moment.

Warming -up.

Checking up homework.

The aim of the lesson.

The main part:



T: Stand up. Good morning boys and girls! I'm glad to see you. Sit down please! I am your teacher of English for today. My name is Nazerke Sultanova.

  • Who is on duty today?

  • What date is it today? (The 30th of September)

  • What weekday is it today? (Today is Wednesday)

  • Who is absent today?

  • What's the weather like today?

  • What was your homework for today? Give me your copybooks!

The theme of our lesson today is "What do you do for fun?" We shall speak about leisure time and leisure activities.

  1. Now let's read the words about this theme, which we need for our discussion. Open your books at page 49. ex.1. Read after me:

Go to a cinema (кинотеатрға бару)

Eat out (далада тамақтану)

Go to the library (кітапханаға бару)

Go to the museum (музейге бару)

Go to a sports event (спорттық жарыстарға бару)

Go to a concert (концертке бару)

Go to a disco (би кешіне бару)

  1. Now you will read all words on one pupil.

(Оқушылар сөздерді кезекпен оқиды).

  1. And now we will read the words with pronouns: I and We.

(Оқушлар сөздерге I және We есімдіктерін қосып оқиды).

  1. Answer my questions, please.

1. Do you go to a cinema?

2. Do you eat out?

3. Do you go to the library?

4. Do you go to the museum?

5. Do you go to a sports events?

6. Do you go to a concert?

7. Do you go to a disco?

How often do you go to a cinema?

How often do you eat out?

How often do you go to the library?

How often do you go to the museum?

How often do you go to a sports events?

How often do you go to a concert?

How often do you go to a disco?

  1. Now you will speak about your leisure activities and I will put you marks. For example: I go to the cinema once a month and I go to the eat out once a week. I do not go to the disco. I go the concert once a museum. And I go to the sports event once a month. I give you 1 minute.

(Оқушылар өздері жайлы айтады, айтып болған оқушылар дәптерге жазады).

  1. Now you will speak about your friends' or your parents' leisure time. You must use these expressions.

Open your diaries. Write your home task for the next lesson.

Ex 1 page 49 .Learn the new words(quiz).

What was the theme of our lesson? What have you learnt today? What was interesting for you?

The lesson is over! Thank you for the lesson. Good-bye!

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