Step 4 Is sport exciting or dangerous?

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 11 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Есть - все для учителя
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Step 4 Is sport exciting or dangerous?


11 A




Talking about sport

Introducing with the grammar materials and understanding how to use the words

Improving students own ability to organize discourse

To develop students' theoretical and practical knowledge on the given material

Teaching results

They can speak about sport

They can interview their classmates about sport

They can use grammar

Pupils are peered and self-assessment.


Aiapova English 11th form Atamura 2015 .Interactive board, electron book, flipchart, marker, colours, marking papers.



Introducing with the aims of the lesson

Dividing in a group making the words. (3groups)



1) It is the sport of riding a small sort of boat with a sail

2) It's the sport in which acrobats and gymnasts jump up and down to perform exercises on a sheet of material tightly stretched to a metal frame

3) It's jumping from an airplane with a parachute

4) It's the sport of climbing mountains

a. parachuting

b. mountaineering

c. wind-surfing

d. trampolining

Step 4 Is sport exciting or dangerous?Step 4 Is sport exciting or dangerous?Step 4 Is sport exciting or dangerous?Step 4 Is sport exciting or dangerous?


Match the word with the correct first aid response

1. Bruise a. wash with cold water

2. Poisoning b. lean forward and pinch nostrils

3. Burn c.wash with soap

4. Nosebleed d. provoke vomiting

5. Bite e. put ice on this

6. Broken bones f. do not touch or move them

Main part

What's common about the following sports

Motor-racing climbing

Scuba-diving gliding

Mountaineering windsurfing

Step 4 Is sport exciting or dangerous?Step 4 Is sport exciting or dangerous?Step 4 Is sport exciting or dangerous?Step 4 Is sport exciting or dangerous?

Read the article about the riskiest sports.

What do the following numbers refer to?

160 2 1000 8 3600 6 3

Read the conversation in groups of four

Askar Sasha Ainur Marat

Read the conversation again. There are some examples of Third Conditional. Find them.

Match the two halves of these sentences

1. If Marat had been playing for the dynamo, a.Askar would have tried to talk him out of it.

2. If they'd asked Marat to play for the dynamo from the start b. the dynamo would have won

3. If Marat had told Askar he was playing for another team c. he would have agreed

4. If Marat hadn't scored that important point d. they would have been

the winner

Write down what you know (K) about museums in our life, what you want to know (W), and you learned (L). Draw a table of this kind in your notebook

Before reading

After reading






Ex.11, 16,18 p170-171

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