Внеклассное мероприятие Викторина по становедению

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Викторина по страноведению для учащихся старших классов

«Что ты знаешь об англоговорящих странах?»

Quiz "What do you know about English-speaking countries?"

Подготовила учитель английского языка МБОУ Выгоничской СОШ

имени Павла Зайцева Брянской области Кожемяко Людмила Анатольевна

Great Britain

  1. The southern and central part of Great Britain is:

  1. Wales b)England c)Scotland

  1. Who was the first woman- Prime-Minister of Great Britain? (Margaret Thatcher)

  2. What is the official language of Ireland? (Irish)

  3. What is the largest museum in Great Britain? (The British Museum)

  4. Who is the national poet of Scotland? (Robert Burns)

  5. Who is the author of "Hamlet"? (W. Shakespeare)

  6. Who is the most popular hero of the English ballads? (Robin Hood)

  7. Name the church where almost all English Kings and Queens have been crowned. (Westminster Abbey)

  8. Where was the first university in England founded? (Oxford)

  9. What group is responsible for the so-called "pop-revolution" in the West? (The Beatles)

  10. The currency of Great Britain is:

  1. the dollar b) the mark c) the pound

  1. How many people live in Great Britain?

  1. 25 mln b) 48 mln c) 58 mln

  1. Where is the main tennis tournament in Great Britain held? (Wimbledon)

  2. Which is the largest spectator sport in Great Britain? (Football)

  3. Which two countries does the Channel Tunnel link up? (England and France)

  4. What is the symbol of England? (a rose)

  5. Who defeated the combined French and Spanish fleets at Trafalgar? (Admiral Nelson)

  6. What famous English architect planned and built St. Paul's Cathedral? (Christopher Wren)

  7. What is the capital of Great Britain? (London)

  8. Which is the largest river in Britain?

  1. the Clyde b) the Severn c) the Thames

  1. Who is the official head of the UK? (the Queen)

  2. What holiday is celebrated in Great Britain on the 25-th of December? (Christmas)

  3. What is the Englishmen's favourite drink? (tea)

  4. The colour of taxis in London. (black)

  5. What is the home of the Queen? (Buckingham Palace)

  6. What is a double-decker? (a bus)

  7. What is Big Ben? (one of the famous clocks in the world)

  8. What is the 1-st of Shakespeare's great tragedies? ("Romeo and Juliet")

  9. This place has a monument to Admiral Nelson. (Trafalgar Square)

  10. What is the Tower of London now? (a museum)

  11. In what country do men wear skirts? (Scotland)


  1. How many states and territories make up the Commonwealth of Australia? (6 states, 2 territories)

  2. Who discovered Australia? (Captain James Cook)

  3. Who are the Australia natives? (Aborigines)

  4. What is an island-state? (Tasmania)

  5. In which season do Australians celebrate Christmas? (Summer)

  6. Which two animals can you see on the Australian coat of arms? (Kangaroo and Emu)

  7. What is the official language in Australia? (English)

  8. How many nationalities live in Australia? (200)

  9. What is the area of Australia? (7.7 mln. sq. km.)

  10. What is the longest river in Australia? (The Darling)

  11. The name of this animal is an Aboriginal one for «no water». (Koala)

  • What does «koala» mean in an Aboriginal language?

  1. What is the capital of Australia? (Canberra)

  2. Who is the official head of Australia? (Queen Elizabeth II)

  3. How many Aborigines are there in Australia? (1.5%)

  4. What is the largest city in Australia?

  1. Sydney b) Canberra c) Melbourne

  1. What is one of Australia's most famous and best-loved animals? (Koala)


  1. Christopher Columbus landed in America in:

  1. 1620 b) 1942 c)1492

  1. Washington, D.C. is a:

  1. state b) country c)district

  1. How many states are there in the USA?

  1. 50 b)52 c)25

  1. In which month is Thanksgiving Day celebrated?

  1. December b)February c)November

  1. Who fought against racial discrimination in the 1960`s?

a)Martin Luther King

b)Frank Lloyd Wright

c)Emily Dickinson

  1. What is the capital of Georgia?


b)Los Angeles

c)San Francisco

  1. Who is a famous American artist?

  1. Normal Rockwell

  2. Jack London

  3. Robert Lee Frost

  1. Who was the first president of the USA? (George Washington)

  2. A popular American food is:

  1. pelmeni b) fish a chips c)barbecue ribs

  1. Who built the 1-st car?

  1. Benjamin Franklin b) Alexander Bell c) Henry Ford

  1. In the North the USA is bordered by:

  1. Canada

  2. Alaska

  1. In the South the USA is bordered by:

  1. Mexico

  2. Spain

  1. What American State is situated 50 miles from Russia? (Alaska)

  2. By which ocean is the USA bordered in the East and West? (The Pacific Ocean)

  3. The pilgrims landed in 1620 in:

  1. New York

  2. Georgia

  3. Massachusetts

  1. The pilgrims celebrated the 1-st ______ in the fall of 1621

  1. Christmas

  2. Thanksgiving Day

  3. Valentine's Day

  1. The Indians taught the pilgrims how to:

  1. cook

  2. survive

  3. celebrate

  1. Who discovered America? (Christopher Columbus)

  2. What is the national symbol of America?

  1. the rose

  2. the bald eagle

  3. the shamrock

  1. What is the capital of the USA? (Washington, D.C.)

  2. Where is the Statue of Liberty?

  1. New York

  2. California

  3. Los Angeles

  1. When do Americans celebrate Independence Day?

  1. July 4 b) December 25 c)February 14

  1. Where does the President of the USA live and work?

  1. in Congress

  2. in in the White House

  3. in the Pentagon

  1. Which is the biggest state in the USA?

  1. Texas b) California c)Alaska

  1. In which city is Hollywood?

  1. New York

  2. San Francisco

  3. Los Angeles

  1. What is the national sport in America?

  1. football

  2. baseball

  3. soccer

  1. Which city is the financial and business centre?

  1. New York

  2. Washington, D.C.

  3. Los Angeles

  1. What kind of State is the USA?

  1. a parliamentary monarchy

  2. a federal republic

  3. a monarchy

  1. Who is the head of the State and government nowadays?

  1. the Prime Minister

  2. the President

  3. the Secretary of State

  1. In which city and state is Disney World located? (in Orlando, Florida)

  2. Which 2 novels by Mark Twain are often called «The 1-st modern American novels»? (Tom Sawyer and H. Finn)

  3. What is the largest rivers in North America? (The Mississippi River)

  4. Who wrote «The Old Man and the Sea»? (E. Hemingway)

  5. What is the centre of the cinema production in the USA? (Hollywood)

  6. Who created the best animated cartoons in the USA? (Walt Disney)

  7. What currency is used in the USA?(The American dollar)

  8. Where is Hawaii? (In the Pacific Ocean)

  9. Who created Mickey Mouse? (Walt Disney)

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