Внеклассное мнроприятие по английскому языку Бременские музыканты (презентация, минусовка, сценарий)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат rar
Изображения Нет
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Конспект внеклассного мероприятия

по английскому языку

Тема: постановка сказки «Бременские музыканты».

«The Bremen Town Musicians».


учитель английского языка


Сатубалова Э.Ш.


  1. воспитательные

  • привить любовь к английскому языку;

  • привить уважение к другим;

  • развить у учащихся требовательность к себе;

  • развитие добросовестности и чувства ответственности;

  • выработать уважение, как к своему, так и к чужому труду.

  1. образовательные

  • расширить кругозор учащихся.

  1. развивающие

  • развитие интеллектуальных умений, памяти, абстрактного воображения.


  • развивать навыки драматизации и говорения;

  • отработать произношение английских звуков и слов;

  • практиковать в умении воспринимать и воспроизводить иноязычную речь;

  • учить работать в коллективе.

Связь с учебным материалом:

- повторение лексического и грамматического материала;

- проверка знаний по предмету.

Оснащение мероприятия:

- декорации, костюмы.

Сценарий мероприятия:

Author: Ladies and Gentlemen! Today we have many guests. Your teachers and friends have come to see our performance. And now we are going present to you a fairy-tale about the Bremen Musicians. We hope you'll enjoy our show!

Let me introduce our actors:


as Donkey


as Cock


as Dog


as Cat


Robber 1


Robber 2

Once upon a time a man had a Donkey. The Donkey had served him well for many years, but now it was very old. The man began to think how he could get rid of the Donkey.

Donkey (трагично):

I am very old. My master wants to get rid of me. What shall I do? I can run away. Oh, yes. I'll go to the town and try to become a town musician there!

(Идет по дороге, обращает внимание на лежащую собаку.)

Good day, my dear Dog! Why are you gasping?


Good day! Glad to see you. Every day I grow older. I can't hunt with my master. So he wanted to get rid of me and I ran away. Now I don't know how to earn my bread.


Well. I am going to the town of Bremen. I'll be the town musician and play the guitar. Let's go with me. You'll beat the drums.


Oh, that's a good idea. Let's go. I want to be a good musician!


I see a cat with a terribly sad face!

(Обращаясь к коту) Dear me! What has happened to you?


My mistress is angry that I don't want to catch mice anymore. She says she will drown me. (Вздыхая) So I ran away. But now I don't know what to do.


Come to Bremen with us. You are good at night music, so you can be a town musician, too.


Oh, thank you! You are very kind. It is so good to have such friends as you. Let's go.


They walked on and on. Soon the future musicians came up to a farm. They saw a Cock, sitting upon the gate. The Cock was crowing with all his might.


Good day, dear!


Good day!


What's the matter with you, Friend Cock? Why do you crow so loud?


Dear friends! I am very sad. My mistress has invited many people for dinner on Sunday. She has told the cook to make me into soup. So I crow as loud as I can. Because after Sunday I'll not crow anymore.


Come along with us, friend Cock.


Where are you going?


We are going to Bremen.


Your fine voice is just what we need. We are going to be the town musicians.


I am very pleased with the idea. Let's go!


They stopped for the night in the forest! The Donkey and the Dog lay down under a tree. The Cat climbed into the branches. The Cock flew right up to the top of the tree.


Dear friends! I see a light in the distance. And there is a house not far from here.


Let's go there. It is very cold outside.

All together:

Let's go!


They came to a well-lighted cottage. There was a lot of singing and laughing inside. The Donkey went up to the window and peeped in.


What do you see?


I see a table laid with meat and drinks. Around it the robbers are sitting and having a good time.


That is just what we need.


Oh! Yes, I do wish we could be there.


Then the musicians thought of a plan to frighten the robbers. The Donkey brayed, the Dog barked, the Cat mewed and the Cock crowed.

(Артисты изображают звуки.)

Donkey: hee-haw.

Dog: bow-wow.

Cat: mew-mew.

Cock: cock-a-doodle-doo.

Robber 1:

What is it? I'm frightened!

Robber 2:

I'm frightened too! I don't want to stay here anymore. Let's run.

Robber 1:

Yes, let's run.

(Испуганные разбойники выбегают из домика и убегают прочь.)


The robbers will never come here again. I like this house.

All together:

We too!

(Артисты поют песню «The more we are together»).

The more we are together,

Together, together,

The more we are together,

The happier we shall be.

For your friends are my friends,

And my friends are your friends,

The more we are together,

The happier we shall be.


Now, let's say thank you to our actors and good bye to our guests!


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