Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 9 класс
Тип Конспекты
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«Famous people in Sernur. Шернурысо талант памаш».

  1. Оргмомент. Приветствие.

- Звучит гимн Сернурского района (все стоят).

С.А.: Салам лийже, йоча-влак!...

Н.В.: Good day, ladies and gentlemen! I am glad to meet you, dear guests! How are you today? I think everything OK! Are you ready to start!

Every nation has its Heroes. Every country has people who are known all over the world for their achievements in sport, literature, science and other spheres. In our District we have a lot of talented people. Yes?

Are there famous people in Sernur District?


Ожиганова Ольга


Н.В.: And now answer my questions:

- Do you know who is the author of these poems?

Вы знаете кто автор этих стихотворений?

- What about do these poems?

О чём эти стихотворения?

С.А.: цель. задача

Н.В.: Our town is not large, but there are a lot of wonderful and beautiful places in our country. I would like to tell you about a little place which named Sernur District. And now I want you to watch a video about sights and famous people of Sernur District.

T: Please, can you give this video a title?

P: Sernur District, Sernur.

T: Do you have any other ideas?

The history of Sernur District, …

T: That's an original idea! Have you got any other interesting ideas?

T: I'll give you the next exercise. You will do the quiz:

Test about Sernur District.

  1. What is the first name of Sernur?

    1. Makarino

    2. Makarovo

    3. Malyj Sernur

  2. When was Sernur founded?

    1. 1749

    2. 1849

    3. 1894

  3. The official languages are…

    1. Russian and Mari

    2. Mari and Tatar

    3. Mari and English

  4. Its area is more than … thousand square kilometers.

    1. 2000

    2. 1500

    3. 1000

  5. What districts does Sernur land border with?

    1. Morki, Kuzhener, Paran'ga, Mari Turek

    2. Kuzhener, Paran'ga, Mari Turek, Tor'yal

    3. Sovetskiy, Mari Turek, Kuzhener

  6. Sernur area is the area of the great number of ...

    1. mountains

    2. hills

    3. rivers

  7. What village has the water mill?

    1. Marisola

    2. Bol'shie Klyuchi

    3. Zhelonkino

  8. What was the name of the famous composer of Sernur districts?

    1. Konstantin Korshunov

    2. Ivan Molotov

    3. Vitaliy Shapkin

  9. What used to be called women's headdress?

    1. shymaksh

    2. uzhga

    3. shovyr

  10. When and where was Peledysh pajrem held first?

    1. in 1965 and in Yoshkar Ola

    2. in 1929 and in Sernur

    3. in 1920 and in Sernur

  11. What's the name of a hero woman of the Soviet Union in Sernur?

    1. Mariya Natunich

    2. Mariya Dmitrieva

    3. Marina Katunich

  12. What is the population of Sernur district?

    1. 27 500 people

    2. 25 000 people

    3. 25 700 people

T: My dear guests, you've listened and done the quiz very excellently. I am glad for you! You seem to have understood it very well!


Киткаева Валя

Презентация о Марченковой.

Смоленцева Юля «Ода Маме»

Н.В.: Excellent, Julia! Now I want you to present my teacher English language, tutor, mother, aunt and my girlfriend. She is very kind, intelligent, clever and beautiful woman. E.V.Marchenkova.

And now ask your questions, children:

  • Когда была издана ваша первая книга?

When was your first book published?

- О чём вы пишете сейчас?

What are you writing now?

- Какой ученицей вы были в школе?

Н.В.: I want to tell you about home task. You have known about many famous people today. And write, please, an essay. What Mari famous people are proud of? It is your home task.

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