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Форум «Развитие экологической культуры. Охрана окружающей среды».

Использование технологии развития критического мышления, формирование коммуникативной компетенции через внеурочную деятельность.


  1. Образовательная:

формировать умение строить определение понятий, сравнения, доказательства, определять цель работы, выбирать рациональные способы выполнения работы;

развивать умение коллективно работать, управлять работой коллектива;

формировать умение владеть способами контроля и взаимоконтроля, самоконтроля и взаимооценки.

  1. Воспитательная:

формировать нравственные и эстетические представления, систему взглядов на мир, способность следовать нормам поведения, ценностную ориентацию, мировоззрение.

  1. Развивающая:

развивать речь, критическое мышление, сенсорную сферу личности, эмоционально-волевую и потребностно-мотивационную области.

The International Forum on Environmental Protection

St. 1: 2013 has been officially declared the Year of Ecological Culture and Environmental Protection in the Russian Federation. The main goal of such decision is "to ensure rights of every person for the favourable environment". Therefore, 2013 promises to be constructive with regard to the development of ecological culture and environmental protection, as this sphere of activity was declared to be top priority on the highest intergovernmental level. In accordance with regulations of the Year of Ecological Culture and Environmental Protection, Russian President Vladimir Putin recommended that executive power authorities of constituent units of the Russian Federation should organize different environmental evens. It means that 2013 is the year to solve problems of environmental contamination by production companies and other global issues of environmental protection. Within the frames of measures to fulfill the task set by the Russian Federation President, the list of actions has been already fulfilled, and among the planned events is the International Forum on Environmental Protection.

St.2: Representatives of foreign countries and ecology movements begin the International Forum on Environmental Protection within the frames of the Year of Ecological Culture and Environmental Protection in Mineral'nye Vody this morning. The central ideas of the conference will be the vital issues of industrial safety, development of ecological culture, protection of the world's natural heritage and other issues, equally important. It should be noted that chief engineers and department managers, experts in industrial safety, health and environmental protection of big industrial companies, and representatives of state supervisory authorities gather for experience exchange at the Forum. The International Forum on Environmental Protection within the frames of the Year of Ecological Culture and Environmental Protection will allow its participants to discuss all important and vital issues in this sphere.


Ladies and gentlemen, heads of delegations, representative of the society and international organizations,

Today, we start the International Forum on Environmental Protection, dedicated to development of ecological culture, improving ecological situation in Russia and in the whole world. The agenda includes the following main items:

  1. Ecological Situation in Russia.

  2. Development of Ecological Culture.

  3. Protection of the World's Natural Heritage.

  4. Russian Natural Properties. Lake Baikal.

  5. Utilization of industrial waste.

  6. Natural disasters. Flood in the Far East.

Now I would like to give the floor to Miss Galaktionova, representative of the Russian Federation.

Representative of the Russian Federation:

Ladies and gentlemen,

Despite the implementation of several environmental protection programmes, the ecological situation in Russia still remains serious. Environmental pollution is very high. In dozens of Russian cities and towns the average level of annual pollution exceeds sanitary standards. In most reservoirs the quality of potable water does not meet regulatory requirements. Soil productivity is falling while soil erosion is growing throughout the country. Forest strips that protect fields and streams are diminishing, and rare species are becoming extinct. Insufficient regulation of the use of natural resources leads to the degradation of entire natural parks. Environmental problems in the urban areas are also getting worse. Growing deforestation is caused by forest fires and industrial pollution.

Russia should draft and adopt an environmental protection strategy as soon as possible to save the country for future generations. The strategy should contain evaluations of external and internal threats to the environment as well as threshold parameters for protection. If environmental protection policies aren't changed, Russia will eventually be left with nothing despite the country's huge territory and vast natural resources. Frankly speaking, we spend only 0,8 percent of GDP for environment protection measures. It cannot be compared to the developed countries. Specialists say over 15 percent of Russian territory is in unsatisfactory ecological conditions. Although the year 2013 has been declared a Year of Environmental Protection, many industrial sectors remained dominated by "dirty" technologies. The most serious attention should be paid to the restoration of Lake Baikal, Ladoga and Onega. Russia must also effectively cooperate with the neighbours in environmental protection.

We have to continue working to reduce the negative impact on environment, to preserve and restore unique natural complexes and nature reserves, to increase efficient environmental control and monitoring, and, certainly, to improve law enforcement in the sphere of ecological safety. Thank you very much.

Announcer: Thank you , Miss Galaktionova

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The future of mankind is closely connected with the protection of global ecological systems. Thus, it is very important to form ecological culture, consciousness and kind of behavior for reaching ecological sustainability in means of community development of mankind.

I now give the floor to the representative of Ecology Movement, Miss Kapitonenko, who will speak about ecological culture of citizens.

Representative of the Ecology Movement:

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to begin my speech with Mahatma Gandi's words: "Our planet produces enough for meeting the needs, but not enough for satisfying the avidity of every man".

In the modern world more and more countries are experiencing tensions due to constant economic growth. The urgency of the problem is explained by the development of post-industrial

society when main values (economic and social) are predominantly grounded on the principles of economic yields and revenues. This policy leads our society to one direction where some important ecological issues are omitted. On the one hand, people can increase their financial wealth, but on the other hand, they increase tensions in "Society-Nature" relations. Nowadays the majority of the countries enrich themselves on the principles of industrial development, because industry is the main money resource. Such one-sided policy creates the effect of "Ecological Frisbee" that boomerangs against socio-ecological balance and influences the level of citizens' ecological culture in industrial regions.

The ecological situation in the Russian Federation can be explained by different factors that influence not only the eco-balance but also the people who live in industrial regions of the country. The deviation in socio-ecological balance proves that Russian industrial regions have a lot of obstacles on the way towards rational ecological development and environmental preservation. The main reason of ecological crisis in Russia is considered to be inappropriate ecological culture. That is why the most effective way for prevention of many ecological problems is to attract people's attention to the question of environmental protection, formation and development of ecological culture of citizens.

Ecological culture is the study of human adaptation to social and physical environments. It can be divided into two main types according to the places where the bearers of the culture live - in the territories where there is no industrial activity and those ones who live in industrial regions. It is well-known that industry impacts all natural resources - land, air, water and influences the socio-ecological balance. So ecological culture in industrial regions is specific and factors influencing citizens' ecological culture in these regions is specific too.

Ecological culture is oriented towards cautious attitude to nature, rational solving of actual ecological problems and possibility in society to forecast consequences of its own activity, based on high level of ecological awareness in the society, objective knowledge and personal responsibility that become apparent both on micro level (individual or family) and macro level (society). Ecological culture is not just a careful treatment of nature, but it is also a normal social existence in the complicated ecological process when people must increase economic power and control the natural conditions to maintain stable development o industrial regions.

The level of ecological culture can be measured by means of society's manners of rational and planned cooperation between people and environment in the process of industrial activity, citizens' desire and real actions towards preservation of socio-ecological balance in all spheres of social life. We can research the level of ecological culture through economic policy, political and legislative actions, the quality of educational purposes, social awareness of real ecological situation based on free access to important ecological issues (freedom of speech in ecology) and social repulse, cooperation between society and government in solving of some ecological issues and how all these norms are implemented in the society. Next formula can be drawn "The higher all these norms in the society - the higher the level of ecological culture will become". Thank you.

Announcer: Thank you for your statement.

Our world possesses such unique places as the wilds of East Africa Serengeti, the Great Pyramids of Egypt, the Galapagos Islands, the temples of Athens, Lake Baikal, Golden Mountains of Altai, Western Caucasus, Volcanoes of Kamchatka, Commander Islands, Magadan Nature Reserve, Daurian Steppes, "Lena Pillars" Nature Park, Krasnoyarsk Stolby, Ilmensky Mountains, Bashkirian Urals and others. The extraordinary cultural and natural diversity of the world is an important source of life and inspiration for humanity. Its preservation should be a responsibility shared by the whole international community. The next speaker is Mr. Khomutov, representative of the World Heritage Foundation.

The Representative of the World Heritage Foundation:

Ladies and gentlemen,

We are all aware of the necessity to protect the World's Natural and Cultural Heritage.

In 1972, the United Nation Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) General Conference adopted the World Heritage Convention. The Convention's aim is to identify natural and cultural places in the world with outstanding universal values, and to ensure the protection for the benefit of all of humanity through a closer co-operation among nations. It is the countries themselves that have the primary responsibility for the maintenance of their natural and cultural places.

The UNESCO World Heritage List includes 188 natural, 745 cultural and 28 mixed natural and cultural properties in 157 countries of the world. Most cultural properties in the List are in Italy, Spain, Germany and France. The United States and Australia have the greatest number of World Heritage natural properties. The Convention also protects such world-renowned natural sites as the Great Barrier Reef, the Hawaiian Islands, the Grand Canyon, Mount Kilimanjaro and Lake Baikal.

To foster the goal of the World Heritage Convention, UNESCO and the European Space Agency (ESA), launched the 'Open Initiative on the Use of Space Technologies to Support the World Heritage Convention'. The main goal of this initiative is to develop a framework of co-operation, open to: space agencies, research institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the private sector.

Today, natural and cultural sites face a variety of potential threats. These include uncontrolled agricultural and urban development, regional conflicts, natural catastrophes, climate change, excess of tourism, and so on.

Space technologies such as Earth Observation from satellites can play a significant role in observing, understanding and monitoring these threats. Developing countries frequently lack accurate cartography. Satellite imagery can bridge this enormous gap.

Space technologies have an immediate multitude of applications for the improvement of conservation:

  • Providing on-going site monitoring to identify land use and land cover changes, emerging threats, improvements due to conservation activities;

  • Deriving simple easy-to-use on-site Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for the management of a site;

  • Integrating space technologies to derive accurate data and information to improve the Periodic Reporting process for the World Heritage Convention;

  • Using satellite images as a means to improve the information flow and communication among site managers and conservation authorities: and image is worth a thousand words;

  • Analyzing regional environmental changes and human induced activities and the associated impact at site level.

Depending on the specific needs of each site, the UNESCO Remote Sensing Unit assists the country in:

  • Defining the overall requirements;

  • Identifying partners for the implementation of the associated activity;

  • Securing the necessary funding;

  • Coordination the training of the local staff that at the end of the project will be handling all the information derived from satellite images.

The concept of space technologies as applied to heritage conservation enjoys wide visibility. The fact that the "Open Initiative" is bringing together a large group of space experts to assist the conservation of World Heritage sites has attracted the press and media.

Thank you for your attention.

Announcer: Thank you, Mr. Khomutov. Natural heritage of Russia deserves special attention. The next speaker is Miss. Yevstegneeva, the Representative of Natural Heritage Protection Fund.

The Representative of Natural Heritage Protection Fund:

Dear participants,

Russia is undoubtedly rich in unique intact natural territories. There are more than 20 areas in our country that could be nominated for inscription in the World Heritage List. Among them are Kuril Islands, Delta of the Lena, Delta of the Volga. Russian natural properties currently on the UNESCO World Heritage List are such well-known natural sites as Virgin Komi Forests, Lake Baikal, Volcanoes of Kamchatka, Golden Mountains of Altai, Western Caucasus, Curonian Spit, Central Sikhote-Alin, Uvs Nuur Basin, Natural System of Wrangel Island Reserve, Putorana Plateau, Nature Park "Lena Pillars", Commander Islands, Magadansky State Nature Reserve, Great Vasiugan Mire, Illmensky Mountains, Daurian Steppes, Krasnoyarsk Stolby, National Park of Vodlozero, The Valamo Archipelage, Bashkirian Urals, Bikin River Valley.

Lake Baikal lies in Eastern Siberia. This unique lake has been on the UNESCO World Heritage list since 1996. Changes in the environment in and around the lake have increased concerns regarding the quality of the environment.

Baikal is still intact, but under serious threat. The quality of water is deteriorating: toxic substances continue to accumulate in the food chain; numbers of a particular type of zooplankton, seals and several types of fish are in decline; phytoplankton species composition is changing and its biomass is increasing. In addition the temperature of the upper water layer above the thermocline is increasing. These changes are the result of both natural and anthropogenic factors, sometimes interrelated. Although the resources of Lake Baikal have undoubtedly been exploited over a long period of time, recorded overexploitation began at the end of the 19th century when populations of sturgeon and omul were overfished. Sturgeon has never recovered, while catch of omul and other types of fish now requires the imposition and rigid enforcement of strict limits and regulations. At present, about 80,000 people live in the immediate vicinity of the lake and about 2 million people dwell in the catchment area. The increased population and industrialization have had impact on air quality around the lake. The opening of the Baikal'sk Pulp & Paper Mill increased the environmental impact. It has polluted the surrounding region and threatens the pristine conditions that have existed for centuries. The paper mill produces bleached cellulose that is used in clothing manufacture. The process produces chemicals and effluent that threaten more than 1,500 species unique to the lake. In addition, the economic and political difficulties currently facing Russia pose their own threat - that efforts to preserve the lake may not be instituted due to lack of funding or inability to form a consensus. The success of Lake Baikal has been viewed as critical to other environmental efforts throughout the world. Finally, influence of global warming is increasing. The combination of sources located in the catchment makes the Selenga River the largest pollution inflow into Lake Baikal.

So, anthropogenic impact on Lake Baikal might further worsen. This must be counteracted of very carefully controlled in order to preserve the environmental properties of this unique ecosystem and to prevent potentially devastating and irreversible changes.

Announcer: Thank you, Miss. Yevstegneeva. The problem of industrial waste is very serious and can be really hazardous. Russia has produced 63 mln tons of waste this year. How do other countries handle this problem? Miss. Safaryan, the Representative of Denmark, the floor is yours.

The Representative of Denmark:

Ladies and gentlemen, colleagues,

Waste utilization, recycling and reuse plays a major role in limiting resourse consumption. Why use new material, when you can reuse old, already processed resources? This is one argument for waste utilization and a very valid one indeed. Reusing or recycling waste increases resources efficiently and saves the environment from pollution and harmful emissions.

In Denmark we produce about 13 million tons of waste every year. Some 60% of all waste is recycled in accordance with the Danish waste management policy. The unique Danish waste management model comprises household and industrial waste with source separation as a key element - ensuring the highest possible utilization rate. The model includes public collection systems for paper, cardboard and glass. In addition, Denmark has a well-developed deposit and return system on, for example, bottles and cans that significantly reduces the amount of household waste that otherwise had to be managed.

The Danish history of efficient waste management and utilization has given Danish companies significant expertise in waste utilization technologies.

Thank you for your attention.

Announcer: Thank you, Miss. Safaryan. We can't fail to speak about natural disasters, disasters, mainly caused by human activity. Mr. Markelov, the Representative of Russian Emergency Ministry, will tell us about the flood that hit the Far East in mid-August 2013.

Representative of Russian Emergency Ministry:

Ladies and gentlemen,

As you know, in mid-August parts of eastern Russia and northeastern China were stricken by heavy flooding. At least 85 people died from the flood and more than 105 were left missing. More than 60,000 homes were destroyed and 840,000 people were evacuated.

From the end of July to mid-August 2013, unusually heavy rainfall occurred near the Amur River, which marks the dividing line between China and Russia. Starting on August 10, 2013, areas of northeastern China began to experience flooding. From August 15 to 17, heavy rainfall worsened the problem causing the worst flooding in the region. By August 18, water levels at 61 reservoirs surpassed the "danger" level. The city of Fushun in the Liaoning province was especially hard hit as rainstorms caused several rivers in the city overflow. Across the border in Eastern Russia , heavy flooding hit Amur Oblast, Jewish Autonomous Oblast and Khabarovsk Krai. More than 140 towns were affected by what Russia authorities described as the worst flooding in 120 years. The Amur River reached a record 100.56 metres, surpassing the previous record set in 1984, and was still rising, threatening to flood the major city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

In China more than 60,000 homes were destroyed and numerous roads were blocked or damaged. More than 787,000 hectares of farm land were ruined in the region which depends heavily on farming. Power and communications lines were downed in several towns. Total damage was estimated at 16.14 billion yuan. In Russia , 3.2 billion rubles.

Natural disasters cannot be prevented, but measures can be taken to eliminate or reduce the possibility of trouble. Disaster risk reduction includes observing, detecting, monitoring, predicting and early warning of a wide range of weather-, climate- and water- related hazard.

Moreover, we all know that one of the reasons why natural disasters occur is human activity. We interfere with nature, destroy it in this or that way. The way we treat the world is intolerable.

Thank you for your attention.

Announcer: Thank you, Mr. Markelov.


Distinguished delegates,

Ladies and gentlemen,

As we come to the end, I would like to thank you for having joined the International Forum on Environmental Protection.

Today we have covered vital issues. You have contributed passionately towards enriching content of the forum, and I am touched to see the commitment and dedication each one of you has put into making a success.

Thank you - and I look forward to seeing you all in the same spirit of commitment and enthusiasm next year.

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