Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку

«РЕПКА» по-английски Characters: the storyteller The Turnip Grandfather Grandmother Granddaughter The dog The cat The mouse The sun TherainЗвучит музыка для вступленияStoryteller: Once upon a time an old man lived. One spring he sowed a turnip seed. ЗвучитмузыкадедушкиGrandpa: Grow, little turnip, grow big and sweet!The sun: Grow up, l...
Раздел Иностранные языки
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Тип Другие методич. материалы
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«РЕПКА» по-английски

Characters: the storyteller

The Turnip




The dog

The cat

The mouse

The sun

The rain

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Storyteller: Once upon a time an old man lived. One spring he sowed a turnip seed.

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Grandpa: Grow, little turnip, grow big and sweet!

The sun: Grow up, little turnip, grow up! It's warm!

The rain: Drink, little turnip, drink and grow!

Storyteller: Look, there are green leaves on the turnip! Soon the Turnip will grow.

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Grandpa: Oh, how big my turnip is! I must pull it out! Oh, dear! It's so big! So big! I can't pull it out! Grandmother, come here and help me, please!

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Grandma: What is that, my dear?

Grandpa: Help me to pull the turnip out, please!

Grandma: Ok! Oh, Granddaughter! Come here!

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Granddaughter: Yes, Grandmother!

Grandma: Help me to pull the turnip out, please!

Granddaughter: Ok! Dog! Dog! Come here!

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Dog: Bow-wow! What's up? What's up?

All: Help us to pull the turnip out, please!

Dog: All right!

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Cat: May I help you? May I help you?

All: Yes, dear cat! Help us, please! Little mouse, help us, please!

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Mouse: I am small, but I am strong! I will help you! One, two, three, pull!

All: One, two, three, pull!

Turnip: I am so big! I am so sweet!

Cat: Our turnip is so big!

Dog: Our turnip is so sweet!

Grandma: Let's take it home!)))))))))))

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