Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему: «Цвета»

конспект урока предназначен для 1 класса урок содержит много полезного материала для понимания. урок построен на угровой основе.целью урока являеться Познакомить учачихся цветами радуги и научить правельно произносить звуки и слова на английском языке. I. Introduction"II. Check-up home task. III. Presentation IV.Vocabulary"V. Practice1) What colour is it?2) What colour is it?3) What colour is it?4) What colour is it?5) What colour is it?6) What colour is it? 7) What colour is it?1) It`s yellow.2) It`s green.3) It`s red.4) It`s yellow.5) It`s red.6) It`s yellow. 7) It`s green."VI. Production- What colour is it?-It`s yellow. It`s my favourite colour.- What colour is it?-It`s blue. It`s my favourite colour.- What colour is it?-It`s green. It`s my favourite colour.- What colour is it? -It`s red. It`s my favourite colour."VII. Conclusion "VIII. Evaluation "IX. Home tasks.
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
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Outline of the lesson

December 13, 2013

The theme of the lesson: Colours.

The aim of the lesson:

Educational: presentation of the lesson about: Colours.

Up-bringing: to bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each other .

Developing: to develop the pupils habits of the oral speech .

Communicative: understanding, reading and writing , listening.

The form of the lesson: traditional lesson.

The type of the lesson: mixed lesson.

Methods of the teaching: exercises, pair work, demonstration, explanation.

Inter subject connection: Kazakh.

Usual aids: (not mechanical) posters.

Literature: text book by "Almatykitap" 2013

The procedure of the lesson.

Stage of the lesson

Teacher's acting

Pupil's acting


I. Introduction

II. Check-up home task.

III. Presentation


V. Practice

VI. Production

VII. Conclusion

VIII. Evaluation

IX. Home tasks.

- Good day children?

- How are you?

- Nice to meet you?

Let's begin our lesson with the poem.

-Thank you! Sit down please! Take your books and copybooks. Кітап дәптерлерімізді парта үстіне алып қоямыз.

Talk to duty.

-Who is on duty today? Бүгін кім кезекші?

-Who is absent today? Сыныпта кім жоқ?

-Thank you! Sit down please!

-Pupils, what date is it today? Бүгін нешесі?

-What date is it today? Аптаның қай күні?

-Ok, children what was your home task?

Open your exercise copy-book. Now I check-up your home task.

-Will children,open your book at page 30. Our theme of the lesson is " Colours" Яғни, бүгінгі біздің тақырыбымыз "Түстер ".

We have are new words

Yellow - сары

Green - жасыл

Red - қызыл

Blue - көк

Listen to me.

Well. Repeat after me all together.

-Repeat after me the 1st row(2nd row. 3rd row)

- Ok. Read please, one by one.


-Learn the new words.

Барлығымыз кітапқа қараймыз. Қане барлығымыз қайтадан жаңа сөздерді айтамыз. Кім орнынан тұрып жаңа сөздерді бізге айтады?


Listen and sing. Тыңда және шырқа.

Түстер туралы видео көрceту.


Answer the questions. Сұрақтарға жауап бер.

  1. What colour is it?

  2. What colour is it?

  3. What colour is it?

  4. What colour is it?

  5. What colour is it?

  6. What colour is it?

  7. What colour is it?


Listen and learn. Тыңда және үйрен.


Pair work. Ask and answer. Жұптық жұмыс. Сұрау және жауап беру.

Stand up please! Reaped after me.

Видеоматериалдан қайталай отырып, сергіту сәтін жасату.

Now Pupil open your copy-books at page 18.

Ex-1 Colour. Түстерді боя.

Ex-2 Listen and circle the right picture.

Тыңда және дұрыс суретті белгіле.

Ex-3 Look, listen, choose colour.

Қара, тыңда, түсті таңда.

Learning the alphabet. Алфавит әріптерін үйренеміз.


Тыңдаймыз, қайталаймыз.

Видео көрсету.

-I put your mark. Your mark is excellent because during of the lesson you was active … did all ex/s. Answer my question very well.

-I put you good, because you was active too, but no so and your haven't some mistakes.

-I put you 3,, because you have more mistake and you answer to the question bad. You did more mistakes.

-Оқушылар үй тапсырмасын күнделікке жазамыз. Count and tick.

-Good bye! See late!

Үйде жаңа сөздерді, әріптерді жаттаймыз.

-Good day teacher.

-We are very well.

-Nice to meet you, too.

Good morning, good morning,

Good morning to you.

Good morning, good morning,

I am glad to see you.

-I'm on duty today.


-Today is

-Today is on …

Yellow - сары

Green - жасыл

Red - қызыл

Blue - көк

Yellow - сары

Green - жасыл

Red - қызыл

Blue - көк

I like red and I like blue.

I like yellow and green.

I like red and I like blue.

I like yellow and green.

  1. It`s yellow.

  2. It`s green.

  3. It`s red.

  4. It`s yellow.

  5. It`s red.

  6. It`s yellow.

  7. It`s green.

- What colour is it?

-It`s yellow. It`s my favourite colour.

- What colour is it?

-It`s blue. It`s my favourite colour.

- What colour is it?

-It`s green. It`s my favourite colour.

- What colour is it?

-It`s red. It`s my favourite colour.

- What colour is it?

-It`s blue. It`s my favourite colour.


Good bye teacher!

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