Урок+презентация «How can you burn calories?»

Разработка урока введения материала с игровыми элементами и использованием ИКТ и презентация к уроку по английскому языку, направленны на совершенствование употребления правил согласования времен, развитие ЗУН учащихся в 4-х видах деятельности и повышение интереса к изучению английского языка. На уроке обеспечивается расширение словарного запаса учащихся, используется дифференцированный подход к обучению иностранному языку. Воспитательной целью урока является привитие навыков здорового образа жи...
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Урок+презентация «How can you burn calories?»

Провела: учитель английского язык

I квалификационной категории

Байкара Кристина Александровна

Шагонар - 2013



  1. совершенствовать употребление правил согласования времен в устной и письменной речи учащихся, расширить словарный запас учащихся;

  2. развить знания, умения и навыки учащихся в 4х видах речевой деятельности: говорении, письме, аудировании и говорении;

  3. повысить интерес к изучению культуры разных стран и расширить кругозор о традициях встречи Нового Года в разных странах (Китае, Шотландии) через работу с аудиотекстом

ТИП УРОКА: урок введения нового материала с игровыми элементами с использованием ИКТ

  1. Учебник Кауфман М.Ю. Кауфман К. «Happy English.ru» для учащихся 9 классов.

  2. Компьютер, проектор, экран.

  3. Карточки


[ai] - diet, dieting, right, size, realize

[Ө] - health, wealth, thin, thought

[ei] - weight, gained, pale, came, same, late

[u: - u] - food, look, understood, wouldn't



Teacher. Good afternoon, children, glad to meet you! Let's begin our English lesson! I hope everybody is ready for it. Today we shall speak about our health, about calories. How can we burn excess calories? Is having too much calories dangerous for us? What is useful for our health? I hope the information will be useful to you. So, let's begin.

And the topic of our lesson is "How can you burn calories?". So, let's start.

What is the date today? What is the day today? Who is away today? Why?


Teacher: Let's train sounds and words. Repeat the words after me:

[ai] - diet, dieting, right, size, realize

[Ө] - health, wealth, thin, thought

[ei] - weight, gained, pale, came, same, late

[u: - u] - food, look, understood, wouldn't


Teacher:To understand the problem better let's answer to my questions. Mind your grammar answering them:

  1. Do you do morning exercises every day?

  2. Do you like to walk?

  3. How much time do you spend in front of the TV?

  4. Do you spend a lot of time in front of the computer?

  5. Do you like sports? What sport do you go in for?


#1 Teacher.Today we shall learn some new words, which can help us to work with the topic well. To do this let's do exercise 1 from page 91.Repeat the words after the speaker and put them down in your copybooks. Далее учащиеся могут выполнить упражнение 2 и 3.


#2 Teacher: Now let's do Exercise 4 at page 91.Here you see 16 statements, we are to agree or disagree with them. (учащиеся читают утверждения, переводят их и отвечают I agree with this statement или I don't agree with this statement и объясняют почему)

//#2 Параллельная работа ведется со слабыми учащимися - им даются предложения из упражнения С на стр. 93. - найти лишнее слово и перевести слова.


  1. balanced, healthy, casual, strict, vegetarian -DIET

  1. to count, to burn, to eat, to diet - CALORIES

  1. healthy, excess, exciting, unhealthy -LIFESTYLE

  1. physical, every day, calorie, morning - ACTIVITIES

  1. to watch, to exercise, to lose, to gain, to control - WEGHT

6) slow, fast, vegetarian, disgusting, delicious, restaurant - FOOD

#3 Teacher: Ok. Good for you. Now look at the screen. There we see some unknown words:

1. carbohydrates - углеводы,

2. reduce - сокращать

3. consumption - содержание

4. consume-содержать (учащиеся записывают слова в тетрадь)

Let's begin now. You must choose the right answer. Слайды №2-11

#4 Teacher: Our next task is to listen to the tape and fill in the blank. Here you see the task. Слайд №12

A1 Chinese people eat a lot of _______because it brings them good luck.

  1. Sweets

  2. Sea food

  3. Cakes

A2 Scottish people clean their houses before the New Year because _______.

  1. Their houses are dirty.

  2. They haven't got enough time during the year.

  3. They follow the tradition.

A3 Chinese people celebrate the New Year ______.

  1. On the particular day of the year.

  2. At the same time with the whole world.

  3. On the special day according to the moon calendar.

A4 Julia's parents present her some money because _________.

  1. She hasn't a husband yet.

  2. She is still a child.

  3. She needs it.

Now let's check your answers A1-2 A2 - 3 A3 - 3 A4 -1

#5 Teacher: Now let's play a game. Choose any subject and try to answer.

Слайды № 13-17


Teacher: Now put down your home task. You must do exercises A-D from pages 92, 93 of your textbook or ex-s A, Bat page 92. Here you are to translate the sentences and change them into direct speech. I hope you will prepare your home task well.


Teacher:Our lesson is finished. You worked well, and your marks are good. (обоснование отметок). I liked your work very much. Now you may have a break, see you next lesson. Good bye!

  1. balanced, healthy, casual, strict, vegetarian -DIET

  1. to count, to burn, to eat, to diet - CALORIES

  1. healthy, excess, exciting, unhealthy -LIFESTYLE

  1. physical, every day, calorie, morning - ACTIVITIES

  1. to watch, to exercise, to lose, to gain, to control - WEGHT

6) slow, fast, vegetarian, disgusting, delicious, restaurant - FOOD

A1 Chinese people eat a lot of _______because it brings them good luck.

  1. Sweets

  2. Sea food

  3. Cakes

A2 Scottish people clean their houses before the New Year because _______.

  1. Their houses are dirty.

  2. They haven't got enough time during the year.

  3. They follow the tradition.

A3 Chinese people celebrate the New Year ______.

  1. On the particular day of the year.

  2. At the same time with the whole world.

  3. On the special day according to the moon calendar.

A4 Julia's parents present her some money because _________.

  1. She hasn't a husband yet.

  2. She is still a child.

  3. She needs it.

A1 Chinese people eat a lot of _______because it brings them good luck.

  1. Sweets

  2. Sea food

  3. Cakes

A2 Scottish people clean their houses before the New Year because _______.

  1. Their houses are dirty.

  2. They haven't got enough time during the year.

  3. They follow the tradition.

A3 Chinese people celebrate the New Year ______.

  1. On the particular day of the year.

  2. At the same time with the whole world.

  3. On the special day according to the moon calendar.

A4 Julia's parents present her some money because _________.

  1. She hasn't a husband yet.

  2. She is still a child.

  3. She needs it.

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