План урока по теме Computers 9 класс

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 9 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат doc
Изображения Есть
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в 9 классе

учителя гимназии № 2 г. Гродно

Амбарцумян Марины Акоповны

Тема урока: "Сomputers: to be or not to be?"

Цели урока: а) Образовательная - Активизировать употребление лексики предыдущих

уроков по теме "New Technologies", развитие речевых навыков по теме

б) Развивающая - Практиковать учащихся в устной речи, чтени; обучение

технике дебатов; развитие психических функций (аудиовизуальные виды

памяти, восприятие, творческое воображение)

в) Воспитательная - Расширить кругозор учащихся, привитие навыков

самостоятельной работы по дальнейшему овладению иноязычной речью

Урок обобщает и систематизирует изученный материал.

Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, карточки с заданиями, распечатка теста "Is it time for you to reassess your computer interactions?"


  1. Warm up

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls. Glad to see you. How are you today? Fine. Now I see you are ready to start working.

As you can see today's lesson is not a usual one as we have many guests here. Let us greet them too. However, we are going to work hard at our lesson as we usually do. Now I want you to guess the topic of today's lesson. Here I have some cards for you. Try to arrange them in the right order to get the exact topic of the lesson.

(Cards with mixed words - COMPUTERS : TO BE OR NOT TO BE?)

So, today we are summing up our knowledge and skills on the topic "The world of Technologies". We'll ponder on some quotations, remember what different new appliances are used for, also we'll read some jokes about computers and debate on some topics a bit. Finally we'll try to detect if you are computer-addicted or not.

(На доске пункты плана урока:

  1. Topic of the lesson

  2. Technology associations

  3. New appliances

  4. Quotation discussing

  5. A funny story

  6. Computer advantages and disadvantages

  7. Debating

  8. Test "Is it time to reassess your computer interactions?"

  9. Hometask )

  1. «Challenge».

Let's divide into two groups. Can you think of any associations that come to your mind when you hear the word "new technologies"? Please, think and write down as many associations as you can. Your time will be limited to one minute only.

Group 1…

Group 2…

I can see you have different associations with this word. Now look at the pictures. Here you can see many of the devices that you have written on your list. Are you sure you know what each of them is used for? … Ok, let's make sure.

(Презентация с изображением разных предметов -

Computers are used for ….

Microwave ovens are used for…


  1. "Checking homework"

At home you were asked to think and comment on the following proverb "It's only when they go wrong that machines remind you how powerful they are. Clive James, Australian critic."

So do you agree with these words? Why or why not?


  1. "Pondering on"

As for me, I use computers most of all other devices. What about you? What is your favourite device to use and why?


  1. "A minute for relaxation"

Now we've worked quite a lot and can relax a bit. Let's go to the computers to read a funny story. The story is unfinished. Read it and then in pairs try to make up an ending for it. (You have 3 minutes to complete the task.)

(На компьютерах и на экране небольшой незаконченный анекдот.

Four Engineers.

Four engineers were traveling in the car when it broke down. Each engineer gave his suggestion:

Mechanical Engineer: - "I am sure the gearbox must be broken."

Chemical engineer: - "I do not agree. The issue is in the composition of the fuel."

Electrical engineer: - "You are both wrong! The battery is exhausted."

They all turn to the computer engineer who has said nothing and say:

"Well, what do you think?"

Следуюўего текста на экране нет.

Computer Engineer: - "What if we get out of the car and then enter again!?"


OK, well done! Do you want to know the real ending o the story?

На экране появляется последняя строка анекдота.

Whose ending was the most exact?

Do you think these engineers will make the car go again? Why/why not?

  1. Preparing for the debates.

Now we've spoken much about how useful computers are in our life today. But is it possible that they don't have any disadvantages?

I'd like you to divide in groups again and make a list of advantages and disadvantages of the computers. You are given only 1 minute again.

Group 1…

Group 2…

  1. Debating

Now both groups have a list of both advantages and disadvantages of the computers. So all of us are ready to debate on the topic. What main rules of debating do you know?


Ok, before you start debating, I'll remind you some more. Look at the screen and read aloud the tips.

(На экране

Tips for good debating:

  1. Consider the topic together.

  2. Give your team's viewpoint clearly.

  3. Listen to your opponents attentively.

  4. Respond to your opponents…

  5. Then give your own argument.

  6. Be polite)

Also I want to remind you, that you should use linkers so that your speech sounds more beautiful.

Linkers to use:

We strongly believe that…

In our opinion…

It goes without saying…

No doubt…


On the other hand…





Finally/In conclusion…

As a result/therefore…

Ok, let's start then… First choose if you are for or against the computer. The discussion will last only two minutes. The debate will last 5 minutes. So, hurry up.


  1. Test "Is it time for you to reassess your computer interaction?"

Ok, well done, children! Now whatever you spoke for during the debates, I can fairly well understand that the computer is very important for you and some of you have already become computer addicted. Is there anyone among you who considers himself/herself computer addicted?... Would you like to find out the truth about yourself? Now you have a chance to find it out.

Now your will go to the computers and open the file which is called TEST. It's very short so, after you've completed it come back to your place and tell us about the result.

На компьютерах следующий тест:

Reassess Your Computer Interactions

Answer yes/no to the following questions, then count your answers

1. You wake up at 4 o'clock in the morning to go to the bathroom and stop at the computer to check your email on the way back to bed.

2. You turn off your computer and get an awful empty feeling.

3. You decide to stay in college for an additional year or two, just for the free internet access.

4. You start using smileys :-) in your snail mail.

5. You can't correspond with your mother because she doesn't have a computer.

6. When your computer's email box shows 'no new messages', you feel really depressed.

7. Your family always knows where you are.

8. In real life conversations, you don't laugh, you just say 'LOL, LOL'

9. If your computer's internet connection goes down, you cannot settle to any other tasks.

10. After reading this message, you immediately forward it to a friend!




Did you enjoy the test? Was your result expected?

  1. Reflexion

All of you worked hard today. I enjoyed the lesson very much. What about you? What did you enjoy doing most of all? What was less enjoyable for you? Why?

Was there anything that made you surprised? When going out of the classroom I'll ask you to take a marker and put a smilie near the part of the lesson you liked most.

  1. Hometask.

Your hometask is to prepare a short speech (limited to one minute only ) about your favourite technological device.

TПлан урока по теме Computers 9 классeacher: Let's read the quotation by St.Augustine:

"The world is a great book, of which they who never stir from home read only a page".

Comment on the lines. Do you agree with these words?

Pupils: …

Teacher: By the way, do you like travelling?

Pupils:… …

Teacher: OK. Let's take the word "travelling" and create 5 associations to this word. Write them down. Work in groups, please.

Ready? Now, read your associations, please.

Group 1: … Group 2: … …

Teacher: I see you have different associations to this word, because you have different experience of travelling.

But why do people travel? Look at this scheme and try to complete it.

План урока по теме Computers 9 класс

Two reasons are given to you.

Very well.

Teacher: You know most people enjoy travelling. Some people travel for pleasure, and some on business, some travel light and some take a lot of luggage on their travels. They choose various means of transportation. As for me I prefer travelling by car, because I don't like to depend on tickets. And what are your favourite means of transportation ?

Pupils: …

  1. «Реализация смысла».

Teacher: Now I want you to read a short funny story about a tourist from the North who came to the South for holidays. The story is unfinished. Read it and try to make up the ending of the story. Work in groups. (читают текст)

План урока по теме Computers 9 класс

Ready to finish up the story ? OK. Give your variants.

Group 1: … Group 2: … …

Teacher: Do you want to know the real ending of this story? OK (зачитывает)

"What makes you sure there aren't any alligators?"…

(…" They've got too much sense," answered the guide. "They are afraid of sharks.")

Whose ending was the most exact?

Questions for the text.

What dangerous things can a tourist come across?

What must a tourist remember about starting for the South? What preparations are necessary to be made before a journey (clothes, food, etc.)?

What must a tourist do to avoid danger?

Teacher: And now imagine that you are going to travel abroad to some country in the North or in the South. (слайд 6). Choose the things which are necessary for your trip. Let's read the list of things (читают слова)

План урока по теме Computers 9 класс

You may add some words if you need. Prove your ideas. Take the cards with

the place of your destination. (раздать карточки с названиями стран)

TПлан урока по теме Computers 9 классПлан урока по теме Computers 9 классrip 1 Trip 2

Place Egypt Place India

Season winter, 2 weeks Season spring, 10 days

You should take …because… You should take … because …

План урока по теме Computers 9 класс

Trip 3 Trip 4

Place Norway Place Great Britain

Season winter, 1 weеk Season summer,4 weeks

(Christmas holiday included)

You should take …because… You should take … because …

Teacher: Time is over. Read the name of the country you are going to travel and the list of things that you need for your travel.

Group 1: … Group 2: … …

TПлан урока по теме Computers 9 классeacher: When people travel they face different situations. Sometimes they may be unpredictable. Take the cards and act out the following situations (2 минуты на подготовку)


Act out the following situation.

Your train is due out in 10 minutes and you are still queuing up at the booking office. Explain your situation to the people who want to buy tickets for later trains and then to the clerk what ticket you want.

Use words and phrases:

Single, return, to change, a through train, Visa Cards.

CПлан урока по теме Computers 9 классARD №2

Act out the following situation.

You are travelling alone. Check in at the hotel and ask a hotel receptionist about conveniences in this hotel.

Use words and phrases:

A vacant room, a single room, a double room, 210 pounds for 3 nights, the service is included, to use hotel facilities free, a room with a view, a room overlooking the lake, pay, sign the register, key.

План урока по теме Computers 9 класс


Act out the following situation.

You are at the airport. You are flying to Rome. Your suitcase is very heavy. Besides, you can't find your boarding gate. What will you do?

Use words and phrases:

Suitcase, heavy, to carry, boarding gate, the flight to Rome, customs.

План урока по теме Computers 9 класс


Act out the following situation.

Your friend is afraid of travelling by air. Persuade him to change his opinion. Tell him about advantages of travelling by plane.

Use words and phrases:

To miss the train, to take the plane, comfortable, convenient, none of the dust and dirt of a railway or car journey, none of the trouble of changing from train to steamer and then to another train.

Who is ready ? You are welcome.

Group 1: … Group 2: …

Group 3: … Group 4: …

Teacher: Everybody dreams of travelling to faraway countries. During the week you have been working in groups and individually at the projects on the topic "The World of Travelling". Some of you have prepared the projects about the journey of your dream. We can see the results of your work here on the blackboard. So what country would you like to travel to? And why?

Pupils: …

Teacher: And some pupils have prepared computer presentations about their journeys. Marina, what is your presentation about? Sasha, what about you? Alex, where have you been?

I think we'll start with Marina's presentation "My Voyage to Scandinavia"

(Далее идет просмотр презентаций учащихся "The Students' Exchange Programme , "Holidays in Spain".)


Teacher: So, students, to sum it up let's read the quotation by Moore. Do you agree with these words ? Prove your opinion.

План урока по теме Computers 9 класс

Pupil 1: … Pupil 2: … Pupil 3: …

Now I want you to answer the question: "What is travelling for you?" Take sheets of paper and write down your phrase.

If you are ready hang your sheets of paper on the blackboard.

Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание.

Teacher: At home I want you to answer the questions to the Quiz "Are you a Thrill-Seeker?"


Choose the alternative that best describes your likes or dislikes, or the way you feel.


a) I sometimes like to go things that are a little frightening.

b) Sensible people avoid dangerous activities.

c) I love being terrified !


a) I enter cold water gradually, giving myself time to get used to it.

b) It's fun to dive of jump right into the ocean or a cold pool.

c) I won't go in the water unless it's very warm.


a)When I go on holiday, I want a decent room and a bed at least.

b) I like going camping and doing without the conveniences of everyday life.

c) I expect a bit of luxury on holiday.


a) I think it would be really exciting to do a parachute jump.

b) Jumping out of a plane, with or without a parachute, is crazy.

c) I'd consider doing a parachute jump if I had proper training.


a) People who ride motorbikes must have some kind of unconscious desire to hurt themselves.

b) Riding a motorbike at high speed is one of the most exciting things you can do.

c) Motorbikes are just another means of transport.


Add up your total and see if the person described below sounds like you:

1 a) 1 b) 0 c) 2

2 a) 1 b) 2 c) 0

3 a) 1 b) 2 c) 0

4 a) 2 b) 0 c) 1

5 a) 0 b) 2 c) 1

1-3 Very low on thrill-seeking. You like your comfort above all else. You'll do everything possible to avoid dangerous or unpredictable situations. Why not try taking a risk now and then? You might surprise yourself!

4-7 You seem to have found a very good balance between healthy excitement and unnecessary risk. You give yourself challenges which make you an interesting person to know.

8-10 The ultimate thrill-seeker. You're a bit of a wild one! Watch out thought that you don't start taking stupid or dangerous risks just for the buzz. Remember it can be addictive!

Now our program is over. I liked your work at the lesson. I'll give all of you excellent marks. You've worked hard. Thank you for your work. The lesson is over.

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