Разработка урока Guess the melody

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Guess the melody

Цель: закрепление полученных знаний по теме «Музыка», усовершенствование умений высказываться по теме и использование выученной лексики в разных видах речевой деятельности;

Развитие межпредметных связей, логического мышления, познавательной деятельности, внимания;

Воспитание любви к музыке, к музыкальным инструментам.

Тип урока: урок - игра.

Оборудование: раздаточный материал, наглядности, музыкальные инструменты (синтезатор, гитара), ноутбук, ноты музыкальных произведений.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент

Good morning, children! Sit down, please!

What is the day today? What is the date today?

  1. Сообщение темы и цели урока

People can't live without music. They can listen to it everywhere, even in the forest, when they walk and hear birds' singing or leaves falling from the trees. It's impossible to escape from music, even if we want to. It thunders out of every shop, hills you in restaurants and fast out of car windows. And even today in this classroom we'll also hear music. As Leonard Bernstein, American composer said "Music can name unnamable." Today we'll have a lot of tasks to do, we'll guess he riddle, remember notes, listen to different kinds of music, make up words from the letters, interview each other, listen to the text and answer the questions, fill in the words, complete the table. But it's not the end. The most important is you need to guess the melody I've got there. If you do the task well I'll show you some notes and only in the end of the lesson I hope you'll name this well known song.

  1. Основная часть урока.

  1. The first task is to guess the riddle.

- What key doesn't lock a door? (Music key)

- Yes it's a music key (Учитель открывает скрипичный ключ).

  1. Poet writes poems with the help of words and composer writes melody with the help of notes.

  • Can you name the notes in Russian, please?

  • Who knows how do we name them in English?

  • Name these 3 notes in English, please. ( Учитель открывает 1 такт).

  1. Many people like music and they prefer to listen to different kinds of music. Some people listen to classical, but most people prefer modern like pop, rock, disco, jazz, and rap. Look at the blackboard, please. I have 5 kinds of music, you'll listen you them and try to guess. (Jazz, the Beatles, pop, waltz, war song). Учитель открывает следующий такт

  2. As I said you can listen to music everywhere, even while going to school or to work or when you travel. In the streets, small squares, at the bus stops, in trains you can meet musicians. They play and people throw coins into their hats. What do you think, how do we call them? Now I'm going to read you a text about street musicians in London and then you'll answer some my questions.

Street Musicians.

London's underground stations can de places of entertainments as well as places where you go for transport. When people get o the tube trains they sometimes have to walk a long way to the exit or to change trains. In this long passage-way you might come across a musician. A street musician plays or sings anywhere he can find an audience - in the underground, in the streets and small squares, outside cinemas or at the bus stops. People throw coins into his hats or his instrument case. Street musicians are usually between 17 and 30 years old. There are boys and girls among them. Some of them play classical, some pop & Falk music. Some of them are students or graduates from academies who can't find a job. Street musicians are very typical in London. You can see them almost I every documentary film about Britain's capital.

Ученикам необходимо ответить на вопросы в парах. Учитель раздает раздаточный материал.

So you've done this task well. (Учитель открывает следующий такт песни).

  1. After that difficult task we/re going to have very easy one. I have letters and your task is to make up words from them. ( musicians, instrument, singer)

  2. I think you are tired a little. Let's have a rest with a song.

  3. You sit together. Imagine that one of you is a singer or you can play a musical instrument and one is a reporter. Make up a small interview. ( Учитель открывает еще 2 такта).

  4. Fill in the words. Работа с раздаточным материалом.

  5. Let's remember some musical instruments and how do we call persons who play on them.

Работа с доской.

Now we've got all the melody. Let's listen to it and try to guess this song.

  • It's the song by cat Leopold « Неприятность эту мы переживем» (We shall live it over).

Учитель раздает всем слова песни.

  1. Заключительная часть урока.

Исполнение песни.

  1. Подведение итога урока.

Do you like the lesson?

What do you like the most?

Now you can name notes in Russian and in English, differentiate kinds of music, make up words from letters and interview each other. We've remembered a lot of words, some instruments, and persons. You have got some more practice in listening and answering the questions, filling in the words, completing the tables. You've worked hard. (Выставление оценок).

I wish you good luck, be hardworking in studying English. Thank you for the lesson. Good bye!

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