Тесты по английскому языку для 5 класса Enjoy English М. З. Биболетова

TESTThe 5-th formUnit I(Enjoy English – M. Biboletova)I. Choose the right explanation of the word.1) to miss a) to be late, to feel sad, b) to leave, to go out, c) to have no time2) foreign a) your own, b) somebody’s country, c) connected with a country that is not your own3) to spend a) to pass time, b) to do something, c) to show something4) nickname a) an informal name used instead of your real name, b) the name of your grandparents, c) your short name5) a uniform a) a dress you wear outdoors...
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Класс 5 класс
Тип Тесты
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The 5-th form

Unit I

(Enjoy English - M. Biboletova)

I. Choose the right explanation of the word.

1) to miss a) to be late, to feel sad, b) to leave, to go out, c) to have no time

2) foreign a) your own, b) somebody's country, c) connected with a country that is not your own

3) to spend a) to pass time, b) to do something, c) to show something

4) nickname a) an informal name used instead of your real name, b) the name of your grandparents, c) your short name

5) a uniform a) a dress you wear outdoors, b) a dress you wear when you go to the party, c) a dress or a suit you wear at school

II. Choose the proper word.

1) What … are you in? - I am in the fifth …

a) room, b) form, c) party

2) What … do you study at school? - Russian, Literature, Maths, P.E., History…

a) timetable, b) subjects, c) words

3) Do you … a uniform at your school?

a) study, b) wear, c) give

III. Match the verb on the left with a word on the right.

1) answer a) a uniform

2) discuss b) poems by heart

3) explain c) questions

4) wear d) problems

5) listen to e) rules

6) learn f) a walkman

IV. Write down antonyms.

Lazy, bright, to start, difficult, to laugh

V. Choose the proper form of the verb.

1) I always … my classmates during my summer holidays.

a) missed, b) miss, c) misses

2) They … their winter holidays in Paris last year.

a) will spend, b) spent, c) spend

3) We … Biology next year.

a) study, b) studied, c) shall study

VI. Translate from Russian into English.

Проводить время, ездить за границу, фотографировать, пропускать уроки, проводить выходные, рассказывать детям сказки, останавливаться у родителей, говорить на английском языке.



Student A reads Text A and Student B reads Text B. Ask questions about the missing information.

Text A Text B

School begins on the first of School begins … in Russia.

September. Pupils get up early Pupils get up … because

because … . they are nervous.

They take … and go to school They take flowers and go to school

with their parents. with … .

The pupils have a meeting … . The pupils have … on that day.

They are very happy because … . They are very happy because they meet … old friends. their …friends.

They give … to the teacher. They give flowers to … .

They make … of their first day They make a video of … .

at school.


Student A reads Text A and Student B reads Text B. Ask questions about the missing information.

Text A Text B

Nina's favourite subject is … . … favourite subject is English.

She has … three times a week. She has English … .

She learns … at her lessons. She poems by heart … .

They act out … . They … dialogues.

They listen to …, read texts. They listen to the dialogues, read …


Student A reads Text A and Student B reads Text B. Ask questions about the missing information.

Text A Text B

Pupils like … . Pupils like breaks because … .

because they have a lot of fun.

They draw funny pictures on the … They draw … on the blackboard.

They discuss … different They discuss a lot of different … .


The boys run around in …. … run around in the classroom.

… have a cup of tea or coffee. The girls have ….


  1. 1)a; 2)c; 3)a; 4)a; 5)c;

  2. 1)b; 2)b; 3)b;

  3. 1)c; 2)d; 3)e; 4)a; 5)f; 6)b:

  4. lazy-hardworking; bright-silly; to start-to finish; difficult-easy; to laugh-to cry;

  5. to spend time; to go abroad; to take a picture of; to miss lessons; to spend weekends; to tell stories to children; to stay with parents; to speak English.


The 5-th form

Unit II

(Enjoy English - M. Biboletova)

I. Choose the right explanation of the word.

1) a partner a) a person who does an activity with, b) a person who lives nearby, c) a person who studies with you

2) local a) a particular place, b) the area you live in, c) the place you were born

3) an invitation a) a written or a spoken request to do something or to go somewhere, b) a letter, c) a programme, c) a written or spoken request

4) a rucksack a) a bag, b) a watch, c) a racket

II. Choose the proper word.

1) Let's … a picnic.

a) arrange, b) spend, c) meet

2) We are … for social programme.

a) local, b) responsible, c) foreign

3. We invited our … partners to visit us in April.

a) social, b) foreign, c) local

4. They usually … when they meet in the morning

a) say 'Good bye', b) go out, c) shake their hands

III. Match the verb on the left with a word on the right.

1) local a) in the hotel

2) to arrange b) task

3) group c) a date and time

4) social d) tennis competition

5) stay e) life

IV. Write down antonyms.

Stay, early, leave, late, take off

V. Complete the sentences. Add the tag endings.

1) They always kiss their mum on both cheeks before going to bed, …?

2) She said 'Good night' before going to bed, …?

3) I am responsible for social programme, …?

4) We decided to arrange a party, …?

5) I shall arrive on time tomorrow, …?

VI. Make up sentences.

1) he/ going/to/ his/is/do/homework.

2) my/are/sister/going/I/and/arrange/to/picnic/a.

VII. Translate from Russian into English.

Пожимать руки, целовать в обе щёки, держать дверь открытой, снимать обувь, прийти вовремя, прибыть раньше или позже.



Student A reads Text A and Student B reads Text B. Ask questions about the missing information.

Text A Text B

Mr. Wooding wants to invite a Mr. Wooding wants to invite a group of

group of up 20 to students and … up to … students and 2 teachers.

… proposes that they come for He proposes that they come for 15-20 days

15-20 days in April. They will … . They will stay with the families of

stay with … of children from children … . …school will be responsible

his school. Mr. Wooding's school for the costs of accommodation and for the

will be responsible for … . educational and social programmes.


Student A reads Text A and Student B reads Text B. Ask questions about the missing information.

Text A (British people) Text B (Russian people)

… don't take shoes off Russian people take their shoes off

as soon as they enter someone's home. … .

British people don't arrive … … . arrive earlier or later than the

than the time you were invited. time you were invited.

British people take …if they are Russian people don't take flowers if

invited to visit their friend for dinner. they … .

British people shake hands … Russian people … the first time they

… . meet someone.

British people say 'Thank you' Russian people say … when they leave

… . the table after dinner.


  1. 1)a; 2)b; 3)a; 4)a;

  2. 1)a; 2)b; 3)b; 4)c;

  3. 1)d; 2)c; 3)b; 4)e; 5)a;

  4. to stay-to go out; early-late; to leave - to arrive; to take off-to put on;

  5. 1)don't they?; 2)didn't she?; 3) aren't I?; 4)didn't we?; 5)shan't I?

  6. 1) He is going to do his homework. 2) My sister and I are going to arrange a picnic.

  7. to shake hands; to kiss smb. on both cheeks; to hold the door opened; to take shoes off; to arrive earlier or later than others.


The 5-th form

Unit III

(Enjoy English - M. Biboletova)

I. Choose the right explanation of the word.

1) a nurse 1 a) a person who helps a doctor b) a person who works in an office c) a doctor

2) parents a) mother and father, b) uncle and aunt, c) a sister and a brother

3) impolite a) caring, b) rude, c) kind

4) talkative a) loving, b) sociable, c) friendly

II. Choose the proper word.

1) Would you mind … places?

a) sitting, b) changing, c) standing

2) Next year her school is going to arrange an English-Russian …

a) change, b) interview, c) exchange

3) Linda is giving an interview to a … of a youth magazine.

a) a librarian, b) a lawyer, c) a correspondent

4) When you have some problems with your teeth you must see a ….

a) dentist, b) driver, c) doctor

III. Match the verb on the left with a word on the right.

1) typical a) an interview

2) office b) friends with

3) give c) family

4) make d) worker

5) computer e) exchange

6) students' f) programmer

IV. Choose the proper form of the word.

1. Where are the children? - They … in the yard.

a) play, b) are playing, c) is playing

2. She is an engineer. She … for a big company.

a) is working, b) work, c) works

3. Look! Nancy … a photo of an elephant.

a) takes, b) are taking, c) is taking

4. Bodyguards … their clients.

a) protect, b) are protecting, c) protects

V. Write down antonyms.

Friendly -…., real - …, usual -…, polite - …, famous - …, possible - …, athletic - …, known - …, pleasant - …, dependent - …

VI. Make up sentences.

1) they/TV/watching/now/are 3) needs/a/who/bodyguard?

2. is/she/an/giving/now/interview? 4) for/ works/Sasha/a/company/big/



Student A reads Text A and Student B reads Text B. Ask questions about the missing information.

Text A Text B

Presidents, politicians, rock stars, …. need bodyguards.

business people need … .

… is a dangerous job. A bodyguard is … job.

Bodyguards risk their lives … . Bodyguards risk … to protect their


Some bodyguards wear … vests. Some bodyguards wear bullet-proof


Student A reads Text A and Student B reads Text B. Ask questions about the missing information.

Text A Text B

… are important to people. Animals are important to … .

People who love animals can … can become a vet.

become … . A vet is … job A vet is a dangerous job because …

because the sick animals can bite,

kick and scratch. Vets have to learn about different

Vets have to learn … and how to diseases … .

treat them.


  1. 1)a; 2)a; 3)b; 4)b;

  2. 1)b; 2)c; 3)c; 4)a;

  3. 1)c; 2)d; 3)a; 4)b; 5)f; 6)e;

  4. 1)b; 2)c; 3)c; 4)a;

  5. friendly-unfriendly; real-unreal; usual-unusual; polite-impolite; famous-infamous; athletic-non-athletic; known-unknown; pleasant-unpleasant; dependent-independent.

  6. 1) They are watching TV now.

2) Is she giving an interview now?

3) Who needs a bodyguard?

4) Sasha works for a big company.


The 5-th form

Unit IV

(Enjoy English - M. Biboletova)

I. Choose the right explanation of the word.

1) to take off a) to put off, b) to go away, c) to have nothing

2) a palace a) a big house that is or was the home of a queen or a king, b) a museum, c) a castle

3) a stadium a) a sport club, b) the place where people do sports, c) a yard

4) a capital a) the main city, b) a town, c) a country

II. Choose the proper word.

1. Last week three famous rock groups … in the concert at the stadium.

a) took place, b) took part, c) took care

2. …. the pennies and the pounds will … themselves.

a) take care of, b) take part, c) take place

3) The bell … 13,720 kilograms.

a) has, b)weighs, c) puts

4) When the Queen is in London, she stays in ….

a) Westminster Abbey, b) the Houses of Parliament, c) Buckingham Palace

III. Choose the proper form of the word.

1. What … you …? - I … some tea.

a) do…want, want b) are …wanting, am wanting

2. Listen! Who … … the drums? - It's my little brother. He … the drums well.

a) are playing, plays, b) is playing, plays

3. … you … snakes? - No, I … them.

a) do … like, hate, b) are … liking, hate

4. Listen! …you … the steps?

a) are … hearing, b) do … hear

IV. Complete the sentences. Add the tag endings.

1. Bodyguards teach their clients how to avoid dangerous situations, … ?

2. Animals are very important to people, …?

3. He would like to be a vet, … ?

4. They learnt the poem by heart yesterday, … ?

5. The sick animals can kick, bite or scratch, … ?

V. Make up sentences.

1. big/is/a/Ben/really/bell/

2. the/Tower/ history/has/Bloody a/ blood/of

3. Abbey/built/King/Westminster/was/in/Edward/1065/by

VI. Translate from Russian into English.

Знаменитая столица, известный театр, кровавая легенда, старое здание, городской музей, смена караула, Букингемский дворец, Тауэр.



Student A reads Text A and Student B reads Text B. Ask questions about the missing information.

Text A Text B

Big Ben is really … …is really a bell.

Big Ben weighs … kilograms. … weighs 13,720 kilograms.

The Tower is … . … is very old.

The tall building is … … is the White Tower, the oldest part

, the oldest part of the Tower of the Tower of London.

of London.

When the Queen is in London, ……., she stays in Buckingham

she stays in Buckingham Palace. Palace.


Student A reads Text A and Student B reads Text B. Ask questions about the missing information.

Text A Text B

Westminster Abbey is …. … is a symbol of England.

The legend says that Westminster … says that Westminster Abbey was

Abbey was founded by … . founded by St. Peter himself.

Westminster Abbey was built by Westminster Abbey was built by

… in 1065. King Edward in … .

The Coronation of all British … takes place in Westminster Abbey.

of all British Kings and Queens

takes place in … .

Some famous English people are … are buried here.

buried … .


  1. 1)a; 2)a; 3)b; 4)a;

  2. 1)a; 2)a; 3)b; 4)c;

  3. 1)a; 2)b; 3)a; 4)b;

  4. 1) don't they? 2) aren't they? 3) wouldn't she? 4) didn't they? 5) can't they?

  5. 1) Big Ben is really a bell. 2) Westminster Abbey was built by King Edward in 1065.

  6. a famous capital, a famous theatre, a bloody legend, an old building, a city museum, changing of the guard, Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London.

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