Диагностическая работа по английскому языку в 8 классе к УМК О. В. Афанасьевой и И. В. Михеевой «English VIII»

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Класс 8 класс
Тип Тесты
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Диагностическая работа по английскому языку в 8 классе

к УМК О. В. Афанасьевой и И.В.Михеевой «English VIII».


Методическая разработка предназначена для проведения мониторинга и контроля ОУУН по английскому языку за 1 полугодие 8 класса.

Реализация данной методической разработки позволяет добиться решения следующих целей:

1.Формирование навыков работы с тестом.

2.Формирование навыков в определении проблематики задания.

3.Активизация письменных умений.

4.Активизация активного словарного запаса.

5.Актуализация умений и навыков по английскому языку за курс 8 класса.

6.Развитие письменной речи на основе перевода словосочетаний с русского на английский и с английского на русский язык.

МБОУ «Гимназия №1», г. Находка

Учитель Карпенкова Татьяна Анатольевна

Спецификация проверочной работы.



Автор учебника







О. В. Афанасьева и И.В.Михеева «English VIII».

Проведения мониторинга и контроля ОУУН по английскому языку за 1 полугодие 8 класса.


45 минут

Lexic and Grammar. The 8th form (Units 1-3)

1 Variant.

  1. Fill in the blanks with ONE word per each group of sentences.

1. You can see the figure of Admiral Nelson on the _____ of the column.

The new rule is at the _____ of the page 17.

Nick is such a good student, he always comes _____ of the class at the end of the school


  1. Do you ____ for modern music?

She ____ a lot what she looks like.

Would you ____ to join us?

  1. I believe the ring is made of ________ gold.

This is a _____ advice, if I were you, I`d take it.

Our boat struck hard against something _______ .

  1. Shoes are often ______ when they are new.

He felt very _______ the day after his first weight- lifting class.

There was a _____ smile on Jane`s face.

  1. Do you _____ helping me?

Will you please _____ your own business?

Sorry, I`ve broken your pen. Never ______, I`ve got another one.

  1. Phrasal verbs.

1. ломаться a) break out

2. начаться b) break down

3. натолкнуться c) to come off

4. упасть d) come across

5. заглянуть ненадолго e) hand in

6. сдать f) come round

  1. Match the questions with their answers.

1. Would you like to enroll on a French course? A) It ` s too complicated.

2. Why can`t we solve the problem now? B) Oh, yes. I`ve always wanted to learn

this language.

3. Can you help me? I can`t detach the handle. C) They bought their new house at a

ridiculous price.

4. Why did you say the Browns were lucky? D) My fingers have gone stiff.

5. Why do you say you can`t play the piano? E) No problem.

  1. Match the phrases in English and Russian.

1. to know for a fact a) избавиться от

2. to get rid of b) знать наверняка

3. to get into trouble c) не обращать внимание

4. to put the lid on smth d) стать последней каплей

5. to take no notice of e) попасть в беду

  1. Choose the correct variant.

a) were b) knew c) would make d) had e) will work

  1. If only it _____ summer now!

  2. If I have a luxury of time I ________ on the computer.

  3. If he began taking photos, he _______a wonderful photographer.

  4. I wish she __________ the truth.

  5. If only they _______ a pet.

  1. Open the brackets.

  1. I wish Bob (can) win the competition.

  2. If it were summer, there (be) a lot of flowers in the country.

  3. If I had been at home at 7 o1clock, I (phone) you.

  4. If I (be) you, I would`t do it.

  5. Melissa danced (gracefully) of all.

  6. Andy spoke (loud) than usual.

  7. Today the team played (bad) than it did yesterday.

  8. The new exhibition is (far) than from the underground than the old one.

  9. One day people (can) to go to the moon on holiday.

  10. They (be allowed) to join us tomorrow.

  1. Match the words with their definitions:

  1. to concentrate a) to disappear

  2. to vanish b) a man who has magic powers

  3. to relieve c) to think hard

  4. rare d) to take away pain or worry

  5. a wizard e) not often seen

Lexic and Grammar. The 8th form (Units 1-3)

I 1 Variant.

  1. Fill in the blanks with ONE word per each group of sentences.

  1. I don`t think you can ____ the shelf to the wall.

As far as I know they haven`t ____ the date of the meeting yet.

Do what I tell you or I`ll ____ you up.

  1. I`m going to wear my _____ new dress.

The criminal was _____ and the police couldn`t catch him.

He liked arguing with the teacher and they all thought him to be a ____ aleck.

  1. I don`t _____ telling you a bedtime story.

I know you have lost the game, but never _______, you can`t win them all.

Will you please _____ you own business.

  1. You can see a gorgeous view of the town from the _____ of this mountain.

His name is always at the _____ of the list.

She is such a smart pupil, she always comes to the _______ of the class.

  1. Would you _________ to go for a walk with us?

I don`t ______what we do or where we go.

People of the planet Earth have to ________ about the environment.

  1. Phrasal verbs.

1. врываться a) break away

2. убежать b) break into

3. подхватить c) to come down with

4. произойти d) to come across

5. натолкнуться e) to come over

6. передать f) to hand down

  1. Match the questions with their answers.

1. Excuse me, what are you queuing for? A) It vanished from sight in no time.

2. Did you remember the number of the car? B) Tickets for a bus tour of London.

3. What books are worth reading? C) On December, 12.

4. When was the old woman`s funeral held? D) Informative ones.

5. Can you describe his house? E) Certainly. It is a detached one with a red roof.

  1. Match the phrases in English and Russian.

1. to take notice of a)раз и навсегда

2. brand new b) сказать правду

3. once and for all c)обращать внимание

4. to tell somebody the truth d) с иголочки

5. stuff like that e) и всякое такое

  1. Choose the correct variant.

a) were b) knew c) would make d) had e) will work

  1. If only it _____ spring now!

  2. If I have some free time I ________ in the garden.

  3. If he began studying English, he _______a wonderful teacher.

  4. I wish she __________ a lie.

  5. If only they _______ a turtle.

  1. Open the brackets.

  1. She (be allowed to) to join us tomorrow.

  2. One day people (be able to) go to the moon on holiday.

  3. Jane solved the problem (good) of all his classmates.

  4. Max smiles (bright) than the sun.

  5. Harriet swam (slow) of all.

  6. If I (be) you, I wouldn`t tell a lie.

  7. If it hadn`t rained yesterday, we (enjoy) the trip more.

  8. I wish it (be) summer now.

  9. If only I (can) speak English fluently.

  10. If James (to send) me a letter, I would answer him by all means.

  1. Match the words with their definitions:

  1. to vanish a) untidy

  2. solid b) to disappear

  3. to force c) a big bedroom for a lot of people

  4. a dormitory d) to make someone do something when he doesn't want to

  5. messy e) reliable, hard, strong

Keys. I variant.

I. 1. top II. 1. b III. 1. b IV. 1. b V. 1. a

2. care 2. a 2. a 2. a 2. e

3. solid 3. d 3. e 3. e 3. c

4. stiff 4. c 4. c 4. d 4. b

5. mind 5. f 5. d 5. c 5. d

6. e

VI. 1. could VII. 1. c

2. would be 2. a

3. would have phoned 3. d

4. were 4. e

5. most gracefully 5. b

6. louder

7. the worst

8. farther

9. will be able to

10. will be allowed to

II variant.

I. 1. fix II. 1. b III. 1. b IV. 1. c V. 1. a

2. smart 2. a 2. a 2. d 2. e

3. mind 3. c 3. d 3. a 3. c

4. top 4. e 4. c 4. b 4. b

5. care 5. d 5. e 5. e 5. d

6. f

VI. 1.will be allowed VII. 1. b

2. will be able to 2. e

3. best 3. d

4. brighter 4. c

5. slowest 5. a

6. were

7. would have enjoyed

8. were

9. could

10. sent

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