Разработка урока по английскому языку по теме Достопримечательности Лондона

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МБОУ «Курасовская средняя общеобразовательная школа»

План - конспект урока

по английскому языку

в 7 классе

на тему

«Достопримечательности Лондона»


учитель английского языка

Медведева С.И.

Курасовка, 2015

Цель: формирование лексических навыков говорения

Задачи: социально-культурный аспект-знакомство с некоторыми фактами культуры Великобритании и России и отношение к ним подростков;

развивающий- развитие у учащихся способности к догадке по аналогии с родным языком, по контексту, к логическому изложению содержания высказывания; способности осуществлять репродуктивные и продуктивные речевые действия;

учебный -развитие умения читать с целью извлечения конкретной информации и детального понимания содержания;


Пособия: Карта Британии, фото достопримечательностей Британии, России, маркировочные таблицы, видеозапись, музыка.

Ход урока


The topic of our lesson is " Great Britain аnd its popular places". So, today we'll speak about one of the most wonderful countries in the world, Great Britain and its sights. We will practice in reading, listening, writing, and of course speaking.

Many people want to visit this charming country. And when they speak about it, some of them think of her majesty Elizabeth II, her family, her residence Buckingham Palace and so on. And what do you imagine when you think of Great Britain? What associations in your mind when you think about it?

Great Britain

2.What do you know about these wonderful sights?

(P1, P2….)

3. And now I' ll tell you about other popular places and you should guess what are they?

4.As far as I know at home you learned about other British famous items. Open R- Ex/1 P-60-61, read articles and say what items these children's letters are about.

  1. What sights would you like to learn in detail about?

I'd like to learn about …. In detail.

Well, and now I offer you some interesting information about Buckingham Palace.And next lessons we'll speak about other ones. So, you should read and understand the text. As you know in the process of the discussion and reading the text you should fill the table which are in front of you..

So, what do you know about this wonderful country?

P1 come to the blackboard and fill the 1st column and you do it in your exercise -books.

Now read and fill in the 3d column

( По ходу беседы учащиеся заполняют колонки таблицы )

I know

I'd like to learn

I've just learned


Tехнология развития критического мышления.

Чтение с пометками.

. Buckingham Palace

«V» - «знаю»;

«-» - «противоречит моим первоначальным представлениям»;

« ?» - «хочу узнать»;

«+» - «это для меня новое».

To spend - проводить to change-менять

A castle - замок disappointing-

Christmas- Рождество разочаровывающий


Above- над throne- трон

Enormous, huge- огромный

A lake- озеро A lake- озеро

Changing of the Guard- смена караула

A bearskin- кивер из медвежьей шкуры

Buckingham Palace is a place where Queen Elizabeth II lives much of the time. She also spends a lot of time at Windsor castle and three other places where she goes for the summer holiday, Christmas and Easter. When the Queen is in London, you can see the Union Jack ( the flag) above the palace.

Buckingham Palace is enormous. There are 600 rooms, 78 bathrooms, a cinema, a swimming pool and even a post office . There is also a beautiful park with a lake around the palace.

About 450 people work at the Palace. They are servants, cleaners, gardeners and security men. 2 people look after the 300 clocks.

At 11.30 a.m. there is the Changing of the Guard. The guardsmen war traditional uniform: a red coat and a black bearskin. Believe it or not, this ceremony hasn't changed since 1660.

In front of Buckingham Palace there is the Queen Victoria Memorial. The Queen's bagpiper plays in front of the lake at Buckingham Palace.

When the Queen is on holiday in the summer The Palace opens to the public. You can visit the Grand Hall, the State Dining Room, the Music Room.

You can visit the Throne Room. It is interesting but a bit disappointing. There isn't a huge gold throne , there are just 2 chairs with the Queen's initials (ER= Elizabeth Regina) and (P= Philip's initial)

-So, what have you just learned about Buckingham Palace?

-And now open your books on P/127, Ex 21), 2)

Ex2 3) Which of the items you could include in the list of Russian success/

Hermitage P-261

Writing Ex 23) b)




(Заполнение визы)

As you know before the travelling abroad people fill the cards. Now I'd like you to fill this form.

Landing card

Please complete clearly



Day Month Year

Date of birth----------------------------------------------------

Place of birth-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Address in United Kingdom--------------------------------------------------------------------------------



-R-Ex2 P64-65

Who wants to get

5 -Make a list of famous Russian places and write about some of them

4- Make a list of famous Russian places and write about some of them using linguistic and cultural guide on P-255-275


My native country Russia,

You are like a flower

My wonderful country Russia,

You are like a song

My marvelous country Russia,

You become much better

Oh, Russia, we love you best of all.


  • -speak about….

  • understand the information about…

  • say my opinion on….

  • read and understand about…

  • tell about….

  • listen to the information about ….and understand it……

  • -speak about….

  • understand the information about…

  • say my opinion on….

  • read and understand about…

  • tell about….

  • listen to the information about ….and understand it……

  • give arguments…

  • find necessary information…

  • express my opinion …

  • -speak about….

  • understand the information about…

  • say my opinion on….

  • read and understand about…

  • tell about….

  • listen to the information about ….and understand it……

  • give arguments…

  • find necessary information…

  • express my opinion …

  • -speak about….

  • understand the information about…

  • say my opinion on….

  • read and understand about…

  • tell about….

  • listen to the information about ….and understand it……

  • give arguments…

  • find necessary information…

  • express my opinion …

  • -speak about….

  • understand the information about…

  • say my opinion on….

  • read and understand about…

  • tell about….

  • listen to the information about ….and understand it……

  • give arguments…

  • find necessary information…

  • express my opinion …

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