Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме В мире У. Диснея для 6 класса ( УМК Spotlight-6)

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Класс 6 класс
Тип Конспекты
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Take the sentences to make up a short Disney's story according to your picture and put them in the right order.

Put the verbs into Past Simple form.
Present your fairy-tale to the class.

Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме В мире У.Диснея для 6 класса ( УМК Spotlight-6)

  1. Once upon a time there _______(live) an unhappy young girl.

  2. Long long ago, in the Deep Sea kingdom, there ______ (live) the sea king with his five mermaid daughters.

  3. She _______( (be) unhappy because her mother _______(die) and her father _______ (marry) another woman, a widow with two daughters.

  4. The seven dwarfs __________ (arrive) home and _______ (find) Snow White sleeping.

  5. Her stepmother _______ (not like) her very much.

  6. All the nice things _______(be) for her own daughters.

  7. But, for the poor unhappy girl, there _______(be) nothing at all.

  8. Sirenetta ______fell in love with the prince, but she _______ sad because she _____had a fish tail!

  9. Her stepmother ______ (be) very angry, she ________ (hate) that Snow White ________(be) more beautiful than her.

  10. She _______(work) hard all day.

  11. Only when evening _______(come), she _______ (can) sit by the fire, near the cinders.

  12. That is how she _______ (get) her nickname - Cinderella.

YOUR STORY is ______________________.

  1. Cinderella

  2. The Little mermaid

  3. The Sleeping beauty

  4. Snow white and seven dwarfs

Take the sentences to make up a short Disney's story according to your picture and pu them in the right order.

Put the verbs into Past Simple form.
Present your fairy-tale to the class.

Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме В мире У.Диснея для 6 класса ( УМК Spotlight-6)

  1. Long long ago, in the Deep Sea kingdom, there ______ (live) the sea king with his five mermaid daughters.

  2. Sirenetta _____ (be) the youngest and the loveliest among them.

  3. One day in winter Baby _______ (walk) with his mother.

  4. Her stepmother ______ (be) very angry, she ________ (hate) that Snow White ________(be) more beautiful than her.

  5. There ______ (be) nobody inside, only seven small beds.

  6. They _____ (eat) branches of trees

  7. The seven dwarfs __________ (arrive) home and _______ (find) Snow White sleeping.

  8. She _______ (have) a beautiful voice and everybody ________ (come) to hear her voice and praise her beauty.

  9. One day, while Sirenetta ______ (see) a young man who ____ (fall) off his ship.

  10. Hunters _______ (shout) his mother and she ___________ (die).

  11. This man ____ (be) the prince.

  12. Sirenetta ______fell in love with the prince, but she _______ sad because she _____had a fish tail!

YOUR STORY is ______________________.

  1. Cinderella

  2. The Little mermaid

  3. The Sleeping beauty

  4. Snow white and seven dwarfs

Take the sentences to make up a short Disney's story according to your picture and put them in the right order.

Put the verbs into Past Simple form.
Present your fairy-tale to the class.

Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме В мире У.Диснея для 6 класса ( УМК Spotlight-6)

  1. The Prince _____ (be born) in spring.

  2. The birds _______ (sing) the happiest song.

  3. Her stepmother ______ (be) very angry, she ________ (hate) that Snow White ________(be) more beautiful than her.

  4. What a beautiful, beautiful Spring day it _______ (be).

  5. But the huntsman _______ (not be) so angry and let her go. Snow White _______ (be) really sad in the forest when she _______ (find) a little house and ______ (go) inside.

  6. One day in winter Baby _______ (walk)with his mother.

  7. They _____ (eat) branches of trees

  8. Suddenly the dear ______ (hear) loud sounds and _____ (rush) very quickly.

  9. There ______ (be) nobody inside, only seven small beds.

  10. Hunters _______ (shout) his mother and she ___________ (die).

  11. Bambie _____(be) really sad.

  12. The seven dwarfs __________ (arrive) home and _______ (find) Snow White sleeping.

  13. He ____ (lose) his mother.

YOUR STORY is ______________________.

  1. Bambi

  2. The Little mermaid

  3. The Sleeping beauty

  4. Snow white and seven dwarfs

Take the sentences to make up a short Disney's story according to your picture and put them in the right order.

Put the verbs into Past Simple form.
Present your fairy-tale to the class.

Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме В мире У.Диснея для 6 класса ( УМК Spotlight-6)

  1. Once upon a time there ______ (live) a beautiful princess named Snow White.

  2. Sirenetta ______fell in love with the prince, but she _______ sad because she _____had a fish tail!

  3. Her stepmother ______ (be) very angry, she ________ (hate) that Snow White ________(be) more beautiful than her.

  4. She _______ (have) a beautiful voice and everybody ________ (come) to hear her voice and praise her beauty.

  5. So, one day she ___________ (ask) a huntsman to take Snow white to the forest and kill her.

  6. She _______( (be) unhappy because her mother _______(die) and her father _______ (marry) another woman, a widow with two daughters.

  7. Her stepmother _______ (not like) her very much.

  8. All the nice things _______(be) for her own daughters.

  9. She _______(work) hard all day.

  10. But the huntsman _______ (not be) so angry and let her go. Snow White _______ (be) really sad in the forest when she _______ (find) a little house and ______ (go) inside.

  11. There ______ (be) nobody inside, only seven small beds.

  12. The seven dwarfs __________ (arrive) home and _______ (find) Snow White sleeping.

Your Story is ________

  1. Cinderella

  2. The Little mermaid

  3. The Sleeping beauty

  4. Snow white and seven dwarfs


CОткрытый урок по английскому языку по теме В мире У.Диснея для 6 класса ( УМК Spotlight-6)inderella

  1. Once upon a time there LIVED live) an unhappy young girl.

  2. She WAS (be) unhappy because her mother DIED (die) and her father MARRIED (marry) another woman, a widow with two daughters.

  3. Her stepmother DIDN'T LIKE (not like) her very much.

  4. All the nice things WERE (be) for her own daughters.

  5. But, for the poor unhappy girl, there WAS (be) nothing at all.

  6. She WORKED (work) hard all day.

  7. Only when evening CAME (come), she COCULD (can) sit by the fire, near the cinders.

  8. That is how she GOT (get) her nickname - Cinderella.

LОткрытый урок по английскому языку по теме В мире У.Диснея для 6 класса ( УМК Spotlight-6)ittle mermaid

  1. Long long ago, in the Deep Sea kingdom, there LIVED (live) the sea king with his five mermaid daughters.

  2. Sirenetta WAS (be) the youngest and the loveliest among them.

  3. She HAD (have) a beautiful voice and everybody CAME (come) to hear her voice and praise her beauty.

  4. One day, while Sirenetta SAW (see) a young man who FELL (fall) off his ship.

  5. This man WAS (be) the prince.

  6. Sirenetta FELL (fall) in love with the prince, but she WAS sad because she _____had a fish tail (be)!!

Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме В мире У.Диснея для 6 класса ( УМК Spotlight-6)Snow white and seven dwarfs

  1. Once upon a time there LIVED (live) a beautiful princess named Snow White.

  2. Her stepmother WAS (be) very angry, she HATED (hate) that Snow White WAS (be) more beautiful than her.

  3. So, one day she ASKED (ask) a huntsman to take Snow white to the forest and kill her.

  4. But the huntsman WASN'T (not be) so angry and let her go.

  5. Snow White WAS (be) really sad in the forest when she FOUND (find) a little house and WENT (go) inside.

  6. There WAS (be) nobody inside, only seven small beds.

  7. The seven dwarfs ARRIVED (arrive) home and FOUND (find) Snow White sleeping.

Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме В мире У.Диснея для 6 класса ( УМК Spotlight-6)Bambi

  1. The Prince WAS BORN (be born) in spring.

  2. The birds SANG (sing) the happiest song.

  3. What a beautiful, beautiful Spring day it WAS (be).

  4. One day in winter Baby WALKED (walk) with his mother.

  5. They ATE (eat) branches of trees

  6. Suddenly the dear HEARD (hear) loud sounds and RUSHED (rush) very quickly.

  7. Hunters SHOUTED (shout) his mother and she DIED (die).

  8. Bambie WAS (be) sad.

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