План урока на тему Животные

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 7 класс
Тип Рабочие программы
Формат docx
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Урок английского языка в 7 классе на тему

« Аbout animals»

Цель урока: формирование самостоятельной познавательной деятельности учащихся

Задачи урока:

Учебные: Формировать лексические навыки, совершенствовать навыки аудирования, устной монологической и диалогической речи

Развивающие: развивать исследовательские навыки, развивать умение работать в группе

Воспитательные: формировать уважительное и ответственное отношение к природе.

Оснащение урока:

Наглядный материал: постер, аудиозапись голосов животных, фотоколлаж. Раздаточный материал: тексты о животных и информационные карты, текст о пингвинах, карточки с названиями частей тела.

Тип урока: закрепление знаний по теме

Procedure of the lesson:

I. Preliminaries. Aims.

Good morning, pupils and our highly respected guests. The theme of our lesson is «About animals ». We live in a world that is full of the beauty of nature. Animals are the part of that natural world. People often treated animals more like things than living, feeling beings. We'll learn that animals are more complex, we'll learn some interesting facts about animals. You'll present your projects. And by the end of the lesson you will be able toget main ideas and details of necessary information to exchange ideas and compare animals.

II. Brainstorming.

Look at this poster. What animals can you see? How do you understand these words «Everyone matters»?

III. Recollection of lexis.

To make our lesson successful let's revise lexis on the theme. Let's play animals' category game.

What categories of animals do you know? What species of animals do you know?

Come up to the blackboard and write in the words.

a) Complete the diagram with species of animals.

IV. Reading practice. Making up dialogues.

Let's speak about this wonderful animal. What animal is it? Where does it live? Read the text about penguins and make up your dialogues.

There are eighteen different kinds of penguins, and they all live south of the equator. The largest are the emperor penguins, which live in Antarctica. The smallest penguin is the fairy penguin, or little blue. Penguins eat fish and krill. (Krill are small animals that swim in cold waters.)

They lay their eggs about fifty miles from the coast. There the penguins have nothing to make a nest out of, but the eggs cannot be laid directly on the ice, or they would freeze. The emperor penguins have to take care of their eggs in a special way.

The female produces one egg. As soon as she lays her egg, the male penguin rolls it on top of his feet. A special fold of skin on the bottom of his stomach comes down over the egg to protect it from the cold. For two months the male penguins stand together to protect themselves from the cold with their eggs on their feet. They cannot move or eat.

The female goes to find food as soon as she lays her egg. Finally, after two months she returns and takes the egg from the male. The male penguin, which now has had no food for two months, returns to the sea.

After the egg is hatched, the female and the male take turns carrying the baby penguin on their feet. When the weather gets cold, the baby is covered by the fold of skin, which keeps it warm.

Let us listen to your dialogues. What interesting facts about penguins have you leant from the text?

VI. Mini-research work.

Now you will have a mini-research work. Each group has a text about an animal and an info chart.

a) Read the text and find out what animal is described and fill in the required information into the charts.b) Report your research findings to the other groups.c) While listening try to complete the chart with necessary information.d) Look attentively and compare animals. What do they have in common? In what ways are they alike?

VII. Relaxation.

Children, you have worked much. Let's have a rest. Imagine that you are in the jungle. Listen to the animals voices and enjoy yourselves.

VIII. Presentation of projects.

1) «The most popular pets» (the first group)


P1: We want to tell you about our young brothers, I mean pets. The first pet was grey goose. It happened 10000 years ago. Do you know that Americans have more cats as pets than any other animal? Americans have more than 77 million pet cats. They have about 65 million pet dogs. Cat lovers think cats are graceful and fun to watch. Some cats are comical and playful and some are serious and independent.

P2: Lots of animals have jobs:

the police use horses to control large crowds;

dogs help blind people;

cats are used in advertisements


2) «The most interesting facts about wild animals» (the second group)

3) «Endangered animals of Kazakhstan» (the third group)

Many animals and birds in Kazakhstan are in danger, because people have hunted and killed many animals, destroyed their habitats. There are about 835 species of animals in Kazakhstan.


Total number

Number of animals included into the Red Book













40 out of 178 mammals are included into the Red Book, etc.

IX. Reflection

So, our lesson is almost over. You've learnt so much about animals. Tell me please what facts about animals were the most interesting for you? What activity did you like best of all? You worked very hard. I am going to put you «fives» and «fours». Thank you for the lesson.

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