Открытый урок по английскому языку для 5 класса «What do you eat for breakfast?»

Менің 5 сыныптарға өткізген ашық сабағымның мақсаты оқушыларға саналатын және саналмайтын зат есімдерді түсіндіру, тамаққа байланысты сөздермен таныстыру және сойлеу,оқу, жазу, тыңдасын дағдыларын қалыптастыру болып табылады. Бұл сабақта балалар тағамдарды қолмен ұстау, көру арқылы үйренді. Электронды оқулық бойынша өлең айтып, тыңдасын дағдылары қалыптасты.Сонымен қатар олар елдердің атын ағылшынша айтып үйреніп, сол бойынша текст оқыды. Осы текстке байланысты True or False? жаттығуын үйренді. ...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Рабочие программы
Формат zip
Изображения Нет
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Theme: What do you eat for breakfast?

Form: 5

Aims of the lesson:

Educational aims: to give information about countable and uncountable nouns

To enrich pupils' vocabulary stock with words connected foods

Developing aims: to develop the skills of speaking, reading, writing and listening on theme.

Bringing up: to bring up the children to make conversation and help each other.

Method of the lesson: games technology, group work.

Type of the lesson: mixed lesson.

Equipments: CD, crosswords, foods, slides.

The plan of the lesson

  1. Organization moment

  2. Checking up the home task

  3. Presentation of the new material

  4. Warm up

  5. Reading

  6. True or false

  7. Talk to your partner

  8. Listening

  9. Conclusion

  10. Home task

  11. Evaluation

  12. The end of the lesson

Procedure of the lesson

I. Organization moment

Good morning, children! Good morning, teacher!

Who is on duty today?

What is the date today?

What day is it today?

What was your home task? Our home task was to make a crossword

To learn by heart new words.

III. Presentation of the new material

Today we are going to take new theme which is called

What do you eat for breakfast?

Look at these new words:

Tomato- помидор-қызанақ

Egg- Яйцо- жұмыртқа

Water- вода -су

Potato- картошка- картоп

Cheese- сыр-ірімшік

Bread - хлеб-нан

Wine- вино-шарап

Banana -банан- банан

Milk- молоко-сүт

Lemon- лимон- лимон


Carrot- морковь-сәбіз

Meat- мясо-ет

Sugar- сахар-шекер

Apple- яблоко-алма

Match the words to the pictures.

IV. Warm up

Before reading the text let's sing a song "You

and me"

1.January, February, March, April, and May

What's your name and when's your birthday?

June, July, August, September, October and November

My name is Polly and my birthday in December


You and me, me and you

Friends at home, friends at school

You and me, me and you

We are happy, we are cool.

2. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven

How old are you? I'm eleven

Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

Where's your home? It's in London!


3. Cyckling, skateboarding, skiing, or football

What's your favorite sport? Its basketball

Pizza, spaghetti, ice-cream and sandwiches

What's your favourite food? Hamburgers and chips!


V. Reading

Before reading the text let's look at the

geographical names

The USA- Америка Құрама Штаты

California -Калифорния

Florida - Флорида

Washington- Вашингтон

New Jersey- Нью Джерси


Montana - Монтана

Maine- Мэн

Michigan- Мичиган

Japan- Жапония


New York-Нью Йорк


Let's read the text


In the United States oranges usually come from California and Florida. Apples come from Washington. Peaches come from New Jersey. Bananas come from South America and Central America.

Cheese comes from California and sometimes from Europe. Lamb usually comes from Colorado and Montana. Coffee comes from Colombia. A lot of fish comes from Maine.

Most American cars come from Michigan, but many come from Japan, Germany. Many clothes are made in New York, but large numbers come from China.

Ex: 3

VI. True or False

  1. Cheese comes from Europe.

  2. Lamb comes from Colorado and Montana.

  3. Coffee comes from Kazakhstan.

  4. In the USA oranges come from Arizona.

  5. Bananas come from South America and Central America.

  1. Talk to your partner

- What do you want to eat for breakfast?

- I'd like a_________________.

- What do you want to drink?

- I'd like some____________.

VIII. Listening

Let's listen Lucy's and Hurry's conversations


Divide these foods into countable and uncountable nouns

X. Home task

Write. What do I drink? What does My Friend drink ?

XI. Evaluation

Your marks for today are…..

  1. The end of the lesson

Good buy children

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