Тест по теме Appearance (учебник Spotlight 7 класс)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 7 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Test A

  1. Use the adjectives to describe people or things

  1. A, Russian, young, talented, actor

  2. A, Pretty, tall, Japanese, girl

  3. A, Handsome, woman, French, middle-aged

  4. A, Traditional, old, Greek, vase

  5. A, girl, Smart, slim, Chinese

  1. Fill in with: up, away, back

  1. His friend gave ____________ smoking last month.

  2. Please, give me ____________ my books, I need them badly!

  3. The second-year students will give ___________ their manuals to the first -year students.

  4. He decided not to give her ________________ that umbrella.

  1. Translate the words into Russian or English

Determined, sociable, fencing, imaginative, patient, boxing, freckles, bald

Смелый, вышивание, привлекательный, вязание, терпеливый, любопытный, в хорошей форме.

  1. Describe your best friend (name, age, appearance, character)

Test B

  1. Use the adjectives to describe people or things

  1. A, German, old, short, man

  2. A, thin, woman, ugly, Spanish

  3. A, tall, young, Sweden, girl

  4. A, smart, middle-aged, French, teacher

  5. A, fat, old, pig

  1. Fill in with: up, away, back

  1. It's not your sweets, give them _______

  2. Did he give _________ telling stupid stories?

  3. Let's give _________ these toys to the poor children

  4. You should give ________such a bad habit!

  1. Translate the words into Russian or English

Pretty, curious, artistic, imaginative, middle-aged, knitting, athletic, fit, fencing.

Терпеливый, стройный, сочинять рассказы, играть в футбол, общительный, решительный, смелый.

  1. Describe your best friend (name, age, appearance, character)

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