Контрольно-измерительные материалы к модулю 6 УМК Spotlight 5 (ФГОС)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат rar
Изображения Есть
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Вы услышите 5 диалогов.

БАЗОВЫЙ УРОВЕНЬ Выберите нужную картинку в соответствии с содержанием текста в задании 1-3.

.ПОВЫШЕННЫЙ УРОВЕНЬ. Выберите один из трех вариантов ответа в задании 4-5.

Вы услышите диалоги дважды.

eg. What is Dave doing at the moment?

Контрольно-измерительные материалы к модулю 6 УМК Spotlight 5 (ФГОС)

  1. What time does Fiona usually get up?

Контрольно-измерительные материалы к модулю 6 УМК Spotlight 5 (ФГОС)

  1. What does Fred's dad do?

Контрольно-измерительные материалы к модулю 6 УМК Spotlight 5 (ФГОС)

  1. What does Jane usually do in the evenings?

Контрольно-измерительные материалы к модулю 6 УМК Spotlight 5 (ФГОС)

  1. What does Mike usually do at weekends?

Контрольно-измерительные материалы к модулю 6 УМК Spotlight 5 (ФГОС)

  1. What does Kate never do in the morning?

Контрольно-измерительные материалы к модулю 6 УМК Spotlight 5 (ФГОС)



БАЗОВЫЙ УРОВЕНЬ. Прочитайте текст. Ответьте на вопросы 6-11 в соответствии с содержанием текста.

My neighbour Amy is a teacher. She is very busy. When she's not working at the school, she's out having fun. Every day, Amy wakes up at 7 o'clock in the morning. She has breakfast and then walks to school. She starts lessons at a quarter past eight. Her work is quite hard. She works until 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Then she goes back home where she has lunch and has a rest for a while. In the evenings, she prepares her lessons for the next day. Later, she sometimes goes to the cinema or meets her friends. On Thursdays, she always does the shopping. On Sundays she always wakes up late and then goes for a walk. She usually goes to bed at 11.30 pm.

eg. What does Amy do?

She is a teacher.

  1. Where does Amy work?


  1. What time does she wake up every day?


  1. How does she go to work?


  1. What time does she finish work?


  1. When does she do the shopping?


  1. What does she do on Sundays?


ПОВЫШЕННЫЙ УРОВЕНЬ. Прочитайте тексты (12-15). Подберите к ним заголовки A-E.. Один заголовок лишний.

  1. A Busy Businessman

  2. A Typical Schoolboy

  3. A Successful Actress

  4. A School Teacher

  5. A Good Doctor

  1. I wake up at 9, do morning exercises for an hour and eat a healthy breakfast. After breakfast I read books on acting or watch education programmes. It's important to learn. Then I check e-mails, talk to the manager and agents. In the afternoon I practise my monologues. I have a light lunch. In the evening I have a performance. My life is a hard work!

  2. I get up very early, usually at 6 o'clock. After a quick breakfast I look through my lesson plans and at 7.30 I go to work. I give four or five English classes a day. After lunch I go to the library to look for some interesting material and prepare computer tasks. Then I'm busy with our drama club. I go home at 5 or 6 pm taking any unfinished work.

  3. The alarm clock wakes me up every morning at 5.30. I do some exercises and have a quick breakfast. I am at work at 7.30. At 8 we have a meeting to discuss what problems our patients have and the strategy of the day. Then I examine my patients and get ready for operations if I have any, in the evening after a hard day I go swimming. Sport helps me keep fit.

  4. Discipline is the most important factor in a person's professional life. Success is the result of many things. Hard work, brains, careful planning. I get up at 7, go jogging, take a cold shower and have a good breakfast. At 9 I'm at my office. I read e-mails and prepare for the tasks with the partners from different companies. We have lunch at 12.30. After lunch we usually have meetings of the staff to discuss our plans. I go home at 8 pm or later.



БАЗОВЫЙ УРОВЕНЬ. В задании 16-26 сопоставьте слова из левого и правого столбика и найдите пары.

  1. shop assistant

  1. ветеринар

  1. waiter

  1. продавец

  1. vet

  1. водитель такси

  1. taxi driver

  1. гид

  1. librarian

  1. официант

  1. tourist guide

  1. библиотекарь

  1. salute superiors

  1. выполнять приседания

  1. give orders

  1. бегать вокруг территории

  1. do push-ups

  1. отдавать честь

  1. do sit-ups

  1. отжиматься

  1. run round the base

  1. отдавать приказы

БАЗОВЫЙ УРОВЕНЬ. В задании 27-32 сопоставьте фразы из левого и правого столбика и найдите пары.

  1. He is washing

  1. up the mountain.

  1. She is writing

  1. the car.

  1. He is buying

  1. a letter to her pen friend.

  1. She is cooking

  1. a present for his girlfriend.

  1. He is repairing

  1. the dishes.

  1. He is climbing

  1. dinner.

БАЗОВЫЙ УРОВЕНЬ. В задании 33-37 вставьте правильный предлог времени (in / on / at).

  1. They often eat in a restaurant ______ Fridays.


  1. The train leaves Moscow _______ 4 pm.


  1. He likes playing tennis ______ weekends.


  1. My sister's birthday is _______ March.


  1. Ulyanovsk is cold _______ winter.


БАЗОВЫЙ УРОВЕНЬ. Что происходит сейчас? В задании 38-41 напишите предложения, которые соответствуют действительности.

  1. it / snow


  1. I / swim / in the pool


  1. My mum / listen / to music


  1. We / clean our teeth


БАЗОВЫЙ УРОВЕНЬ. В задании 42-45 напишите краткие ответы на следующие вопросы.

  1. Is it raining?


  1. Are you watching TV?


  1. Are you classmates talking on the phone?


  1. Is your mum writing a test?


ПОВЫШЕННЫЙ УРОВЕНЬ. В задании 46-49 напишите названия профессий. В скобках указано количество букв в слове.

  1. They cut your hair and make it look beautiful (11).


  1. They make pictures (7).


  1. They work at the hospital but they are not doctors (5).


  1. They deliver letters, newspapers and magazines to your flat (7).


ПОВЫШЕННЫЙ УРОВЕНЬ. Вставьте слова из рамочки в соответствующие предложения 50-54. Поставьте их в нужную форму.

  1. build b) write c) teach d) wave goodbye e) play

  1. Be quiet! They ______________________ a dictation.

  2. What is your Dad doing now? - He _________________ children at school.

  3. What are they doing? - They ________________________ a new school.

  4. Look, your mum __________________________ to her schoolchildren.

  5. We ____________________________ computer games. Join in!



БАЗОВЫЙ УРОВЕНЬ. Напиши о своем распорядке дня не менее 5 предложений (50-60 слов) - 5 баллов

ПОВЫШЕННЫЙ УРОВЕНЬ. Прочитай письмо от твоего нового друга по переписке. Напиши ему, ответив на 2 его вопроса. Напиши не менее 80 слов, соблюдая правила написания письма личного характера - 10 баллов.

… I'm busy helping mum about the house. My sister is making some phone calls. My brother is playing computer games. Dad is fixing the bookcase. It's a hard work. Only our dog is having a good time. In the evening we're going to the cinema. What are you doing? What are your plans for Sunday?

Write back soon.




ПОВЫШЕННЫЙ УРОВЕНЬ. Составь и разыграй по ролям со своим одноклассником диалог по следующей ситуации (не менее 5 реплик) - 9 баллов

Student B: You meet student A and he suggests you going to the cinema. You are busy today and have a lot of homework. But you can go tomorrow.

БАЗОВЫЙ УРОВЕНЬ. Расскажи о своем распорядке дня в соответствии со следующим планом. Твой рассказ должен содержать не менее 10 предложений. При рассказе ты можешь воспользоваться своими записями - 6 баллов.

Speak about how you start the day; what you usually do during the working day; what you like to do when the weather is a) good; b) bad.

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