Тест по английскому языку для 10 класса Семейные узы

Тест является формой итогового контроля, для выявления общего понимания вопросов, рассматриваемых в рамках данного урока-“Family Ties” по учебнику для 10 класса Laser B1+. В тесте 5 заданий с 26 вопросами. Цель вопросов в данном тесте показать учащимся реальный уровень их достижений и мотивировать их на дальнейшее изучение английского языка. Время на выполнение теста- 30 минут. Тест нацелен на выявление знаний по следующим дидактическим единицам: - Настоящее простое и настоящее продолженное время - Вокабуляр по теме "Семейные узы" - Словообразование - Фразовые глаголы с up.
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 10 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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10 th form.

Unit 1.




  1. Circle the correct words.

1 If your father marries again, his new wife is your stepmother / biological mother.

2 Alex is a single / an only child and he'd like to have a brother.

3 I've got two older / old sisters, aged 17 and 19.

4 I live with my mum because my parents are divorced / different


  1. Complete with the following words.

selfish popular optimistic

amusing ambitious generous

1 You share what you have with other people. You are _______________.

2 You think the future is going to be good. You are _______________.

3 You only care about yourself. You are _______________.

4 You want to be very successful. You are _______________.

5 You have lots of friends. You are _______________.

6 People think you are funny. You are _______________.


  1. Circle the correct words.

1 We have / are having English lessons every Tuesday and Thursday.

2 I'm spending / I spend a lot of time doing school work these days.

3 We're on holiday at the moment and we have / are having a great time.

4 I like / am liking my brother and sister - they're cool!


  1. Complete each sentence with one word.

1 Josh doesn't care _______________ anyone but himself.

2 You can't blame me _______________ all your problems.

3 The policeman accused him _______________ taking the watch.

4 I can't deal _______________ him now. I'll phone him later.


  1. Tick () the sentences that are correct. Rewrite those that are incorrect.

1 My sister always is annoying me.


2 I think Mum's having a shower.


3 Tom's 15, so he isn't driving a car.


4 Mark is staying with us for a few days.



Total: …/26

10 th form.

Unit 1.




  1. Circle the correct words.

1. I'm adopted / adapted and I don't know who my real parents are.

2. Mum wanted a large / an oversize family because she has five brothers and sisters.

3. I've got a half / part brother because my mum and my stepfather have just had a baby.

4. My brother always gets what he wants - he's complicated / spoilt.


warm cool icy hot-tempered cold-hearted popularComplete with the following words.

1 When he's angry, he doesn't say anything - he just gives you a(n) _______________ look.

2 She's such a(n) _______________ character. She never lets anything worry or upset her.

3 Honestly, he's so _______________. You say something to him and he gets angry for no reason.

4 She's very _______________ and kind and I think that's why she's so popular.

5 He describes his stepmother as a(n) _______________ woman who doesn't show any love to anyone.

  1. She is_______________ because she has lots of friends.


  1. Circle the correct words.

1 Maria is / is being my stepmother.

2 Usually, I spend / am spending weekends with my dad.

3 People in the same family sometimes argue / are sometimes arguing.

4 Stop doing that - you annoy / are annoying me!


  1. Complete each sentence with one word.

1My brother is always blaming me _________ his problems.

2 Sometimes I look _______________ my little sister but I don't get any money for it!

  1. Do you get _______________ with your brother or do you fight a lot?

  2. He tries to care ______ his little puppy but he is too busy at work.


  1. Tick () the sentences that are correct. Rewrite those that are incorrect.

1 Bob and Jack is getting ready to go out.


2 Sam is having a large family.


3 We are always eating dinner together.


4 I'm not liking sharing a room.



Total: …/26

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