Ашық сабақ: информатика Ақпаратты кодтау

8 - в сынып арасында өтетін «Қызықты информатика» атты интеллектуалдық сайыстың өту жоспары. Өтетін күні: 28.11.2013жыл. Өтетін орны:  204 кабинет Ұйымдастырушы: Минабил Амангуль   Мақсаты: Ойын арқылы оқушылардың информатика сабағына деген қызығушылығын арттыру. Шапшаңдыққа, терең ойлана білуге, бірігуге, сыйластыққа тәрбиелеу. Қайырлы күн құрметті көрермен ! Сөз бастайын термелетіп өлеңмен. Тәрбиелі, білімді бол әрқашан. Өс, өркенде қанат жайып кемелден.   Жоспар Сайыс 5 турдан тұрады. І-ту...
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Cабақ жоспары

Сынып: 5

Сабақ: English language

Сабақтың тақырыбы: "Shopping"

Сабақтың типі: білім мен дағдыларын бекіту.

Сабақтың мақсаты: коммуникативті құзыреттіліктерін қалыптастыру.

Сөйлеу: оқу дағдыларын жүзеге асыру, белгіленген көлемде ақпаратты бөліп алуды үйрету.

Тілдік: лексикалық бірліктер және модельдік сөз тіркесін білу.

Әлеуметтік-құрылымдық: Шет тілдік мәдениетаралық қарым қатынас жағдайындағы өз елін көрсете білу.

Міндет: тілдік және сөздік материалды игеру процесін нығайту.

Тыңдалым, оқылым, айтылым дағдыларын дамыту.

Ағылшын тілін үйренудегі мотивациясын жоғарлату.

Қолданылатын әдістер: дедукциялық, жартылай-ізденушілік, сөздік, көрнекілік, практикалық, мәтінмен жұмыс.

Қолданылатын: тәсілдер: жеке, жұптық, фронтальды.

Жабдықталуы: презентация, аудиофайлдар, карточкалар.

The procedure of the lesson

I.Organization moment


Teacher: Good morning!

Pupils: Good morning, good morning, good morning to you
Good morning, good morning,
We are glad to see you.

Teacher: Thank you, sit down.

The topic of our lesson is «Shopping». During the lesson we are going to sing a song, to read and translate the text, to do different tasks. Then you'll listen to some dialogues and answer my questions
And at last you'll go to our Classroom Shop to buy some products. You'll have what you buy. At the end we'll speak about the results of the lesson

.Let's start our lesson with the toungure twister

"If you want to buy, buy, if you don't want to buy, bye bye!"

(1 қосымша)

And can you guess why we have started the lesson with these items? Quite right, today we will speak about shopping. So where shall we go today?

Pupil 1: To the shop.
Teacher: But before going to the shop ………... We'll remind the names of products...

II. Phonetic drill

[f]- coffee, fish

[r] - orange, corn

[i:] - meat, tea

III. Speech drill

1. Teacher: First of all let's remind what products you can buy. Look, listen and repeat.

cabbage, sausage ,potatoes , meat , milk ,tomatoes ,a butter , fish , juice, bread , tea , chocolate , corn , ham

2.Teacher: Let's play. You are "yellow", and you are "Green". (Топтарға бөліну)

Please, "yellow sit here, "Green". - here.

Teacher: All of you have some pictures on your desks (әр партада сурет: апельсин, алма, алхоры, банан, қызанақ, жуа, картоп, нан, шұжык,сүт).
-You will go to the grocer's. Choose what you will buy there.
And you will go to the greengrocer's. Choose what you will buy there.
Teacher: Ready? Now say what you've bought.
Pupil 1: An apple, bananas, a tomato, an orange.
Teacher: And you?
Pupil 2: A packet of tea, a jar of coffee, sweets, a bar of chocolate.
Teacher: And you?
Pupil 3: Milk, cheese, butter, ice - cream.

IV.Match the words with pictures

Ашық сабақ: информатика Ақпаратты кодтау

V. -Now let's repeat all these names once again(And now I will check how well you've remembered the names. Listen to the song and try to remember all the shops in it.

  1. Hippoty hop to the corner's shop
    To buy some sweets for Sunday
    Some for you,
    Some for me,
    Some for sister Sandy.

  2. Hippoty hop to the baker's shop
    To buy some bread for Monday
    Some for you,
    Some for me,
    Some for sister Sandy.

  3. Hippoty hop to the buther's shop
    To buy some meat for Tuesday
    Some for you,
    Some for me,
    Some for sister Sandy.

  4. Hippoty hop to the green grocery's shop
    To buy some apples for Saturday
    Some for you,
    Some for me,
    Some for sister Sandy.

(2 қосымша)

-Do you like the song? Who is the main character? What products does he buy?

Listening (for the main idea) (writing).

  1. -Now let's listen to the song once again and your task will be to put down the names of the shops.. Here is the text of the song but the names are absent. (аудио 2 рет)

Hippoty hop to the ........ shop
To buy some sweets for Sunday
Some for you,
Some for me,
Some for sister Sandy.

Hippoty hop to the ........ shop
To buy some bread for Monday
Some for you,
Some for me,
Some for sister Sandy.

Hippoty hop to the ............. shop
To buy some meat for Tuesday
Some for you,
Some for me,
Some for sister Sandy.

Hippoty hop to the.............. shop
To buy some apples for Saturday
Some for you,
Some for me,
Some for sister Sandy.

-So, what shop does Hippoty hop on Sunday (Tuesday, Monday, Saturday )?Give full answers please(And finally let's sing it all together(аудио 3 рет).

VI. Teacher: There are different types of packaging foods.

What are they? Go to the blackboard and match the words from lists A and B

Ашық сабақ: информатика Ақпаратты кодтау

VII. Grammar in focus .
Саналатын және санай алмайтын зат есімдер (Countable and Uncountable Nouns)

Teacher: When we speak about products we can use many, much, little, few, a lot of. Take the test, write down the date and your name on it. Begin, please.


  1. How … milk did you drink?
    a) much;
    b) many;
    c) few.

  2. We have got … bars of chocolate.
    a) a little;
    b) many;
    c) a lot of.

  3. I spend … of time at school.
    a) a lot of:
    b) many;
    c) a few.

4. There is ….. bread at home.

a) little
b) few

.5 They bought ……… apples.

a) many
b) much

VIII. Children, are you tired? Let's do exercises

"Head and shoulders"

1. Head and shoulders

Knees and toes, knees and toes

Head and shoulders

Knees and toes, knees and toes

2. Eyes and ears

Mouth and nose

Head and shoulders

Knees and toes, knees and toes

(3 қосымша)

IX. Reading the text.

Teacher: II. Now, please, read the text about 'Shopping'' and translate the sentences one by one.


One day my friend Nick and I decided to go shopping. We needed some food, that's why we went to a large supermarket. The choice of goods was impressive. On the counters and shelves there was everything. We could see sausages, fish, meat, poultry. At the bakery there was bread, rolls, biscuits. At the dairy department there was milk, cheese, butter, cream. When we came to the cashier, our bags were full of food.

X.Post- reading activities.

Teacher: Look through the text and fill the letters in the gaps in a written form.

M . lk, s . . sages, f . sh, m . . t, br . . d, r . lls, ch . . se, b . tter, cr . . m.

(4 қосымша)

XI. The next exercise is to read the words and find the odd one out in each line.

1.Cabbage, potatoes, corn, orange

2.Honey,ham, jam, cake

3. Juice, milk, tea,cheese

4.Banana,nut, apple,orange

5. Sandwich, bread, cake, butter

Checking: 5 correct answers - 5, 4 correct answers - 4, 3 correct answers - 3, 2/1correct answers - 2

ХII. listening

Teacher: Listen to the dialogues and say what the customers buy exactly.

a) (5 қосымша)

- Hello.
- Hello. What can I do for you?
- I'd like a big packet of tea, please.
- Here you are. Anything else?
- A small jar of coffee.
- Here it is.
- Thank you.

Teacher: What did he buy?
Pupil: He bought a big packet of tea and a small jar of coffee.

b) (6 қосымша)

- Hello. Can I help you?
- Yes, please.
- I'd like to buy a can of Coke and a carton of orange juice.
- What else?
- Have you got some nuts? I want: a packet of peanuts, please.
- Here you are.
- Thank you.

Teacher: What did he buy?
Pupil: He bought a can of Coke, a carton of orange juice and a packet of peanuts.

c) (7 қосымша)

- Hello.
- Hello. Can I help you?
- Have you got milk chocolate?
- Yes, of course.
- I want to buy two bars of chocolate and a big box of sweets.
- Here you are.
- Thank you.

Teacher: What did she buy?
Pupil: She bought two bars of chocolate and a big box of sweets.

d) (8 қосымша)

- Hello. Can I have some bread?
- Yes, of course.
- I need a loaf of bread or no, two loaves of bread.
- Here you are.
- Thank you.

Teacher: What did he buy?
Pupil: He bought two loaves of bread.

XIII . Role-play

Teacher: Now practice these dialogues working in pairs.

-Let's practice it. Imagine that you are in a shop and I am a salesperson You are welcome to my shop. We have the freshest products and the cheapest prices! Who will be the first shopper? Very nice. Can anybody of you be a salesperson?

-A salesperson: Hello!

- A shopper: Hello! I'd like to buy a packet of sugar, please.

- A salesperson: Ok.

- A shopper: How much does it cost?

- A salesperson: It costs 2 pounds.

- A shopper: Here you are.

- A salesperson: Thank you. Goodbye.

- A shopper: Goodbye.

XIV . Homework to create your own dialogues.

XV. The conclusion of the lesson.

Dear friends! Our lesson is almost over. What did you do during the lesson?
- We revised words.
- We listened to the text..
-We spoke English a lot during the lesson.
-Which part of the lesson did you like best of all?
- I liked the role-play
- I liked the dialogues better.
-Great! Now I am sure that you won't be hungry in a foreign country. Thank you for your work, you were very active, it was such a pleasure to work with you. Especially I like the way team Green work today. You get "5s". The rest have "4s"..

The lesson is over, thank you. Good-bye.

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