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 ̳                          ()     . .  () ֲͲ ò  ̲ ϲ ˲Բֲ ղֲ  Բ     ² I ̲ί -ί ֲ  (, , 1718  2014 )     2014 ISSN 23128119  74.584(4)738.8 -66         (  8  10  2014 ) -66         :    ̳ - , . , 1718  2014 .   :   , 2014.  131 .      , , ,        ,       .  ,             .         .  74.584(4)738.8    , 2014 ̲ . ֲ 12.... 7 Sergienko V. N. THE PROBLEMS OF TESTING THE LEVEL OF MOTOR FITNESS STUDENTS............................................. 8 Shepieliev A. Y. COMPARISON OF ANTHROPOMETRIC BODY FEATURES OF HIGHCLASS VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS......... 10 Pesotskiy S. M. PROBLEMS OF TEACHING STUDENTS TO PLAY MINI-FOOTBALL. 12  . . ѲͲ ̲  Բ     Բ-rȅ.. 14  . .       #.. 16  . . Բ ϲ  rͲҲ  ϲ ί ϲȅ.. 18  . .        Ӆ. 22  . . ϲ ˲   Բ     ͲҲ в в-ί.. 24  . .,  . .    ȅ. 27  . .  . . Ͳ ʲ ί IJҲ ˲Բ ʲ-ʲ 29  . .           . 32  . .  ʲ-ί ϲ rͲʅ. 34  . . ֲ̲ Բ     Յ... 36  . ˲ ֲ ʲ   òӅ. 38  . .  òί Ҳ ֲ  Ҳ Ͳх. 40  . .,  . .,  . .        ۅ  42  . .,  . .  ,         .. 45 ֲ 3.... 49  . . Ͳ   Բ  ֲ    IJɅ. 50  . .       ȅ 52  . .,  . . в ˲ ֲ  -ί  ֲ 1217 ʲ.. 54 ֲ 4.... 56 Karkoszka G. MOTORIAL ABILITY AND SOMATIC COMPONENTS RELATING TO HEALTH BEHAVIOUR IN FEMALES STARTING EDUCATION AT UNIVERSITY.. 57 Siryk . E. NNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN PHYSICAL TRAINING OF STUDENTS WITH POOR HEALTH.. 59 Stasiuk R. . PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS OF MOTIVATIONAL- VALUE RELATION OF STUDENTS TO PHYSICAL CULTURŅ... 61  . .  Բ  ϲ   Բ-rޅ. 63  . . ҲͲ     Բί  (- ˲)... 65  . . Բ    ί  Ҳ #. 69  . .  Ҳ-в ϲ  Բ Ͳ Ҳ. 71  . ֲ  в Բ   ٲ: ²  Բί  Ͳ в в-ί.. 73  . .   Ӆ 76  . .  ֲ   r  Ͳ ֲ.. 78  . . Ҳ    ֲ Բ- ܅.. 80  . . Ͳ   Ҳ.. 82  . . ˲ ²    Բ-rޅ  84  . .   Ҳ ϲ   IJr̅... 86  . . Բ ò  Ͳ ղֲ ʲί ȅ. 88 ֲ 5.... 90  . .,  . . -  Ҳ ²  ̲ Բ     /Ͳ 91  . .         -  # 96  . . Ͳ вί Ҳ  Բ ߅... 99 ֲ 6.... 102 Ilyina K., Libovych H., Kushnir I., Pavlyshyn O. CROSSFIT AS MODERN MEANS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION.. 103 Gladchenko O. R., Siryk A. E. BADMINTON AS MEANS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN INTELLECT... 105  . .,  . .        ȅ. 107  . .,  . .,  . .     Ņ.. 110  . .,  . .,  . .     Ņ.. 113  . .   -   ί IJ 117  . .  ϲղ  ί  Ҳ.. 119  . .,  . .      -       .. 121  . . ²  ߅. 125  . .,  . .     .. 127 ֲ 1 ò E-LEARNING  ̲ ϲ ˲Բֲ  ղֲ Բ    E-LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES IN THE SYSTEM OF TRAINING OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT SPECIALISTS ֲ 2 ϲ Ҳ ²  ̲ Բ    IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION IN THE PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT THE PROBLEMS OF TESTING THE LEVEL OF MOTOR FITNESS STUDENTS Sergienko V. N., the Department of Physical Education, Associate Professor Sumy State University [email protected] The problem of testing and evaluation of motor readiness of the students still has not been solved, it proves both its complexity and the possibility of an alternative approach to its solving. [1] The difficulties faced in developing the test to assess motor fitness of students are different. First of all they are due to the lack of fundamental dependence linking indicators of motor abilities and other characteristics, the second point is the lack of clear criteria of the testing, and the third is the choice of a method for evaluating motor readiness [2]. Currently, all issues relating to the test exercises, their quantity, regulatory implementation and evaluation of the results are regulated by the physical education teachers. Analysis of their experience and capabilities underlines this fact, it causes the appearance of a large number of test systems, the lack of standards for the evaluation and makes it impossible to compare the level of motor fitness of students at different times at different schools, regions etc. It ultimately leads to a lack of control of a single motor readiness of the students. Today testing of students is an element of physical education and education as a whole, that is why it must meet the requirements that reflect legal, resource, organizational and other aspects of the functioning of these systems. Thus, we can formulate the following requirements: the number of test exercises must be as minimal as possible; the test should be relatively simple, the usage of sophisticated technical means should be excluded; the test should not cause injuries, etc. The evaluation of motor fitness of students depends on two essential different approaches: 1) each test trial has standards in accordance with which the level of motor readiness is determined, 2) the integrated motor readiness assessment is developed and it is based on the transformation of a multidimensional system of measurement (seconds, meters, number of repetitions) into a one- dimensional one (points). Most experts in the theory and methodology of physical education support an integrated approach to the assessment of motor fitness of students, however, they argue about the quantity and quality of the required parameters. Thus, you need a standard system of testing the level of motor fitness, the usage of which will lead to the improvement of the educational process and the motor abilities of students of different sexes and different age groups. Reference: 1. Bakanova A. F. The building a system of state standards in assessing the physical fitness of the students in Ukraine / A. F. Bakanova // Physical Education students.  2012.   2.  p. 812. 2. Mukusheva A. Evaluation of physical fitness of students / A. Mukusheva, L. Kudashova // The theory and a technique of physical training.  Almaty : Kazakh. Acad. Sport and Tourism, 2012.   4.  . 8589. COMPARISON OF ANTHROPOMETRIC BODY FEATURES OF HIGHCLASS VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS Shepieliev A. Y., and. sc. (biology), Associate Professor Sumy State University ukraine [email protected] Introduction . One of the factors determining skills of athletes in certain sport is body build features[2]. Sport result depends a lot on morphologic features of the sportsman, that is one of the selective factors determining the sportsman's perspective [4]. Purpose of research is studying of peculiarities anthropomentric and somatometric indices of super league, premier league and first league teams. Object and methods of research were 18 sportsmen (19-26 years old), 6 in each group, masters of sport, candidates for masters of sport in volleyball. 1st group consisted of super league team, 2nd premier league team, 3rd  first league team that take part in the Ukrainian Championship 20122013. Anthropometric study was made according to V. V. Bunak schemes [1]. Statistical mathematics methods were applied [3]. Results of research and their discussion. As it follows from the results of research data, the sportsmen body length of the 1st group in relation to the 2nd group is larger at 0,99% (p<0,05), in relation to the 3rd group- at 2,56% (p>0,05), and indices of the 2nd group in relation to the 3rd  at 1,43% (p<0,05). Body weight of the 1st group in relation to the 2nd group is larger at 1,68% (p<0,05), to the 3rd  at 2,73% (p>0,05), 2nd group in relation to the 3rd  at 1,80% (p<0,05). Breadth of shoulder in the 1st group in relation to the 2nd and 3rd group is larger at 1,12% (p<0,05) and 1,69% (p<0,05), 2nd group in relation to the 3rd is larger at 0,89% (p<0,05). Length of wrist in the 2nd group in relation to the 1st group is larger at 0,82% (p<0,05), in relation to the 3rd - at 0,86 (p<0,05), 1st group in relation to the 3rd  at 0,21 (p<0,05). Total length of foot in the 1st group in relation to the 2nd and 3rd group is larger at 1,52% (p<0,05) and 1,72% (p<0,05) respectively, 2nd group in relation to the 3rd  at 0,49% (p<0,05). Transverse diameter of chest and antero-posterior diameter of chest of the 1st group in relation to the 2nd group is larger at 0,89% (p<0,05) and 0,33% (p<0,05) respectively, in relation to the 3rd  at 3,83 % (p>0,05) and 0,35% (p<0,05), 2nd group in relation to the 3rd  at 2,75% (p>0,05) and 0,39% (p<0,05) respectively. Shoulder distal epiphysis in the 2nd group in relation to the 1st group is larger at 0,34% (p<0,05), to the 3rd  at 1,08% (p<0,05), 1st group in relation to the 3rd  at 0,66% (p<0,05). Diameter of the hip and shin distal epiphysis in the 2nd group in relation to the 1st group is larger at 0,04% (p<0,05) and 0,04%(p<0,05) respectively ,in relation to the 3rd  at 1,58% (p<0,05), and 0,94%(p<0,05), 1st group in relation to the 3rd  at 1,10% (p<0,05) and 0,81% (p<0,05) respectively. Conclusions. There is no significant difference in most medium, minimum and maximum indices between the super league team and premier league team because of increased physical activity and selection in the master teams. Comparing to the first league team these indices are much higher. Therefore knowing the specific characteristic features of volleyball players we can not only determine the movement capabilities of sportsmen, but also recommend some type of physical exercises that will correspond motor activity regime in each group, as well as roles (attacker, lybero). Literature: 1. Bunak V. V. Anthropometry / V. V Bunak.  M. : 1941.  368 p. 2. Chepulenas Alhirdas. Age and body build of high rank skiers / . Chepulenas, B. Statkyavichune // Theory and practice of physical culture  2011.   12.  p. 36. 3. Lapach S. M. Statisic methods in medical-biological researches using Excel / S. M. Lapach, A. V. Chubenko, P. M. Babich.  K. : Marion, 2000.  320 p. 4. Shaldin V. V. Improving sport results of skaters considering level of morphological features / V. V. Shaldin, Y. D. Pushkarev, D. A. Dyatlov // Theory and practice of physical culture.  2010.   2.  p. 1418 PROBLEMS OF TEACHING STUDENTS TO PLAY MINI-FOOTBALL Pesotskiy S. M., senior teacher Sumy State University [email protected] Teaching mini-football in high school has a number of specific features: the level of mastering students in technical elements is not formed due to the lack of initial training in mini-football in high school. There is the refracting of gaming experience when playing mini football indoor. Most students can play football and possess the basic skills of the game. But facing with the rules of playing mini football, sportsmen need to change not only the basic technical elements and principles but also the behavior during the game. The mini football coach should be able to present educational material competently, without breaking already formed ideas about playing football. Thus, there is a complicated task of correcting technical and tactical skills of the student and maintaining his interest in playing mini football which stands before the teacher of physical culture. The analysis of the literature indicates the lack of addressing the problem of teaching mini-football in high school. Authors [1; 2] indicate some aspects of training mini football, the main methodological principles which include individualization and differentiation of technical and tactical training, followed the emphasis on team play. Playing mini football differs from playing football a lot, though there is a similar set of rules and regulations in it. The main rules of playing mini football include: the teams consist of no more than 5 players, field size, weight of the ball, gate size are less than in football. We need indoor playground, special equipment, the number of judges is two arbitrators, the duration of the match is two halves of 20 minutes each, there are special rules when scoring goals (the goal is not scored if the ball bounces off the goalkeeper), there is no offside. When teaching mini-football in high school the teacher must operate not only the basic provisions and rules of the game, but also he must know how to build a training process, have his own training experience and principles. One of the main methodological principles of teaching mini-football is differentiated and personalized approach to coaching mini football. The coach usually operates with the already formed technical base of the student, making minor adjustments to the implementation of the technical elements, and focuses on solving tactical problems. The construction of the training process in a professional team of Sumy State University in the first division of Ukraine is based on the development of basic techniques, learning tactical situations and improving technical and tactical skills. The study found that theoretical, technical training of mini football players, the development of their physical qualities, the differentiation and individualization of tactical training influence the teaching mini-football in high school. The prospect of further research is in studying the impact of speed and agility on the technical and tactical level of training mini-football. We need to research the further analysis of the technical elements of owning transmission and reception of the ball, as well as psychological preparation of athletes. Literature: 1. Balaban B. A. Features of preparation of student teams to the Cup short-term events / B. A. Balaban, V. G. Lunin // Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical education and sport.  2012.   2.  . 1316. 2. Bezyazychny B. ., Modern methods of explosive force in futzalistiv / B. . Bezyazychny, O. V. Siryi, G. A. Lisenchuk, Y. A. Horchanyuk // Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical education and sport.  2011.   12.  . 911. ѲͲ ̲  Բ     Բ-r  . ., .    [email protected]    -       - .      - ,                 .        ,                          [1].   , -        ᒺ - ,     -. - : .  ,   ; .          ,     ; .    ,     ; .      ,   ,       ,     . -   : .       ; .     ; .      ,      ; .      ,      , ,     .; .        ; .     ,      ; .     ,    ; .   -    ; .               ; .            ; .           ; .      .  ,       -           -. ˳: 1. -         : .  / . . , . . , . . , . . , .   : . . - . ,     . . .  , 2012.  180 .         . ., . .    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(88%).          ,     ,  ,  ,        .  ,    ,       8-        ,   ,  .    ,     : , ,        . ֲ 3 Ͳ ò   IJ MODERN TECHNOLOGIES IN SWIMMING COURSE FOR CHILDREN Ͳ   Բ  ֲ    IJ  . .,      ӻ [email protected]        -       ,                 . ,              [1; 2].     -      .  (. 1),            .  1       .  ³ 2011  2012  2013  .  % .  % .  % 0.6  368 23,4 472 24,2 486 24,8 7.14  1448 64,5 1425 76,1 1512 84,4         .           24,1%,      75%.            ,         ,       .     ,   , -,      .   , ,            .                   ,      ,    ,   [2]. г        ,      ,      ,    .        ,   -   ,   ,        .  ,          ,          . ,      ,   ,    . ³,             ,         . ˳: 1.  . .   / . . .  . : . ., 2003.  248 . 2.  . .           : . . .  : 13.00.04 / . . .  ., 2003.  146 c.         . ., -   ,     1 [email protected]      ,  ,     ,   ,     ,    .   ,         ,      .           .   -         ,  ,     ,     , -       ,           .          : .        ,     ; .           .      ,             , -    ,     .              .     ,      ,   ,    .        ,   , ,     ,  -  .            .             :           .   ,  ,     3-          .                   .1..            -   .       ,          .  ,          . : 1.  . .           / . .  //     . . .  2010.   3.  . 7075. в ˲ ֲ   -ί  ֲ 1217 ʲ  . ., .,  . ., .    [email protected]             20122016  ,                          .   ,                ,   ,          [2].  . .  ,     ,    ,  0,92,1%,      2,24,5%,    12,325,9%,      43,250,5%,    21,734,1%  1217  [1].        -   1217        ,    .      1217       ,      ,     (. 1).  1     1217    ,      102,505,87 106,7514,32  62,314,95 68,589,03 0,00% 10,00% 20,00% 30,00% 40,00% 50,00% 60,00%              1217      -   .    7,69%      , 42,31%        50%      .    ,    ,   (. 1). . 1.  ,    ,   1217      (%)  ,        -    1217 . ˳: 1.  . .    / . . , . . , . .  //  .  2011.   8.  . 2024. 2.  . .            / . .  //   .  2009.  4.  . 2326. ֲ 4     ί IJ PROMOTING THE HEALTHY LIFESTYLE OF STUDENTS MOTORIAL ABILITY AND SOMATIC COMPONENTS RELATING TO HEALTH BEHAVIOUR IN FEMALES STARTING EDUCATION AT UNIVERSITY Gabriela Karkoszka, Doctor of Physical Culture University of Economics in Katowice, Poland [email protected] Aethiology of morbidity has its major source in personal risk factors of which a significant part is associated with the life style. Deficiency of physical exercise considerably promotes the disease of circulatory, respiratory and loco-motory systems. They are referred to modem- civilization-generated diseases. Capable of either maintaining and advancing or degrading health are health- related components. Childhood and youth significantly determine the adult life style. Frequent occurrence of the risky health-related behaviour in young people such as lack of adequate physical exercise, preference for a sedentary mode of living, stress, inappropriate diet, uncontrolled use of stimulants rise concern for the state of health of future generations. The appreciation of health as a value can be considered as part of health related comportments. Understanding of the health-related comportments of children and youth should become a foreground task for the community health care. This understanding ought to constitute the basis for intervening actions targeting the areas of education, prophylaxis and promotion of the health concepts. The aim of this study was to explore the differences between the levels of motorial efficiency, somatic components and health-related comportments of the young females graduating from various types of upper secondary schools. An attempt to determine the levels of motorial capabilities and the factors motivating health  oriented behaviour in the investigated girls was also made. The study included 481 girls of the mean age 18 years and 10 months in the cities of Myslowice and Katowice. There were three following parts of the study: defining girls tissue components using the Tanita scale, performing the physical fitness test Euro-fit and diagnosing girls health comportments with the use of a questionnaire. The results corroborated the hypothesis that depending on the type of school the differences existed in the particular health comportments, motorial fitness and somatic features. The comportments appeared to depend on the levels of motorial fitness and on some somatic components. They also depend on the acquired motorial skills and the appreciation of the health values. In the view of dangers fostered by the contemporary world, the issue of the development of pedagogic of physical and health culture becomes of particular meaning. Incorporated into upbringing, the concepts of healthy lifestyle together with physical fitness are considered to be the optimal educational and economic investments into the campaign against the threats carried together with civilization. The concept of health as being a significant individual and social value ought to be cooperatively promoted by family, school and all social institutions. Health and sport have the potential to become priority issues in the twenty first century education. INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN PHYSICAL TRAINING OF STUDENTS WITH POOR HEALTH Siryk . E., senior teacher Sumy State University [email protected] Many researchers suggest that there is a trend of worsening of students health, and it is an urgent problem for a modern Ukrainian society. According to statistics the number of students with poor health has significantly increased recently and they need to attend special groups of physical rehabilitation [1]. The only possible way out of this situation is the complex physical, moral and spiritual education of student youth. Physical education should provide a rational combination of innovative approaches to the educational process and health standpoints [2]. One of the priority directions of the improvement of physical education is the development of scientific principles of physical monitoring of personal development based on modern information technology. The organization and realization of dynamic monitoring of students with poor health involves optimal tools and methods of physical education that will promote students needs for a healthy lifestyle. From 2012 to 2013 we conducted the experiment among the students of the first and the second year of studying with poor health who belonged to the groups of physical rehabilitation. All these students of Sumy State University were divided into the subgroups according to the nosology of the diseases and the initial level of their physical fitness. It has been experimentally proved that the students with the same level of physical capacity who has various diseases can be combined in a one subgroup. This helped to solve different organizational and methodical problems connected with the implementation of the process of physical education. The method of studying was carried out according to the differentiated programs in which the individual characteristics of the involved students with poor health were taken into consideration. As a matter of fact various forms of corrective exercises, recreational elements of Pilates, breathing exercises of Body flex in addition to the traditional means of physical influence were included in the content of a training session. Dosed cyclic aerobic exercise (swimming, health path, "Nordic" walking) were performed with acceptable and minimal recreational and training load. The students received necessary information and methodological knowledge at first and then used it to make their own individual programs of the proposed algorithm and the teacher always helped them. The created technology of differentiation of physical fitness in accordance to the recovery algorithm was aimed at a gradual adjustment of the work of weakened organs and systems using motor regimes which were optimal for each nosology. The interaction of various forms of physical training sessions, the relationship of their meaning and continuity levels ensure the management of physical activity of students with poor health in accordance to the above mentioned nosological characteristics and needs when we talk about teaching students who attend physical rehabilitation training groups. Thus, the usage of innovative methods of general preventive and therapeutic effects has a stimulating effect on the correction of physical and functional capabilities of students with poor health who attends the groups of physical rehabilitation. Literature: 1.  . .      / . .  //   .  , 2012.   3.  . 117119. 2.  . .        / . .  //  ,    .  , 2010.  . 158159. PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS OF MOTIVATIONAL- VALUE RELATION OF STUDENTS TO PHYSICAL CULTURE Stasiuk R. ., Associate Professor Sumy State University [email protected] Contents of sports activities specified through motivational sphere that includes motives, interests, values. By driving forces of human behavior are also feelings and emotions. Motivational scope determines not only the important activities carried out , but the prospect of further development activities in the desired direction. In educational research aimed at studying and improving physical education students in higher education institutions tend to analyze some one side of the problem  "teaching" or "student". Such a one- way analysis of physical education in higher education inevitably leads to conclusions eclectic and can not be considered and refine it as a dialectical process, where the "subject-object" should be seen as poles self-governing system that self-developing. In theory and practice of physical education insufficiently studied educational conditions of the conscious attitude of students towards physical education, it is impossible to create and implement without the closest personal cooperation between teachers and students [1; 3]. The aim of our work was to study the issue and make an analysis of motivational and task orientation process of physical education and issues in one way or another indirect effect on this trend. Present the process of physical education in higher education in the form of an information model. Based on these requirements, we used a questionnaire for teachers and students to the questionnaire, the answers to the question, which has revealed the setting of physical education in higher education - from a position of student and teacher positions. This approach allowed to see fundamental differences with motivational and task orientation between them, to identify the main source of conflict as the main driving force of the process of physical education and then develop appropriate pedagogical conditions that contribute to the resolution of these conflicts. For this question were generally divided into blocks of 1-st  block includes questions that reveal the needs, motivations and goals related to the mastery of physical education, 2-nd  questions that reveal the knowledge and skills relating to physical Culture. In 3-rd block - Form for students included questions on their physical fitness and capabilities (for teachers  related to their personal and professional qualities). Unit 4-th  questions that reveal the socio-demographic characteristics [2; 4]. The survey results reveal the setting of physical education in higher education from the standpoint of the student and teacher positions. 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It is known that thanks to the balanced utilization of different means of physical trainings in various periods of educational activities, efficiency of physical education is rising, efferent activity is increasing and students psychological health is returning to the normal state. Nowadays, CrossFit can be enlisted as such means as well. It is new means of students physical trainings which is becoming more and more popular among the population of different countries in the world. CrossFit is one of the types of fitness. The founder of such a way of trainings is Greg Glassman, American exgymnast. CrossFit is the system of thorough physical training which consists of constantly varying functional movements done at high intensity. This program is worked out to prepare a person to any physical loading and vital situations. The aim of CrossFif is physical development of students in working capacity of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, endurance, strength, flexibility, speed, coordination, velocity of adaptation of organism to the change of loading, balance and precision. Program of CrossFit consists of so called Workout of the Day (WOD). Complex WOD is usually distinguished by rise of intensity and lasts for 20 minutes. Complex exercises of WOD are mixtures of basic movements of different sports. For instance, dumbbell exercises, weightlifting, gymnastics, rowing (on a special training equipment), light athletics, exercises with proper weight of body etc. Typical training includes limbering-up, learning and practice of the new movements and elements. The next is the performance of the WOD complex and in the end there is a training hitch and correction of mistakes. The advantages of CrossFit among others physical activities is that most trainers make their own programming and instructional methods. If do all complexes WOD properly, training will differ from each other during the year. Besides, it depends on physical features of the athlete and conditions of the workouts. After some investigations, we found that there are 20 hours of strength sport of CrossFit per year at IFNU. The total number of students that train strength sport is more than 6%. It is the third year students from 17 different departments. Especially students are interested in CrossFit as a separate sport specialization of modern form of physical activity. Also, this kind of sport does not require much material costs and time limits. One of the main advantages that students emphasize is an opportunity to train themselves in their free time. CrossFit is a promising kind of physical activity that improves and makes students health much stronger. It includes a large amount of different exercises with various sports for all muscle groups and body systems. The advantages of CrossFit as a means of physical activity in the system of physical training include: . Universality . A variety of workouts. If do all complexes WOD properly, workouts will differ from each other during the whole year. . Sanitation Literature: 1. rossfit [ ].    : crossfit.com/cf-info/certs.shtml BADMINTON AS MEANS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN INTELLECT Gladchenko O. R., a senior teacher of the foreign languages department Siryk A. E., a senior teacher of the physical training department Sumy State University [email protected] Human Psychophysiology forms mutually agreed unity where targeted development of one of the components can ensure the development of the other. Mass character and attractiveness of physical culture and sports as leisure components make urgent the task to develop intellectual abilities. The results of scientific research show that the support of the processes of development of movements with the help of the reflection allows to complement kinematic process of human development with the improvement of his intellectual capabilities and memory function [1]. Badminton is a kind of institution for human body movement, the learning tool of diverse motor skills. The higher level of these skills and the richer their stock is the more successful a person copes with unfamiliar motor tasks. The high culture of motor skills can quickly bring the desired traffic to automatism and thereby liberate the mind for other tasks. In modern conditions, a large number of professions requires subtle muscular sense of the hand, barely perceptible movement of the fingers, on the basis of which the quality of motor activity improves. Perhaps no other sport does not have such a rich palette of the hand, micro-movements of fingers, like badminton [2]. It should be noted that the small finger movements are the fairly complex activities, that require much greater coordination of the nervous system than the simple powerful movements of the hand. The hand of a badminton player is compared with the hand of a top violinist for the sophistication of small movements of fingers. It is known, that the development of fine motor of a hand is positively correlated with the development of intellectual mnemonic functions of a human brain. Almost every movement should be "smart" both during competition and training if you want your badminton play be successful. There is a saying in badminton: "Play first with your head, then with your legs and only then with your hand". Operational thinking manifests itself in solving complex unpredictable game situations, that requires rapid calculation of various variants of motor actions . The opportunities of a badminton player to make and implement creative solutions as soon as possible determine his creativity and sociability that is primarily manifested in the doubles and mixed doubles matches. Badminton players must exhibit a high intensity of concentration in the extreme situations. In addition, it is believed, that the movement of the hand at a contact with the racket handle activates the cerebral cortex activity. All mentioned above determines the significant intellectual potential of badminton. Thus, it can be stated that badminton is a means of effective development of human intellect. The modern young people tend to more "intelligent" kinds of sports, which harmoniously combine physical and mental perfection. Playing badminton requires special physical and psychological qualities: physical endurance, agility and coordination, operational and analytical thinking, creativity, persistence of attention, quick reaction rate and high level of health. 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